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Fury Unleashed II - Premium

Struggled to reach 30k dps on Mythic butcher - 667ilvl fury warrior.

Pretty much optimised gear for the ilvl, all enchants are best crit enchants (including weps), weps are HC butcher 1handers, have both highmaul trinkets (670ilvl).

Talents: SD, stormbolt, bloodbath, tried both siegecrafter & AM.. made little difference.

30k dps at ilvl 667 isnt anything to be sniffed at, i would say thats pretty bang on, am around the same myself
30k dps at ilvl 667 isnt anything to be sniffed at, i would say thats pretty bang on, am around the same myself

What I meant by struggling with 30k dps is that I only reached it once - most of the time it was around 25k dps, maybe a little more...

Just done some sims using my gear, 10k & 25k iterations (takes less than a min, so done a few) & it seems furious strikes comes out ahead on dps! (which is quite handy as its not luck based), so think i'll be trying furious strikes out next raid :)

(furious strikes, storm bolt, bloodbath & siegebreaker to be exact - didn't bother with ravager as it's not great with the routine at the min)

P.S - wasn't implying dps was good, nor bad, was simply stating facts :)
I tried an other cr ans i got 20fps more!!! Why Do the cr use so much of my CPU?

indeed, i also recognized a high fps throttle using this cr, but it is still the best u can get for arms/fury/tank!

one thing i really hang on is, if there is aoe and sudden death proccs, it wont get used, even it would be an dps increase. is it possble to get a manual hotkey for sd usage?

thanks fpr that awesome cr nomnomnom
Fury is in a good place with this CR - i manage 54k dps on mythic imperator thanks nom :)
Can someone give me a Setiing file for fury ( afk ) realy have pblms with dps :(

Would also love to grab a setting file from someone or some screenshots as im also not reaching what i should be on DPS (setting to go with fury/enyo . for raid not afk) ...thanks
Settings will vary a lot depending on your spec/build and what trinkets. I have most things on apart from trinket (scab) trigger on reck then use it when needed manually. Bloodbath I have on always, bladestorm I use manually, stormbolt on always and dragon roar manually. Also ravager(hotkey with mouseover) and reck on manual. So you can see it all depends on what build and situations. Turn off stuff you don't use and set your self healing stuff/lockrocks/rallying to what percentage you see fit and you're good to go!
So I have used this routine back to the MoP days.. when I raided in MoP I was always the top 3 dps on any raid, usually number one. I did not really tweak the routine from what I got out of the box. However now that we are into WoD I am not getting good results at all. I have an ivl of 668 and when I test my dps on my training dummy in garrison next to the mine I am getting 15-20k sustained dmg output. yes it spikes to like 60 when I first open and burst but once it settles in it drops.. I was raiding mythical again today and my dps is just not good.. I'm great on trash mobs, then we get to a boss and I fall out of the top 10.. even as low as 15.. So I'm gauging my dps off of that garrison dummy and comparing to others equally geared with same spec and glyphs.. They are getting 27-34 dps sustained.. Can anyone suggest a reason for this? Is there something I can do to fix this? or is there some settings that I have to adjust? I am running Fury spec with a 670 and 660 one hander.. I've tried all sorts of talent and glyph setups and the dps doesn't change by much..

Would really appreciate some help.. I mean if that guy is getting 50k+ in Mythic raids.. well I should be getting 30k without having to adjust anything you'd think..

Thanks guys.. look forward to some answers.

Settings will vary a lot depending on your spec/build and what trinkets. I have most things on apart from trinket (scab) trigger on reck then use it when needed manually. Bloodbath I have on always, bladestorm I use manually, stormbolt on always and dragon roar manually. Also ravager(hotkey with mouseover) and reck on manual. So you can see it all depends on what build and situations. Turn off stuff you don't use and set your self healing stuff/lockrocks/rallying to what percentage you see fit and you're good to go!
I believe a lot of people's issue with low dps with this cr is actually enyo based. I had issues with low dps, dropped my in game visual settings, tried different tps settings and have seemed to have sorted it out. I've ended up with a boss fight fps of 65+fps and tps at 35. Will vary depending on pc specs and game settings of course. I'd still like the cr to produce more dps though ;)
Fury is in a good place with this CR - i manage 54k dps on mythic imperator thanks nom :)

i call shenanigans, screenshot or its lie, if true then either you know something we dont or ure ilvl is like 680+ either way thats huge dps for the current gear, oh and gz
I believe a lot of people's issue with low dps with this cr is actually enyo based. I had issues with low dps, dropped my in game visual settings, tried different tps settings and have seemed to have sorted it out. I've ended up with a boss fight fps of 65+fps and tps at 35. Will vary depending on pc specs and game settings of course. I'd still like the cr to produce more dps though ;)

if you read the write up on the enyo page (not saying you havent) any changes after the 30tps setting have minimal effect.
I typically get 100fps in game. .maybe 60-70 in raids.. I have set the TPS from 15-50 and tried it a variety of tps. In my garrison I have 100fps steady and when I keep the tps under 30 I get increase from like 15-17k to 17-20k sustained.. always get that burst and start at 35-50k but then slowly drops until it settles in at that 15-20k range depending on a variety of things but I can't get it to go higher then that 20k no matter what I change.
Update will be up for approval tonight!

Hello, can you out a Chinese version
Once I've got my new core ready - Yes.

Hi Nom,

I have a problem with the profile, he recently start to spam "thunder clap"! It's clearly a damn loss of dps! Instead of 3 WW (mono) he does 2 and use thunder clap on cd.
Can you fixe this?

Waiting for your return.
Always need a logfile - If it's suddenly happening somethings wrong.

Ok just tried Arms with Cooldown Manager on Kargath LFR.

Reck -> onBoss
T4/T6 -> Always
T7 -> Never with Hotkey
Trinket -> onBloodbath

Saved -> Restarted HB

nothing except Stormbolt(T4) gets used :(
Hotkey for Ravager works perfect (like always)

I think i will stay with everything cast manually via Hotkey..

edit: and its using Thunderclap singletarget without Glyph.


@nom: what is this??! "[FUP] AutoTargetBestTargetInAoE: False" :)
Thats a secret setting which is still Work in Progress - Hence why it's not listed in the GUI yet ;). TC without glyph fixed as of next push.

Is anyone else having a problem when using ravanger with a hotkey? It puts ravanger next to the boss instead of ontop of him, with AOE it works fine.
Nothing I can do about - Unfortunately :( ... Well maybe ... Idea!

Thunder clap as a dps gain has been proven by the guys over at mmo-champion.com for arms warriors. Which is a good community of theory crafters and top end parse players. Quite simply put glyph of resonating power is a must now for arms warriors, TC replaces WW for optimal dps as arms stands now.

I know I had a hard time adjusting to seeing this playstyle but once glyphing proper, FU2 did not let me down. In all honesty arms dps is quite crap until the execute 20% phase where we skyrocket to the top of the meters, or a good cleave fight which FU2 is great at rending properly.
And will be even better after next push - Arms should be better ;)! We're even conserving rage right before 20% to go allout execute once we hit that sweet execute spot!

nomnomnom, what else to say, except that you are the best? Nothing.
I've tested a lot of CR's and by that I mean a LOT. This is really one of the amazing ones. It's one of the reasons I stick to Warrior.
Anyways, Im sad because I don't have a log of last night, but question for you guys: on the Ogron Twins as an Arms Warrior, does your toon apply sweeping strikes when they are together? Mine doesn't. Just wanted to know.

Glad you like it!

is it possible to add a range check to dragon roar? it is currently being used in combat even if nothing is in range so it gets wasted occasionally. Thank you!
Thats in as of next version.

nom, one fast suggestion for warrior arms, on pull you'll always get a sudden death proc, but the cr use it instantly then do CS and MS, this is bad i think, it should start with CS, then MS, then sudden death proc, or at least, CS, sudden death proc, then MS... x)

Can this be fixed ?
This is fixed next push.

how is glad warrior with this routine compared to others?
The best.

Ranked on H imp! Im controlling all the talent abilities myself but the CR is working great for fury atm!

And word on the update Nom?
Glad to hear that Fury's doing a great job for you!

can we have update on arms ? :()

Sorry for the stupid Question, but how i can make ONE Cooldown Hotkey? Stormbold, Bloodbath, Ravager and Recklessness. Any ideas? or only with the macro function ingame?
Those - Not. But that's also the point - That way you do not use them optimally.

Been using this to level my warrior from level 1, currently 72. Working like a dream for both quests and instances.. instances is truly impressive as im running tank spec and cant really fault it at all.
Questing is also good however one comment is that sometimes its slow to recognise its in combat and to turn and fight, it does do this when using Enyo in dungeons.

One little request would be to have a hotkey to disable/enable movement for questing... then you can switch between a questing and Enyo bot base very quickly... small thing ,,,loving it so far though
This will be fixed in the next Enyo, not FUP2 :). Next enyo will have the option to disable all navigation requests from a routine!

I tried an other cr ans i got 20fps more!!! Why Do the cr use so much of my CPU?
Old technique - Behavior trees instead of coroutine. I'm working on the conversion.

Hotkey is working but you need to use the ?third? Hotkey mode.i use Ctrl+1 to enable aoe.
sweeping strikes and rage pooling are good points. Arms is underperforming and we really need a quick fix for that!
Nom is rewriting to corotine that should fix High cpu load.

30k dps at ilvl 667 isnt anything to be sniffed at, i would say thats pretty bang on, am around the same myself
Yep - Thats good. Nothing more you can do there I think.

Any words on the arms or any other update? Hanging out for it!
Tonights push!

indeed, i also recognized a high fps throttle using this cr, but it is still the best u can get for arms/fury/tank!

one thing i really hang on is, if there is aoe and sudden death proccs, it wont get used, even it would be an dps increase. is it possble to get a manual hotkey for sd usage?

thanks fpr that awesome cr nomnomnom
What spec?

Everytime ppl complain about dps and Not using cooldowns by themselfs a kitten dies...
Well thats why the cooldown manager is there - I'm trying to optimize CD usage for peopple who do not use them theirselves ;). Using CD's yourself is ofcourse a DPS increase - Always - As cooldowns are very situational.

Fury is in a good place with this CR - i manage 54k dps on mythic imperator thanks nom :)
Yes I agree with you on that :).

guess he changed his mind about the update eh?
Nope, I did not.

Yo nom !

Here is a list of what we need to have the best CR possible :) from the most important to least important for my opinion.

-First of all and most important, a real toggle AOE rotation on/off, with chat output and wich work!
Toggle aoe hotkey dont work at all for the moment, and this is really annoying, their is many time when we need to not aoe even if add are close, and other time need to aoe them in the same fight, so disabling aoe rotation before isnt good at all since you cant aoe manually because the cr spam skill so fast its almost impossible to make a proper rotation manually when the cr is running.
It also make us look very stupid when raid lead say "stop aoe" and we simply cant because the cr aoe alone and hotkey dont work, it can cause many wipes, and did for me, and raid lead is mad :(

-Better arms rotation :

1- Use cs first of all on pull, specially for sudden death spec, it always use sudden death proc the second they r up, and on pull it delay cs and ms by at least 3-4 gcd wich is very bad.. i'm doing way better pull manually then the cr does only cause of the delayed cs
Sudden detah is rppm so it will always proc on pull, so the cr should do rend, CS, MS, SD proc, or even CS, SD proc, MS... idk where rend should be placed, before or after the first CS burst?

1 bis : Maybe wait for use sudden death proc even after pull if cs cd is < 2sec (and you have rage for use cs, but its only 10 rage i think so it shouldnt be a probleme).

2- pull rage for execute and execute low target specially when there is less then 4 target close, and you can have a sweeping strike execute.

3 - when target hp > 5 or 10% it should pull rage for big execute in colossus smash, and keep rend applied

4 - When target < 5% it should use exec on cd, maybe cs/exec but not sure, but i know it should stop apply rend

5- better sweeping strike usage, on orgron, bracken etc, it often still doesnt use it when target are in range of sweeping strikes. (all other cr does it good so it should be able to be fixed)

6- Also does it pull a bit of rage for at least one MS+ a WW for cs ? i think it does but not sure :)

7- Use thunderlcap on cd instead of ww only when glyphed :) it use it always now wich is very good but even without the glyph its not worth it (not very important)

its still very good overall but i think with a good aoe toggle and better execute and collosus usage it can be really awesome.

thanks you for reading and tell me what you think about please :)
Most, if not all, of your points are implemented and fixed :).

So I have used this routine back to the MoP days.. when I raided in MoP I was always the top 3 dps on any raid, usually number one. I did not really tweak the routine from what I got out of the box. However now that we are into WoD I am not getting good results at all. I have an ivl of 668 and when I test my dps on my training dummy in garrison next to the mine I am getting 15-20k sustained dmg output. yes it spikes to like 60 when I first open and burst but once it settles in it drops.. I was raiding mythical again today and my dps is just not good.. I'm great on trash mobs, then we get to a boss and I fall out of the top 10.. even as low as 15.. So I'm gauging my dps off of that garrison dummy and comparing to others equally geared with same spec and glyphs.. They are getting 27-34 dps sustained.. Can anyone suggest a reason for this? Is there something I can do to fix this? or is there some settings that I have to adjust? I am running Fury spec with a 670 and 660 one hander.. I've tried all sorts of talent and glyph setups and the dps doesn't change by much..

Would really appreciate some help.. I mean if that guy is getting 50k+ in Mythic raids.. well I should be getting 30k without having to adjust anything you'd think..

Thanks guys.. look forward to some answers.
Get me a logfile of a fight where you have low DPS. I'm getting lots more DPS with my Fury setup - Also 670+655 weapons SMF.
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