Just wanted to say what an amazing work! Will be definitely using this for a long time.
I have an issue while on DungeonBuddy: whenever there's a trigger at boss fights to move back (various boss mechanics) - the bot instead of moving back clicks to move forward in other direction, so this leads my character facing other direction then the boss and unable to cast and stuck until I face him manually, please feedback if you have the same thing.
Also would be nice if there was a way for the Demo routine not to DoT low level packs, since they get killed to instantly - maybe I'm missing something in the settings here?
Can't help you with the movement side of the house as on dont let it handle my movement in dungeons.
As far as the AoE ill add something tonight to not dot AoE targets that will die in less than 15 seconds. If they live longer than thr it's better to multi dot then aoe
-in fact for te Turning issue make sure you have movement enabled in the CLU GUI, this might fix your problem. Remember just becuse your character is moving it does not nessisarily mean movement is turned on in the actual CC
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