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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

Would love to see BGbuddy being more customizable and better in randomizing events. The trains are annoying, and would love to make profiles for BGbuddy to have something of my own.

Besides BGbuddy I think a better randomized GB2 would be great to have to farm. I heard there was an issue with banrates on this but not sure about that but do know it's still somewhat noticeable in it's flight behaviour.
Fly over mountains while flying past them is faster etc.

Hi, PanYama,

You will need to give some concrete examples for us to write up a feature request. Currently, I believe BGbuddy does path randomization somewhat.

We know that Gatherbuddy2 does indeed randomize paths—look for "Randomization factor" in the GB2 configuration. If this is not sufficient for your needs, please provide a solid example or compelling reason why it is not sufficient.

Could you add an option to "FlyTo" which does still work :) to be able to use FlightMasters... basically if you use a FlyTo in it's current form to get to a location it will just fly there but sometimes it's faster to use the Flightmaster... an optional parameter in the FlyTo behaviour would see an increase in speed, the bot would use a flying mount instead of a ground mount to get to a FlightMaster and then when it gets there it will continue on a flying mount which I believe could increase the speed of the bot's progress on a task.

Hi, Giwin,

We posed this idea as a change to Flightor to the senior development staff. Although the idea has value, the staff felt the code complexity it would introduce could not be justified. We estimated that it would shave 2-3 minutes off of maybe a dozen trips in a 1-90 questing profile. This was just not enough time saved to justify the development time and the ongoing maintenance costs for including this feature.

Very sorry,
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The built-in auto-equipper doesn't get that Ghost Iron Dragonling has stats. Gives it a 0 weight value, which is sad since it's pretty BiS for leveling from 87-90.

Gonna suck having to turn off the bot every time a quest gives a trinket reward.

Hi, LowKey,

If AutoEquip is making wrong decisions, we need to see the logs of the event—both the main log, and the adjunct "AutoEquip" log.

I would love to see support for druid shapeshifting, flying and travel form. Other than than I'm very much pleased with the product.
I would love to see support for druid shapeshifting, flying and travel form. Other than than I'm very much pleased with the product.

Hi, Botomaniac,

The Honorbuddy-shipped Singular already supports the Druid shapeshifting you describe. Other Combat Routines may or may not support it.

I would like to see multi boxing incorporated in honor buddy, kind of like the raf bot that the developer Fpsware had made. this would help with questing, farming, leveling as well as battle grounds or what ever. a lot of people have bought like myself 3 lifetime keys but we must depend on other developers to make and maintain a multi boxing program to work with honor buddy for free. most of the time when honor buddy is updated with some kind of major changes we must wait until the developer makes some kind of update for there bot to work IF they are still here. Also I think a chat bot like shut up AIML would be a big help for protection I think it would help when people whisper you or a game moderator would whisper you it would at least answer on your behalf I will include the links from the HB form for you guys to look at. At the present time I think that both developers have left honor buddy. Both are great programs in my opinion, here are the links.
thanks ,
I would like to see multi boxing incorporated in honor buddy, kind of like the raf bot that the developer Fpsware had made. this would help with questing, farming, leveling as well as battle grounds or what ever. a lot of people have bought like myself 3 lifetime keys but we must depend on other developers to make and maintain a multi boxing program to work with honor buddy for free. most of the time when honor buddy is updated with some kind of major changes we must wait until the developer makes some kind of update for there bot to work IF they are still here. Also I think a chat bot like shut up AIML would be a big help for protection I think it would help when people whisper you or a game moderator would whisper you it would at least answer on your behalf I will include the links from the HB form for you guys to look at. At the present time I think that both developers have left honor buddy. Both are great programs in my opinion, here are the links.
thanks ,

Hi, Riverratt,

Thank you for the suggestion.

Honorbuddy provides a wide spectrum of bots, several of which are capable of running competently in multi-session configurations: BGBuddy, Dungeonbuddy, and PartyBot.

We agree that PartyBot is not up to FPSware's offering. That is why we leave the Honorbuddy architecture open—so Community members can take the bot in directions that Bossland GmbH does not have time to pursue.

Each bot or plugin we add to Honorbuddy:
  • Increases the maintenance burden on the development staff's already very limited time
  • Increases the time to recover from 'patch day'
As such, having Bossland GmbH add new bots and plugins to Honorbuddy is not something we will consider at this time. In fact, we are working in the opposite direction—to reduce all plugins that ship with Honorbuddy, as this reduces the maintenance burden. This is one of the reasons you've seen the Talented and AutoEquip plugins folded into the HBcore. In the HBcore, such plugins are much easier to maintain, because of tighter integration.

We know this is not the answer you want to hear. But, we are going to be forthright about our goals and intents.

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Please could you add the option to use the Navigator system in InteractWith instead of it's current Flightor-Only mechanism when traveling to an area, this should allow support for the bot to use RunTo type travelling (using Flight Path, easily go to areas which are indoors, travel long distances); I've found that RunTo a lot more reliable because it uses Navigator and I usually have to stick a RunTo because I use IW when I want to travel someone which is far away.

I think this option which allows you to change the Navigation type is already available to some Objective tags, it's called Nav="Fly" (I don't know the Navigator name).

Thank you :).

Please could you add the option to use the Navigator system in InteractWith instead of it's current Flightor-Only mechanism when traveling to an area, this should allow support for the bot to use RunTo type travelling (using Flight Path, easily go to areas which are indoors, travel long distances); I've found that RunTo a lot more reliable because it uses Navigator and I usually have to stick a RunTo because I use IW when I want to travel someone which is far away.

I think this option which allows you to change the Navigation type is already available to some Objective tags, it's called Nav="Fly" (I don't know the Navigator name).

Thank you :).

Hi, Giwin,

All QBcore-based quest behaviors (e.g., InteractWith) already supports this with the MovementBy attribute. MovementBy defaults to "FlightorPreferred". It sounds like you want "NavigatorPreferred" or "NavigatorOnly". All dox and examples are at top of InteractWith.cs as comments. Although, that is going to refer you to QuestBehaviorBase.cs also, for the additional attributes and sub-elements supported for all QBcore-based behaviors.

Mabey add something like an automatic relog.
For instance ur farming herbs on ur hunter for 2 hours and after that automaticly relog on ur warrior to start questing to make it look more human
Mabey add something like an automatic relog.
For instance ur farming herbs on ur hunter for 2 hours and after that automaticly relog on ur warrior to start questing to make it look more human

Hi, Thomas911, and welcome aboard.

Bossland GmbH has already provided two solutions for this: [post=324557]ARelog[/post] (handles several Bossland GmbH products) and [post=458625]HBRelog[/post] (tailored to Honorbuddy usage).

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64 bit wow client support, or does it already do that?
no , we don't. There currently is no need to do it. 32 bit applications run fine even on 64 bit systems
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A feature to select a random profile from within a selected folder. You can do this to a limited degree to ProfileChanger plugin or through tasks on HBRelog, but these aren't truely random and more of a prescribed order that you have to manually go in and alter. What I'd like to see is you just select a folder (rather than a specific xml file) and click run and the bot will then just randomly select an xml file from within that folder.

Would work great since every time you start/stop the bot it will pick out another random profile, which would be great in tandem with tools like HBRelog when setting it up to take breaks. Would help to reduce how many times a toon is hitting each hot spot with limited manual intervention of changing profiles.
A feature to select a random profile from within a selected folder. You can do this to a limited degree to ProfileChanger plugin or through tasks on HBRelog, but these aren't truely random and more of a prescribed order that you have to manually go in and alter. What I'd like to see is you just select a folder (rather than a specific xml file) and click run and the bot will then just randomly select an xml file from within that folder.

Would work great since every time you start/stop the bot it will pick out another random profile, which would be great in tandem with tools like HBRelog when setting it up to take breaks. Would help to reduce how many times a toon is hitting each hot spot with limited manual intervention of changing profiles.

Hi, Retal,

This would be easy to do in a plugin (or ProfessionBuddy). We try not to add any more 'feature weight' to the HBcore, unless absolutely necessary. Doing so increases the maintenance burden, which means downtime from patch days would be longer.

Max Sessions

All day been trying to log in and it is saying max sessions. waited 1 full hour and it still says max sessions please help.
All day been trying to log in and it is saying max sessions. waited 1 full hour and it still says max sessions please help.

it says improvements here, and u need to QQ about summit thats all over the forum allr.

READ! Auth servers are down.

As improvement:

Implement in the bot or in a plugin, that if your bot cant reach his corps for x min, ressing at
the gy and wait out ress sickness before continuing.

So many nights i wake up finding my corps trying to ress again but cant reach it.
might be a bit over the top and useless idea, but what about being able to queue for stuff using both your main spec and off spec, and the bot changes to which ever one is picked for the queue
Implement in the bot or in a plugin, that if your bot cant reach his corps for x min, ressing at
the gy and wait out ress sickness before continuing.

So many nights i wake up finding my corps trying to ress again but cant reach it.

Hi, Webhond,

For some reason, we thought Honorbuddy already did this. But, we've opened feature request HB-825 ("If we can't reach corpse for N minutes, port back and use Spirit Healer") to have the issue investigated.

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