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HB ARCHIVES: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements--DO NOT DELETE!

Please remove all non-official or unsupported bot bases from shipping with HB, DB is shit right now and until it is supported officially will most likely continue to be so. This is dangerous for your user base and misleading since the purchase page says it supports all bot types when in fact it does not.

Also talk to your mods for being heavy handed thread locking Nazis this has nothing to do with the bot but more with the forums where no one can voice their opinion without getting their thread locked just because it's an issue a mod does not agree with.

Fully agree.
In my opinion DungeonBuddy should get the highest priority, followed with BGbuddy. Since judjing from myslef and other people that i know who use bots - we use Questing bot at the LEAST.
As well keep in mind that people who live in Germany don't even have a Questing bot, so how working on it hard right now will benefit them. Questing bot works just fine as it is right now.
Also as AtomX said above, do something with the mods, since if they dont like something - they just lock the threads...
Please remove all non-official or unsupported bot bases from shipping with HB, DB is shit right now and until it is supported officially will most likely continue to be so

Or just don't use it :O what? ikr there is that option to just not click it, crazy eh
Or just don't use it :O what? ikr there is that option to just not click it, crazy eh

The main reason for my request to have them removed was because Honorbuddy the Bot for World of Warcraft states that all bot modes are supported. This gives the false impression that is is an official bot base and has proper support. So new users will think it is working properly start it up and walk away to come back to countless reports and most likely a ban. It either needs to be officially supported or it needs to be removed from the list of bots that HB ships with.

For instance by looking at your sign up date, which is not much later than my own you still do not know which dungeons and scenarios are coded and safe to use yet because the thread for it can't even be kept up to date.

Does anyone have that list of confirmed working dungeons that used to be laying around?

The list has been archived and is not somewhere that a newer user would not know to look for it. Thus resulting in unsafe use of the bot base.
My biggest request would be:

1.) Let us switch between characters (CRs) without having to close and relog HB.

A presets menu would be nice:

2.) Let us assign default CRs via a presets menu per character so we don't have to choose them each time on startup.

3.) Let us toggle the default state of HonorBuddy to 'Started' (on/off) so we don't have to click each time. Per character via a presets menu.

4.) Let us define custom directories per character via a presets menu. Options could include Profiles, CR settings and such.

Hope you like the suggestions. I believe they would benefit many users and on a regular basis.
I came back to honorbuddy/wow botting after almost 1 year and already see problems/bugs that have been arround for years and still not any improvement at all.

I really don't understand, why there is still no routine that checks certain behaviour like

- movement
- interacting with mobs
- interacting with npc

Problems that have been reported million times and still no improvement at all:

Quest pick up/ turn in

Nothing is more frustrating than seeing the bot trying to pickup / turn in a quest, allthough there is nothing to pickup / turn in. Why isn't there a routine that checks, if the pick up / turn in, was successful? Set a timer for pick up / turn in, if the timer fails, continue with other quests. But no, the bot stands in front of a npc clicking it million times. This problem is as old as the QuestBot botbase itself. Problem exists for years.

Move to close arround corners/objects

Same issues here, this has been stated soooo damn often and still no improvement. Bot runs against walls/doors while running in/out of an inn, just because he runs too close arround corners. This is obviously related to too hard set meshing. Problem exists for years.

General stuck in endless loop of action

No matter if while doing quests, stuck while moving, stuck while interacting ... the bot does it in an endless loop. Why isn't there a 100% always running routine, that checks, whether the previous executed command/action has been successfully done?

Right now it looks like:

*running to position b*
*waiting till position b is reached*

if he gets stuck while reaching point b, he will wait in an endless loop.

Why can't it be like

*running to position b with coords x y z, starting from current coords x y z*
*subroutine that checks whether coords till position xyz have changed*

- yes, continue till coords at position b have been reached (subroutine still checks current position against target position until target position is reached)
- no, check current position, generate alternative path, start unstuck, whatever

If we would have such permanent if/loop/while conditions arround everything the bot does, we wouldn't have any endless loop behaviour at all.

Right now, as all the time before the quest bot is completely useless as it gets stuck forever, repeats the same mount/dismount action forever without any routine covering this enormous high risk of getting reported and banned.

Seriously i want to understand it, why are there no improvements? This is no super duper nice to have feature, this is the most basic security feature any automated software should have to be able to provide proceeding functionality.

New HB version and still endless loop of bot trying to mount. No recognition that he already tried to mount approximately 10 million times and obviously is stuck somehow, just nothing. C'mon guys do something about that. Don't you have a priority list?

This endless being stuck in an action exists FOR YEARS.
Bot should buy food that is the "latest", since the bot sometimes buys rubbish level 15 food when I'm level 32 because the vendor doesn't have better... what the bot should do is GetBestFood from a number of vendors and if the bot has to travel a bit to get better food then I think it would be worth it.
Bot should buy food that is the "latest", since the bot sometimes buys rubbish level 15 food when I'm level 32 because the vendor doesn't have better... what the bot should do is GetBestFood from a number of vendors and if the bot has to travel a bit to get better food then I think it would be worth it.

At least yours buys food, this has not been working for me for ages, just walks up to the vendor, opens the trade window and immediately blacklists the vendor and does this repeatedly. I am often in SW when I start a profile though, obviously no high level food there, but when I portal to an area with appropriate food is HB makes now attempt to buy it from a vendor nearby. if I stop and start HB it will go find a vendor but immediately blacklist it, even if it has appropriate food.

I still think we should be able to pick the food we buy, I obviously buy food for raiding and if I do run out of "normal" food it starts using that, obviously the raid food is more expensive that normal food I use for questing, picking what food NOT to eat may even be a better option.

At least yours buys food, this has not been working for me for ages, just walks up to the vendor, opens the trade window and immediately blacklists the vendor and does this repeatedly. I am often in SW when I start a profile though, obviously no high level food there, but when I portal to an area with appropriate food is HB makes now attempt to buy it from a vendor nearby. if I stop and start HB it will go find a vendor but immediately blacklist it, even if it has appropriate food.

I still think we should be able to pick the food we buy, I obviously buy food for raiding and if I do run out of "normal" food it starts using that, obviously the raid food is more expensive that normal food I use for questing, picking what food NOT to eat may even be a better option.


did you turn off all plugins, use singular? I use my own profiles.

you need to be more clear, such as providing a log.
did you turn off all plugins, use singular? I use my own profiles.

you need to be more clear, such as providing a log.

I was just generalising. these days I am using singular and basic profiles, HB is too messed up to do anything else. I can run some logs with profiles tonight if you like.

Please can you remove the cache option as I think it causes more problems than it solves, don't just move it internally but just remove the cache and they'll be less support issues etc.
Is there a chance that you could try and implement a feature that would randomise the .exe name to logical and legitimate .exe names with descriptions etc to make the .exe look legit?

We do need some security measures now i feel.
As I've returned to writing profiles, I've come across a small problem with herb and mine nodes. Whenever they're on the side of a mountain or something that is not easily reached and the bot tends to bounce up and down not ever actually getting the node, can you make it either: 1. Land on the node if it's a mining node. (or) 2. Process the area where it can land with the best angle and prevent the bot from falling off.

I realize this is something that would be a difficult change, but it would also put honorbuddy ahead of the game and at a huge advantage to other bots.

Thanks again developers, I'll await an answer
Creating a dorpdown list for previous keys used to log into the auth portal.
Creating a dorpdown list for previous keys used to log into the auth portal.

This would be awesome. I currently have a notepad file with all of the details in it and need to open it whenever logging multiple sessions/keys.
A keyboard shortcut while in the game screen to pause would be very nice. Sometimes things go terribly wrong and I want to take over without tabbing out to HB. Also, it would be lovely if you could kill prior sessions instead of saying "max sessions". I'm real tired of this error when HB crashed 3 minutes ago.
A keyboard shortcut while in the game screen to pause would be very nice. Sometimes things go terribly wrong and I want to take over without tabbing out to HB. Also, it would be lovely if you could kill prior sessions instead of saying "max sessions". I'm real tired of this error when HB crashed 3 minutes ago.

Create an account here, Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal and you can log on and kill your sessions. Make sure you use the same email address you used while purchasing your Buddy product.
Well that would be great except I'm having technical difficulties there and you have to admit that it would be nice to just have the button on the bot instead of a going to a web page.
As I've returned to writing profiles, I've come across a small problem with herb and mine nodes. Whenever they're on the side of a mountain or something that is not easily reached and the bot tends to bounce up and down not ever actually getting the node, can you make it either: 1. Land on the node if it's a mining node. (or) 2. Process the area where it can land with the best angle and prevent the bot from falling off.

I realize this is something that would be a difficult change, but it would also put honorbuddy ahead of the game and at a huge advantage to other bots.

Thanks again developers, I'll await an answer
A simple solution would be to dismount when stuck, instead of flying away and back. That last does not always work. Since the toon is never very high in the air before getting stuck, dismounting would not bring any big damage.