I'm using this routine all the time on my warrior Marauder. And it works great! I completely love it! Great for FP, PVP and questing.
However, when I try running it on my Agent Operative (medic) it doesn't really behave as it should. It does heal.. the only problem is that it heals ALL the time. It doesn't care about how high my HP is, it also doesn't heal partymembers.
Do you need a log for this? Or is the problem obvious?
Thanks in advance!
// Spell.Buff("Crouch", ret => !Me.IsInCover() && !Me.IsMoving),
Spell.CastOnGround("Orbital Strike", ret => Targeting.ShouldAOE),
return new LockSelector(
Spell.Heal("Surgical Probe", 30),
Spell.Heal("Recuperative Nanotech", on => Tank, 80, ret => Targeting.ShouldAOEHeal),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Probe", on => Tank, 100, ret => Tank != null && Tank.BuffCount("Kolto Probe") < 2 || Tank.BuffTimeLeft("Kolto Probe") < 6),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Infusion", 80, ret => Me.BuffCount("Tactical Advantage") >= 2 && Me.EnergyPercent >= 60 && !HealTarget.HasBuff("Kolto Infusion")),
Spell.Heal("Surgical Probe", 80, ret => Me.BuffCount("Tactical Advantage") >= 2),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Injection", 80),
Spell.Cleanse("Toxin Scan"),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Probe", 90, ret => HealTarget.BuffCount("Kolto Probe") < 2 || HealTarget.BuffTimeLeft("Kolto Probe") < 6),
Spell.Heal("Diagnostic Scan", 90)
return new LockSelector(
Spell.Heal("Kolto Cloud", on => Tank, 80, ret => Tank != null && Targeting.ShouldAOEHeal),
Spell.Heal("Slow-release Medpac", on => Tank, 100, ret => Tank != null && Tank.BuffCount("Slow-release Medpac") < 2),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Pack", 80, ret => Me.BuffCount("Upper Hand") >= 2 && Me.EnergyPercent >= 60 && HealTarget != null && !HealTarget.HasMyBuff("Kolto Pack")),
Spell.Heal("Emergency Medpac", 90, ret => Me.BuffCount("Upper Hand") >= 2 && HealTarget != null && HealTarget.BuffCount("Slow-release Medpac") == 2),
Spell.Heal("Underworld Medicine", 80),
Spell.Heal("Slow-release Medpac", 90, ret => HealTarget != null && HealTarget.BuffCount("Slow-release Medpac") < 2),
Spell.Heal("Diagnostic Scan", 95)
return new LockSelector(
Spell.Heal("Recuperative Nanotech", on => Tank, 80, ret => Tank != null && Targeting.ShouldAOEHeal),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Probe", on => Tank, 100, ret => Tank != null && Tank.BuffCount("Kolto Probe") < 2),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Infusion", 80, ret => Me.BuffCount("Tactical Advantage") >= 2 && Me.EnergyPercent >= 60 && HealTarget != null && !HealTarget.HasMyBuff("Kolto Infusion")),
Spell.Heal("Emergency Medpac", 90, ret => Me.BuffCount("Tactical Advantage") >= 2 && HealTarget != null && HealTarget.BuffCount("Emergency Medpac") == 2),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Injection", 80),
// Spell.Cleanse("Toxin Scan"),
Spell.Heal("Kolto Probe", 90, ret => HealTarget != null && HealTarget.BuffCount("Kolto Probe") < 2),
Spell.Heal("Diagnostic Scan", 95)
Spell.Cleanse("Toxin Scan" ret => HealTarget != null && HealTarget.BuffCount("NASTY THING TO BE CLEANSED") < 0),
Spell.HealGround("Kolto Waves"),
(Most of this post is "thinking out loud" to ask questions about bettering the profile.)
Code:Spell.HealGround("Kolto Waves"),
Spell.CastOnGround("Kolto Waves", ret => Targeting.ShouldAOEHeal),
Is this you actuall setup? Please confirm.
[21:54:02.842 N] [DefaultCombat] Class: BountyHunter
[21:54:02.842 N] [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Mercenary
[21:54:02.843 N] [DefaultCombat] Discipline: Arsenal
Is seem that the class rotations are setup for level 50-60 skill sets. It may be that your class/discipline is detected correctly but the rotation isn't suited for your level.
If this is actually your class/discipline about all you can do is go into the file and adjust it.
BuddyWing 1.0.1140.569\Routines\DefaultCombat\Routines\Advanced\[classname]\[adv. classname]\[discipline name].cs
ok, I have not looked at this in a bit. I need to find a decent ticketing system for this.
Which classes are the ones that are not loading correctly? I will work on that first, then we can move to other stuff.