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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

Hello, well the settings/stuff i mentioned are generally my idea of working with this CR
its subject to change from one person to another so if you find some of the things i said not working well with you, you can just change them to suit your needs
id like to mention that i cleared 7/7mythic with this CR and am one of the beta testers who actually annoy nom to fix things that would be a dps increase, i dunno about the current version but i know the beta version is out of the roof and when its fully optimized for user friendly usage
the dps increase should be high,

and yes you can always go to LFR/normal pugs try different settings practice mechanics and see how you can do better, arms is way in-depth atm it doesn't require a combat routine to do the job for you but instead if you want to be the top at all times you have to "guide" the CR sometimes into doing things it wouldn't normally do
for example pausing the CR when you see colossus smash coming off CD in 3secs and recklessness+scabbard+bloodbath are coming off CD in 10secs
its better to delay colossus smash then and applying rend pooling rage ur self so when CS comes you can pop all ur cds

its just the little things and micromanagement involved that will separate a normal user of the CR and the guy who wants to beat everyone, am not saying this CR is by any chance bad, it just doesnt have a brain to know what to do best at all times

i know the rage-pooling system is gonna be added soon which is HUGE for execute phase and alot of fixes for AoE Execute aswell for increase dmg on meters for those who love that ;)

stay tuned and am sure nom will provide you with what you need

Good luck and am willing to answer any questions/ provide any tips&tricks if asked here :)

Nomnomnom i noticed only 1 error in your fury routine,sometimes when you have some proc or for other reason he delay bloodthirst. According to simulationcraft for no reason you delay bloodthirst never
Iknowright's recent post is spot on. It really depends on the player, their playstyle, as well as the strat that ones particular guild uses. You really have to take into consideration all these things in making the necessary adjustments to get the most out of the CR. I will adamantly state that if you're expecting the CR to do everything for you, rotation, manage CD's while using them at the best time, etc. it's not going to happen. Like IKR said, there is SOME user intervention to truly get the most out of this CR and it's nothing out of this world that needs to be done other than minor management.

Thanks for all the good info IKR
So i tested the new arms routine:

- when CS and MS coming off cooldown the same time the routine first cast MS than CS. MS should be delayed to be used as first gcd after CS (so you can fit 2 MS in CS window)
- routine is not pooling rage before CS coming off cooldown. Rage should be pooled > 50 (> 100 in execute phase) when cooldown on CS is < 5 seconds (so dont use WW/Execute when cooldown CS < 5 seconds and Rage < 50(100) )
So with that being said, if I just let the routine do nothing and let it run I get 18k. If it's a 10k loss i should be doing 35k or more with never touching my keyboard except to get into striking range. I am going to try the guide posted and hopefully those tips will help. Thanks so much to the person who posted. I used this routine in MoP and I didn't even have to touch a single key to be number one in raid so I just wonder if my HB or Enyo or something is messed up. Going to try the clean install and tips..

dude you are expecting way way to much, i am ilvl 672 and am only just managing 30k+ on butcher
Yah maybe I am but I am seeing people saying they are hitting 40-50k with 660 weapons and similar ivl using this routine.. they may not be telling the truth. I would be happy with 30k... If I can figure out how to do that.. that would be awesome!

dude you are expecting way way to much, i am ilvl 672 and am only just managing 30k+ on butcher
At 660/670, hitting or just over 30k is good. I'm using arms with avatar build and finding it works well if you use your stuff correctly. It all boils down to that.
So with that being said, if I just let the routine do nothing and let it run I get 18k. If it's a 10k loss i should be doing 35k or more with never touching my keyboard except to get into striking range. I am going to try the guide posted and hopefully those tips will help. Thanks so much to the person who posted. I used this routine in MoP and I didn't even have to touch a single key to be number one in raid so I just wonder if my HB or Enyo or something is messed up. Going to try the clean install and tips..

This... MoP was AMAZING 10/10 with the dps never had an issue.

I've changed mains from warrior to hunter and I'm just going to be using a hunter until either this gets figured out or something... Some have great success with the rotation, others are not. I had no issues in MoP though.

Edit: I just tried Tunah's and it was 2-3k dps less than FUII so I'm assuming its on my characters end then? idk
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Same for me.. MoP I was almost always first.. didn't even have to touch a key if i didn't want to. tweaking some things got me even more dps but didn't need to. This routine.. I'm sure it's good its either user error or my computer or something.. I just never had this problem with MoP.. plug n play worked from day one awesome.. I've been struggling for a month with this.. I get it other people are saying you have to manage things manually etc etc.. I just used it in MoP and never had to so I guess something is much different in WoD and requires much more manual help.

This... MoP was AMAZING 10/10 with the dps never had an issue.

I've changed mains from warrior to hunter and I'm just going to be using a hunter until either this gets figured out or something... Some have great success with the rotation, others are not. I had no issues in MoP though.

Edit: I just tried Tunah's and it was 2-3k dps less than FUII so I'm assuming its on my characters end then? idk
Same for me.. MoP I was almost always first.. didn't even have to touch a key if i didn't want to. tweaking some things got me even more dps but didn't need to. This routine.. I'm sure it's good its either user error or my computer or something.. I just never had this problem with MoP.. plug n play worked from day one awesome.. I've been struggling for a month with this.. I get it other people are saying you have to manage things manually etc etc.. I just used it in MoP and never had to so I guess something is much different in WoD and requires much more manual help.

you cant compare mop fury with wod fury, its like comparing chalk and cheese, like i said you guys are expecting way to much, check the guy above my post, ilvl 675 and 33k dps on butcher, spot on.
Yah maybe I am but I am seeing people saying they are hitting 40-50k with 660 weapons and similar ivl using this routine.. they may not be telling the truth. I would be happy with 30k... If I can figure out how to do that.. that would be awesome!

people saying they are hitting 40-50k with 660 weapons must be fully mythic geared and must be focusing on doing as much aoe as possible, im more than happy with this cr, it clearly takes me 2k over sim dps every attempt, my last go on butcher heroic was 31k dps and im ilvl 672 but only have a 655 and a 651 as smf weapons, im happy with 31k. unless ofc they are talking about arms and tectus in which case 45k is easily doable at 670 ilvl.
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you cant compare mop fury with wod fury, its like comparing chalk and cheese, like i said you guys are expecting way to much, check the guy above my post, ilvl 675 and 33k dps on butcher, spot on.

simulationcraft is showing 665 for 30k dps... I should be at least at 25-28, I'm not saying its the routine's fault because obviously its working for some. Something is just off, I don't know what it is.. I get 100+ fps and have like 15-20 ms latency with enyo configured properly and still getting 20k dps at 662 ilvl

How are we expecting to much? It is supposed to do everything besides movement...

Edit: My sim is projected at 26454.8 for fury, I'm lucky to sustain 20
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simulationcraft is showing 665 for 30k dps... I should be at least at 25-28, I'm not saying its the routine's fault because obviously its working for some. Something is just off, I don't know what it is.. I get 100+ fps and have like 15-20 ms latency with enyo configured properly and still getting 20k dps at 662 ilvl

How are we expecting to much? It is supposed to do everything besides movement...

Edit: My sim is projected at 26454.8 for fury, I'm lucky to sustain 20

I don't recall Nomnomnom ever stating that his CR is supposed to do EVERYTHING for you other than movement. Plain and simple THERE ARE some things that are done better if you manually do them. My gut tells me that you're having the CR manage EVERYTHING to Offensive CD's, Trinket usage, and tier ability usage and you flat out won't maximize this CR by doing that.

People that are having success with this CR, like myself, are the ones managing certain CD's and abilities since it's absolutely necessary. Having Tier abilities such as BB and Rav set to always or having the CR manage when to use them isn't always done at optimal times. I'd be willing to bet one of your biggest problems is you're allowing the CR to use things when they aren't lining up with other Procs such as weapon enchants, other trinks procing, ring procs, etc.

Taking the above into consideration you also need to understand the fights, when it's appropriate to use certain abilities and how to get the most out of them. I.E. do you pop recklessness at the beg of Butcher or during execute phase since you're only going to be able to use it once? Knowing WHEN to use certain abilities during fights and when to use them together with other buffs/procs is critical to maximizing your numbers.

I spent over an hour going over things with MMOWORLDONLINE last night and I truly believe he's going to see a much improved return now on his dps/dmg numbers after explaining to him the ins and outs of how to maximize this routine.

Finally, like Eng1ish said, some of you are expecting WAY too much out of this CR and if you're expecting it to do everything for you where all you have to do is move and be topping the charts, you're going to be disappointed. This CR didn't even do that in MoP, you still needed to manage CD's to hit big numbers.
bestdamnwarrior really went out of his way to help me and explain how things differ from MoP for those of you who used this routine in MoP it's not even close to what it was then. Yes you could time things in MoP to really maximize dps but you could also just let the bot run and still finish top 3.. in WoD you cannot do this. I was averaging 15-20k dps with this bot and then bdw spent an hour with me last night and I started to manual run my cooldowns. I raided heroic last night and finished some fights at 35k in arms.. I got fury up to around 28k. not where I want to be but HUGE improvement.. i'm going to pick his brain a bit more after get some more practice in and then as promised I'm gonna give him some cash for his time because it has really helped a ton. Now I can just figure out best time to use all my cooldowns etc but its kind of interesting how doing it manually can make such a big difference. I am going to be shooting for 50k on tectus in the next couple of weeks as a goal. I feel like I can finally get there. Thanks BDW!!!! and Nom helped me with some things as well.. great guy.
Oh and for those of you frustrated with us who expected this BoT to do it all, to be fair in MoP you didn't need to touch a thing to top dps charts. I raided for months with FU2 and it was UNREAL how easy it was. I never even opened the config class file.. so I understand how some people who used this before are frustrated. you guys cranking 45-50k dps are skilled warrior players and probably always have wanted to have some control over it so it wasn't as drastic a change.. I main a Paladin and never taken the time to learn a warrior since FU2 made it way to easy to be lazy in MoP. :)

Thanks again to everyone and there help and suggestions.
This CR is amazing. MMOWORLDONLINE must be a serious troll or literally has no idea how the game works at all. I have used this CR all throughout HM and have been satisfied since day one. All the improvements have helped substantially and nom has been releasing updates often enough. Yeah he might go quiet sometimes, but I imagine he is working or facepalming at all the people somehow struggling. The CR is borderline flawless for glad warriors and extremely strong for fury. I haven't personally tried the new arms rotation, but I imagine it has been improved and even before it was updated I was pulling big numbers with it.

All the people who want the big dick dps, but are unwilling to manage trinkets and cd's seriously get the fuck out of here! How can you possibly expect a combat routine to accurately use cd's aligned with the mechanics of the fights and the logic "well I should be getting this dps even if it is using the cd's on its own" is hilarious too.

Your the best nom. You have at least one very satisfied customer. Keep it up!
@mmo - Thanks for the kind words and I'm very happy that the time I spent with you helped. Glad to see you as arms and hitting higher numbers. Now with your new knowledge, it will just take some time and practice on those bosses to get your CD management timed right and get a nice flow to everything but sounds like it's falling into place. Glad I could help.
This CR is amazing. MMOWORLDONLINE must be a serious troll or literally has no idea how the game works at all. I have used this CR all throughout HM and have been satisfied since day one. All the improvements have helped substantially and nom has been releasing updates often enough. Yeah he might go quiet sometimes, but I imagine he is working or facepalming at all the people somehow struggling. The CR is borderline flawless for glad warriors and extremely strong for fury. I haven't personally tried the new arms rotation, but I imagine it has been improved and even before it was updated I was pulling big numbers with it.

All the people who want the big dick dps, but are unwilling to manage trinkets and cd's seriously get the fuck out of here! How can you possibly expect a combat routine to accurately use cd's aligned with the mechanics of the fights and the logic "well I should be getting this dps even if it is using the cd's on its own" is hilarious too.

Your the best nom. You have at least one very satisfied customer. Keep it up!

Buddy, your bashing REALLY isn't necessary. We are all paying customers and as such, some of us are more experienced than others with using CR's. Did you ever take into consideration that maybe people like MMO, who even stated so, don't play warriors as their mains and don't fully understand how to best utilize this CR for them yet. But isn't that what this forum is for? Sharing, getting tips, posting errors/improvements?

I'm sure there's a number of users of this CR that just started playing a warrior and just need some help. I don't think that's too much to ask for. If it's doing great for you, more power to you, no need to bash others having problems. It's been stated plenty of times that people relying on the CR to do everything and that expect big results just isn't going to happen and we've stated why. Let the people who want to improve seek out the help if they choose to. I think several of us on the forums have made it quite clear to the rest of the community using this CR that manual CD usage and proper talent choice and usage on a per boss basis is critical to get the most out of this routine.

No need to be an ass to those who are struggling.