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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!


For instance farming
using batanist profile(quest bot)

if die in instance
HB cant find corpse

plz make profile tag
like <dead>
so user can control dead char to find corpse
Make hb just for cr so it doesnt go down for people who just raid pls, during patch release specially. I know it only goes down for few days but raiders using it for higher guild cant work with this.
Could you make a drop-down box on the initial honorbuddy login dialog box that saves the recently used honorbuddy passwords so I can just select one I've used before? Sometimes my honorbuddy or WoW will crash and I like to just login with my second key instead of going to the buddy auth and logging in and killing the session to avoid the "max sessions" message.
I would like to see BGBuddy actually go for objectives in battlegrounds. For instance, if you have certain talents selected it would be nice if the bot acted on it. Like for instance, if a rogue has burst of speed selected, the bot will make the choice to go for the flag/orbs. The vehicles don't really matter, but it would be nice to prioritize them so the bot knows to protect them and uses aoe slows.
I would also like to see an upgraded smart targeting system. I know it's been mentioned before, but, I'd love it if the bot made healers their number 1 priority and also attack the targets with the least amount of health.

Thanks for all the hard work you guys do for us! I really enjoy your product! Keep up the good work.
me and my wife us hb my wife pc can handle was using both core but in ordser to use hb she has to drop down to only one core is there any 64 bit hb in the works
The only issue I've ever had with HB is DungeonBuddy... at some point all of the dungeons seem to have corrupted scripts and there has been NO help from the DungeonBuddy dev. There are countless reports of broken scripts in his DB thread and not a single issue has been resolved.
Hi im not sure if this is in the right area,

issue is with mouting i have the cloud serpents flying on my main char but not on my alt, what happens is when the bot goes to mount on the alt it tries to mount the cloud serpent and cannot due to not having the skill and then it fails back to land mount and runs around and uses the flight path. can the bot exclude the serpent mounts enlse it has the skill to use them please?

other one is for partybot what are the chances of adding a lan/ip connet to feature? u already have it open port 1337 to listen to on (localhost) just add in ssl support optional and or a setup box for party leader ip/port and or password to connect to?

thanks for reading hoping this gets looked at.
I'd like to see some more plugins added to base download like jump , better flying , better movement , more random nodes , and most importantly a whisper alarm or some set auto reply

This bot is a big improvement over my last one wow glider but they had some feature above that I miss I am however very new to HB
1) I would like to see a Thread about Hb wehn its down where the devs can write how long it take to get it back up i find its not that hard two right a few sentences about what tha status is for example "Hello guys on the 3.3.14 Blizzard made a ninja patch Hb is currently down than right someting about what the problem is "The problem is that blizzard sucks and blalbla just for an example than say on what are you working on "we are currently working on the quest bot the newest patch made it impossible to accept quest anymore so our main focus is on this until the 4.4.14 we are planing the reales a first test build than maybe a releas a Work plan to let us see on what did you worked on and finished and on what are you currently working one
Questing 100%
Grinding 100%
Bg Buddy 85% ( we are currently working on it should work but sometimes it has problems with queing up for a Bg
Proffessionbuddy 99% (the newest patch didnt interact with this bot but we dont work currently on this and had yust a little look at it
Archaeology 00%( Currently not usable becaus of .....

2) Pleas work with Plugins creator and Profile Writters togheter for example Cava if he would get a little bit money from you guys nobody need to Donat anymore and he would have a stabil incom to work with
3) And Ask the Community what they want

I am German so i Hope you could understand me
I would really like to see questing bot less grindy. I am not talking about kill between hot spots, I am talking about killing every single thing one by one even if it is yellow or non aggressive after the quest is finished. I would also like to see a pause button for questing bot just like lazy raider.
I would really like to see questing bot less grindy. I am not talking about kill between hot spots, I am talking about killing every single thing one by one even if it is yellow or non aggressive after the quest is finished. I would also like to see a pause button for questing bot just like lazy raider.

You can set this in the profile using the TargetDistance, the thing is the questing profiles sometimes grind of purpose to level up
Regarding GatherBuddy, I'd love to see the bot go around tall geographical features instead of flying up and over them (Jade Forest spike mountains, for example). A normal person would just go around them, whereas the bot kinda makes itself obvious by flying up and over them.
I'd like to see a Glider feature built-in. Meaning, when you are fighting mobs and HB would detect that other mobs are close by, you can choose to either PULL them or AVOID them by smart-moving out of the way. Glider did that and it was fantastic to see. It started walking backwards towards an open space without mobs, to avoid pulling more than X you've chosen in the setup. Simply also to avoid dying :)
So make HB aware of the surroundings!
Secondly what Glider did was the selling/repairing/mailing of items while in town, and not only when bags full. Glider somehow knew when you were in town, so it emptied bags, bought food/drink, mailed stuff even when your bags were not full yet. It was just SMART. HB can not do this now, and I often catch him turning in quests, having 3 slots free (limit is 2), walking away, doing quests/killing, looting 1 item (2 slots free then) and going back to town again,. This wastes time.
A simple hands on profile writer for noobs to click start recording... save profile... GO~! If I want to make a profile in BG's that go to a flag... hold in place for 10 minutes... and then move to another flag... or any other combo of instructions... click click click... save... go....

Integrated into the already sexy interface.
With the recent talented changes, I would love to see a dual spec option in the settings tab. I am kinda lazy, everytime I change the spec the bot wont start until I am changing the specialization options.
that exists now. mihaimyh ( drop down menu middle of the program interface ) select your class and spec . and go.