This.buddy team needs to hurry their asses up.![]()
Can't wait to test the arms stuff.
This.buddy team needs to hurry their asses up.![]()
agreedbuddy team needs to hurry their asses up.![]()
buddy team needs to hurry their asses up.![]()
idk what I'm doing wrong... glad warrior is 662 ilvl and sustains 20-22k dps, burst is like 25k dps...
tried my 640 alt hunter with a random combat rotation and it did 18k dps... this is silly.
I'm using Double time | Enraged Regen | Unyielding strikes | dragon roar | vigilance | bloodbath | and obviously glad's resolve
any advice before I just switch mains to hunter ?
Also: this was on target dummies, idk if that makes a difference.
Yes, stop playing gladiator. My presumptions say that you haven't got the best gear for it (Not itemlevel wise, stat wise), i can see players in recent logs ranging from 28k-40k gladiator dps at your item level...that's not a great deal. Compare it with arms at your item level recent logs from warriors ranged from 30k-52k. Now compare fury and your item level and you find it ranges from 25k-52k.....i'd prefer one of the latter at your item level.
My fucking god stop cry on your dps if you are not Even able to use cd yourself, 36k butcher mythic on 674 itlvl, 55k kargath myt ,35k imperator hm ,33k Ko ragh hm with some manual execute on 20% barrier, other boss i play arms with another routine for now, hope this will get better dps when update.. and talent ofc is situational
My fucking god stop cry on your dps if you are not Even able to use cd yourself, 36k butcher mythic on 674 itlvl, 55k kargath myt ,35k imperator hm ,33k Ko ragh hm with some manual execute on 20% barrier, other boss i play arms with another routine for now, hope this will get better dps when update.. and talent ofc is situational
It has just as much to do with proper usage of cooldowns and uptime as it does the routine. If I do nothing but let the routine do its thing I can lose up to 10k dps in worst case scenarios.
As for the most recent update, first thing I noticed changing back to this routine was the 20fps loss >.<
Can't speak on dps over the last version cause after one attempt I went back due to that. Especially since it was already so late in the raid night by the time it went up.
New features sure do sound nice though. Just never noticed how bad this performed until I tried other routines. Had always pegged it as "honorbuddy" and not the particular routine. I imagine that has something to do with the rewrite which is in the works.