Yo nom !
Here is a list of what we need to have the best CR possible

from the most important to least important for my opinion.
-First of all and most important, a real toggle AOE rotation on/off, with chat output and wich work!
Toggle aoe hotkey dont work at all for the moment, and this is really annoying, their is many time when we need to not aoe even if add are close, and other time need to aoe them in the same fight, so disabling aoe rotation before isnt good at all since you cant aoe manually because the cr spam skill so fast its almost impossible to make a proper rotation manually when the cr is running.
It also make us look very stupid when raid lead say "stop aoe" and we simply cant because the cr aoe alone and hotkey dont work, it can cause many wipes, and did for me, and raid lead is mad
-Better arms rotation :
1- Use cs first of all on pull, specially for sudden death spec, it always use sudden death proc the second they r up, and on pull it delay cs and ms by at least 3-4 gcd wich is very bad.. i'm doing way better pull manually then the cr does only cause of the delayed cs
Sudden detah is rppm so it will always proc on pull, so the cr should do rend, CS, MS, SD proc, or even CS, SD proc, MS... idk where rend should be placed, before or after the first CS burst?
1 bis : Maybe wait for use sudden death proc even after pull if cs cd is < 2sec (and you have rage for use cs, but its only 10 rage i think so it shouldnt be a probleme).
2- pull rage for execute and execute low target specially when there is less then 4 target close, and you can have a sweeping strike execute.
3 - when target hp > 5 or 10% it should pull rage for big execute in colossus smash, and keep rend applied
4 - When target < 5% it should use exec on cd, maybe cs/exec but not sure, but i know it should stop apply rend
5- better sweeping strike usage, on orgron, bracken etc, it often still doesnt use it when target are in range of sweeping strikes. (all other cr does it good so it should be able to be fixed)
6- Also does it pull a bit of rage for at least one MS+ a WW for cs ? i think it does but not sure
7- Use thunderlcap on cd instead of ww only when glyphed

it use it always now wich is very good but even without the glyph its not worth it (not very important)
its still very good overall but i think with a good aoe toggle and better execute and collosus usage it can be really awesome.
thanks you for reading and tell me what you think about please