I came back to honorbuddy/wow botting after almost 1 year and already see problems/bugs that have been arround for years and still not any improvement at all.
I really don't understand, why there is still no routine that checks certain behaviour like
- movement
- interacting with mobs
- interacting with npc
Problems that have been reported million times and still no improvement at all:
Quest pick up/ turn in
Nothing is more frustrating than seeing the bot trying to pickup / turn in a quest, allthough there is nothing to pickup / turn in. Why isn't there a routine that checks, if the pick up / turn in, was successful? Set a timer for pick up / turn in, if the timer fails, continue with other quests. But no, the bot stands in front of a npc clicking it million times. This problem is as old as the QuestBot botbase itself. Problem exists for years.
Move to close arround corners/objects
Same issues here, this has been stated soooo damn often and still no improvement. Bot runs against walls/doors while running in/out of an inn, just because he runs too close arround corners. This is obviously related to too hard set meshing. Problem exists for years.
General stuck in endless loop of action
No matter if while doing quests, stuck while moving, stuck while interacting ... the bot does it in an endless loop. Why isn't there a 100% always running routine, that checks, whether the previous executed command/action has been successfully done?
Right now it looks like:
*running to position b*
*waiting till position b is reached*
if he gets stuck while reaching point b, he will wait in an endless loop.
Why can't it be like
*running to position b with coords x y z, starting from current coords x y z*
*subroutine that checks whether coords till position xyz have changed*
- yes, continue till coords at position b have been reached (subroutine still checks current position against target position until target position is reached)
- no, check current position, generate alternative path, start unstuck, whatever
If we would have such permanent if/loop/while conditions arround everything the bot does, we wouldn't have any endless loop behaviour at all.
Right now, as all the time before the quest bot is completely useless as it gets stuck forever, repeats the same mount/dismount action forever without any routine covering this enormous high risk of getting reported and banned.
Seriously i want to understand it, why are there no improvements? This is no super duper nice to have feature, this is the most basic security feature any automated software should have to be able to provide proceeding functionality.