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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

call me lazy (cant open the CR atm, not home) but i cant recall... Is Capslock an option as a hotkey? If not can we please have it added?

Also is sticky target/glue or whatever the feature is called... like a auto-target or facing option? If so, great.. if not, can we get facing added?
Log file for low dps issue.

Here is a logfile of me on the dungeon dummy in Garrison. Other Fury's are getting 27-32k and don't have as good a weapons me in some cases. Ilvl 670 with 670 and 660 1 hand weapons.


Can anyone run me threw how to make my Stormbolt casted by Me instead of by the CR? I would like to have control of this ability at least thank you.
Doing mythic butcher tonight, and I can't seem to pull over 25k running a 665 TG spec. 670mh, 655oh. I've tried swapping around to all kinds of talents, tried going FS and swapping my mh/oh until execute range as well yet still can't really seem to push more than that. Here's the log. There's even some in there as arms and can't pull over 20k with that spec either.


Doing mythic butcher tonight, and I can't seem to pull over 25k running a 665 TG spec. 670mh, 655oh. I've tried swapping around to all kinds of talents, tried going FS and swapping my mh/oh until execute range as well yet still can't really seem to push more than that. Here's the log. There's even some in there as arms and can't pull over 20k with that spec either.
I would question some of your talent choices for butcher, but then you've stated that you tried all kinds of talents. I am guessing it's progression considering that you were able to try all kinds of talents, i'd advise against trying all kinds and just looking at warcraftlogs find a ranking warrior see what he/she chose and follow suit. Again if it's progression you being melee will be soaking and you're most likely going to die an early death failing that not make it through to the execute phase as arms which is the moment in which you excel.
Doing mythic butcher tonight, and I can't seem to pull over 25k running a 665 TG spec. 670mh, 655oh. I've tried swapping around to all kinds of talents, tried going FS and swapping my mh/oh until execute range as well yet still can't really seem to push more than that. Here's the log. There's even some in there as arms and can't pull over 20k with that spec either.

Same as me.. posted a page or 2 back.. managed around 30k (just under) once (lucky procs?) as 667 SMF (2x butcher 670 weps with crit enchant & both HM trinkets, tectus trinket 670ilvl, 655 brackenspore trinket), every other attempt was literally anywhere between 22k & 27k, averaging about 25k (On Mythic butcher). Did kill him & didn't die during the entire fight, so that's not a factor.

Now 670ilvl, barely any increase on dps (still averaging about 25k). Tried many combinations of talents etc. Just not getting good dps from this routine at the minute I feel.
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Problem with Arms spec

Hi, i have a question, I used arms spec with honorboddy, GS 670 my first spec is tank, last raid I tested it in Highmaul HC and in every fight I was behind the other warrior also Arms he does in every fight 5-10k dps more except Tektus there were both over 40k dps.
So i compared it in Warcraft logs and it seems that Honorbuddy uses too much Whirlwind and Probably in the execute time the ohter warrior does much more dmg with execute although he has just as many casts and all over time he had 20-30 percent less Whirlwind casts in every fight.
May be I had to Change some Settings to get more dmg but fact is Whirlwind costs to much rage and this will be miss for execute I think.
Can you give me some suggestions ?
log file upload is attached arms spec Boss 1-5.


I hit 41k with this routine on tectus last night in arms. Your uptime needs to be perfect, you need to drop ravage when you know they are not going to be moved during the duration. You need to prepot accordingly. I also don't use bladestorm until 2 plus mobs. Is your raid lusting when 5 are out? That's when my dps jumps to crazy levels.

Edit: ilvl is 662

I prefer AM for Tect. Too much movement at first motes for rav, Im pulling 48k+ @674(shite 660 weapon) fairly easily. AM also pulls BS in time for aoe burst periods.
New version up for approval! A hour before the push I wanted to do, one of my beta testers found a very urgent issue which I had to address - This took quite a few hours, hence the delayed push. But here it is ;)!

Version & B5 & B6
* Core: Vastly improved Unit detection within our range.
* Core: Improved MultiDoT method and its logging.
* Core: Many minor bugfixes.
* Arms: Completely revamped the Arms rotation.
* Arms: Added rage threshold for Cooldown Manager.
* Arms: Fixed a major issue with Arms Cooldown Manager.
* Fury: Repaired Dragon Roars early pop.
* Fury: Slightly improved Fury cooldown manager.
* Fury: Added rage threshold for Cooldown Manager.
* Prot: Added option to disable rage dumping via Heroic Strike and Shield Barrier.

* New Arms rotation is on "Development".
* New Fury rotation is on "Normal".
New version up for approval! A hour before the push I wanted to do, one of my beta testers found a very urgent issue which I had to address - This took quite a few hours, hence the delayed push. But here it is ;)!

Version & B5 & B6
* Core: Vastly improved Unit detection within our range.
* Core: Improved MultiDoT method and its logging.
* Core: Many minor bugfixes.
* Arms: Completely revamped the Arms rotation.
* Arms: Added rage threshold for Cooldown Manager.
* Arms: Fixed a major issue with Arms Cooldown Manager.
* Fury: Repaired Dragon Roars early pop.
* Fury: Slightly improved Fury cooldown manager.
* Fury: Added rage threshold for Cooldown Manager.
* Prot: Added option to disable rage dumping via Heroic Strike and Shield Barrier.

* New Arms rotation is on "Development".
* New Fury rotation is on "Normal".

holy awesomeness!
thanks nom!
New version up for approval! A hour before the push I wanted to do, one of my beta testers found a very urgent issue which I had to address - This took quite a few hours, hence the delayed push. But here it is ;)!

Version & B5 & B6
* Core: Vastly improved Unit detection within our range.
* Core: Improved MultiDoT method and its logging.
* Core: Many minor bugfixes.
* Arms: Completely revamped the Arms rotation.
* Arms: Added rage threshold for Cooldown Manager.
* Arms: Fixed a major issue with Arms Cooldown Manager.
* Fury: Repaired Dragon Roars early pop.
* Fury: Slightly improved Fury cooldown manager.
* Fury: Added rage threshold for Cooldown Manager.
* Prot: Added option to disable rage dumping via Heroic Strike and Shield Barrier.

* New Arms rotation is on "Development".
* New Fury rotation is on "Normal".


Regarding the rage treshold/pooling will it still be used when i disable cooldown manager?
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@Nom - thanks for the update, looking forward to seeing all improvements. Also, you had mentioned a possible complete revamp of the CR, is that this release or is that something still being worked on and if so, when can we expect seeing that released?
@Nom - thanks for the update, looking forward to seeing all improvements. Also, you had mentioned a possible complete revamp of the CR, is that this release or is that something still being worked on and if so, when can we expect seeing that released?

* Arms: Completely revamped the Arms rotation

He did fury a week or so ago. Unless your referring to something else all together.

Anyone know if the new release made it up yet?
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* Arms: Completely revamped the Arms rotation

He did fury a week or so ago. Unless your referring to something else all together.

Anyone know if the new release made it up yet?

@Klepp - There is a "complete recoding" project that he's working on that's basically a from scratch rework for the CR which he also mentioned/hinted at in a recent post but it's still many weeks away.