Be grateful they are even giving you access to the account back.
I honestly cannot understand this kind of mentality. If they return your account with all chars level 1, no gold, no gear, no nothing but a toon with a name, will you still be saying "At least be happy to get your account back?" Or "take it like a man"?
I do agree that they take everything that was gained through the botting activities.
But are they doing that? No. It's just an arbitrary measure.
They had 6 month to analize the accounts, find out exactly when X person botted, and what that person achieved with the botting activities.
If that was being taken away, i couldn't agree more. It would kinda stupid to ban us and leave us with all our "profits" after all, right?
If they were treating you like a valuable costumer, that's what they would do (find out what you did with the bot and remove it all). If they don't think you're a valuable costumer, might as well made the ban permanent. At least it wouldn't feel like they shitting on your face, on your account, and then giving it back to you saying: here's a little smelly, but be happy you got it back.
Webhond reported that they used to remove gear/titles/mounts/mog items when they find out the person was botting.
Why not do that now? Why don't take the pvp titles/gear/rank from ppl who botted pvp? Remove the mounts from those who farmed them? Delevel characters who leveled through botting? Why go for the gold, generally speaking?
(some random story to aleviate the mood)
- hmm..those bastards Honorbuddy users are getting their accounts back this month. Damm, i'm still too sore that my boss forbid me from perma banning them because we have such a massive drop in subs lately.
**ponders for a while**
- Hmm..Oh, i know! I will take away all their gold! Mwhahahaha...
**random secretary::
- err...but Sir, not even all the users farmed gold..some used it for--
- Shut up Mary. Tell the Devs to remove all their gold. I wanna ruin them all.
- But Sir, we need the big boss approval for that!
- Ok, pass me to him!
**dials phone**
- Yea, boss? I wanted to implement a little modification to our initial plan. We take away all the gold from those bloody botters so they buy wow tokens and sell in the AH to make initial gold again. What ya think? It will be thousand of tokens!!!
**hangs phone**
- Call the Devs Mary! Let the sacking begin!
A little side note. It doesn't really matter if they took 10k gold, or 100k or 1M. It's not the amount that is up to debate. It's the tiny little detail that, for some people, that gold was made through legal method. And they simply shat on that, didn't felt like losing time on your case to remove what you actually gained through botting, and just took an arbitrary measure. Coincidence or not, it's the one that will more benefit them, finantially speaking.