Hi Nom,
I have a problem with the profile, he recently start to spam "thunder clap"! It's clearly a damn loss of dps! Instead of 3 WW (mono) he does 2 and use thunder clap on cd.
Can you fixe this?
Waiting for your return.
nomnomnom, what else to say, except that you are the best? Nothing.
I've tested a lot of CR's and by that I mean a LOT. This is really one of the amazing ones. It's one of the reasons I stick to Warrior.
Anyways, Im sad because I don't have a log of last night, but question for you guys: on the Ogron Twins as an Arms Warrior, does your toon apply sweeping strikes when they are together? Mine doesn't. Just wanted to know.
Stop teasing with new push man, give me my fix, i need my drug
when new update is avaiblehal or 70% change log update not working or working not coretly then we pay for? hm?
Uhhh WHAT?