Good day! I have some suggestions on BGBuddy logic improvements that I'd really like to share with developers. And first of all, sorry if my English is bad, I hope you will get the point of my suggestions.
The biggest problem of BGBuddy is that on the beginning of the battle, the bot idle at the base waiting for the biggest fight to start moving somewhere. From my point of view, this should be changed for each battleground.
I think that it really doen't matter how many times bot dies in battleground, it's more important to not look suspicious to other players and don't get your account banned. And add some small random factors to the routine.
- As soon as the battleground starts, bot should immediately start moving to enemy base, ignoring everything. On WSG there are 3 "routes" to the enemy base - left side, center and right side. That would be really great if side could be chosen randomly, so it just rolls from 1 to 3 and pick the route, so there will be no lines of bots moving the same route. It doesn't matter how fast the bot will die, after death it should start moving to biggest fight as it doing right now. Enemy flag room should be just first important route point of this bg untill the bots death. If bot didn't die in the enemy flag room, it should switch to normal 'biggest fight' searching. If bot is attacked while moving, ofc it should start fighting.
- No flag defence at own base. This is really a problem when 3-4 bots are just standing at base near the flag or their teammates with enemy flag. The enemy team member with flag should be the highest priority to kill, so it should be just searching and trying to kill enemy flag carrier all the time, just like normal a little noobish player would do.
- During the fight bot should randomly go to one of the building with berserker buff and switch back to the 'biggest fight', dont wait for buff if its not there, just run in and run back to fight. There are 2 buildings with buff and bot could alo roll 1-2 to pick the room number, this should happend after some number of deaths, for example after each 5th death, the bot goes to try pick the buff. This will not improve bot fighting skill, but it adds additional random factor.
- 'Biggest fight' doensn't work well for WSG, so flag carrier should be always in prio to the biggest fight.
Arathi Basin
- As soon as the battleground starts, bot should immediately start moving to one of 3 central bases (mines, blacksmith, timberwood), ignoring everything. Base number should be also randomly rolled from 1 to 3. If bot succesfully captures the base, stay there and defend it. If bot dies, it goes to 'biggest fight'.
- Attacked base defence mechanism. If bot is not defending captured base and is moving somewhere searching the 'biggest fight', it should move to the attacked by other team base. Attacked base should be in prio to the biggest fight.
Eye of the Storm
- As soon as the battleground starts, bot should immediately start moving to opposite team bases.
- Bot should be randomly moving betwen bases. The are 4 bases and bot can roll 1 to 4 to pick the base. On each base he should wait for lets say 20 seconds and start moving to another one if he is not attacked by enemy players. If in combat, pick the base after leaving combat.
Alterac Valley
- This is big battleground and current logic works fine here.
Stand of the Ancients
- Current logic is fine. I really doubt it is possible to prevent bot from fighting on the beach, so it's ok.
Isle of Conquest
- Make bot to always use portals from the base. Sometimes bot is getting stuck with closed gates. Everything else is fine here, another big battleground, hard to detect bot players.
Twin Peaks
- Everything same as for WSG. Moving to enemy base at the beginning, flag carrier prio to biggest fight, no own flag or friendly flag carrier defence.
The Battle for Gilneas
- Current logic is fine, but some random base movement would be nice, same as with the Eye of the Storm.
Temple of Kotmogu
- Current logic is fine, simple battleground with fighting in the center.
Silvershand Mines
- Current logic is fine, but making the bot to always fight close to the cart would be great.
Deepwind Gorge
- 3 bases and cart carrier. Randomly run to capture on of the bases rolling 1 to 3. If the base if already captured, wait there 20 seconds and move to another random one. Enemy player with cart is highest prio to bases and biggest fight.
So main idea is adding randomness factor with adding 3 to 5 main points to each battleground and making bot to randomly pick one of them and move among them when there are no flag carriers to kill or bases to capture. And of course, adding forced movement at the beginning of the fight and removing defending logic for most battlegrounds. Bot should be acting more like random noobish player, who is just fooling around and less like a machine controlled character.
I know nothing about programming and I'll never be able to modify existing routines or create the new ones, so I hope one of the developers would find some suggestions useful and will try to bring them to life. Thx for reading and sry for long post