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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Just wanted to say what an amazing work! Will be definitely using this for a long time.

I have an issue while on DungeonBuddy: whenever there's a trigger at boss fights to move back (various boss mechanics) - the bot instead of moving back clicks to move forward in other direction, so this leads my character facing other direction then the boss and unable to cast and stuck until I face him manually, please feedback if you have the same thing.

Also would be nice if there was a way for the Demo routine not to DoT low level packs, since they get killed to instantly - maybe I'm missing something in the settings here?

Can't help you with the movement side of the house as on dont let it handle my movement in dungeons.

As far as the AoE ill add something tonight to not dot AoE targets that will die in less than 15 seconds. If they live longer than thr it's better to multi dot then aoe

-in fact for te Turning issue make sure you have movement enabled in the CLU GUI, this might fix your problem. Remember just becuse your character is moving it does not nessisarily mean movement is turned on in the actual CC
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still got trouble with warlock affli, it does not reapplied dot when it finish. anyway to fix this?
still got trouble with warlock affli, it does not reapplied dot when it finish. anyway to fix this?

A lot of the devs are currently tied up, affl is not one of the CCs I'm working on currently but when I can get to it I will, sorry for the inconvenience
CLU Warrior isn`t using Victory Rush?

Bot trys to spamm it, but it doenst work, why? A fix would be awesome!
Instead of toggling blade flurry yourself toggle AOE on and off with the hotkey provided in CLU.

T if u have AoE turned of it won't AoE... Part of that is canceling the blade flurry buff if You have it.

I think I can get it to do what you want without affecting functionality though so hold tight and ill get you something when I get home today

You my friend are a gentleman and a scholar. If you manage to do this I shall buy you lunch! (provide me with a link ;))
You my friend are a gentleman and a scholar. If you manage to do this I shall buy you lunch! (provide me with a link ;))

I went through and looked at it, i really cant do what you are asking without creating other issues within the functionality of the CC.

you do know you can keybing the ability to disable and enable AoE right? so with the same keystrike instead of turning blade flurry on and off, you can turn AoE on and off which will have the exact same effect..
Fury/Arms Warriors and Demo Warlocks update to Rev 725. Changes:

Added Impending Victory/Victory rush to warriors, use the option on youe CLU GUI to adjust at what % you want to use it.
Added Skull banner buff check before using it

Demo Warlocks, Better AoE Logic.
Hi Motorbreath, I find this is fixed by running WoW as a high priority.
Hit control alt & delete, go to task manager, processes, right click WoW32 or whatever it's called, set priority as 'High'.
Hope that sorts it for you.
Naw this does not work, i just tested it some more today
was doing Sha on high settings and had ~60fps
once i turned on CLU my fps would drop to 2-5 fps
its def something wrong with CLU
not sure y it would tank my fps like that
I've used other CC"s and never had problem with it lowering my fps
Naw this does not work, i just tested it some more today
was doing Sha on high settings and had ~60fps
once i turned on CLU my fps would drop to 2-5 fps
its def something wrong with CLU
not sure y it would tank my fps like that
I've used other CC"s and never had problem with it lowering my fps

What Class/spec are you using? Have you tried it on other classes?
The following classes need to update to Rev 727:

Windwalker Monk
Fury Warrior
Arms Warrior
Combat Rogue
Demo Warlock

I fixed a lot of the cooldown usages issues you may have faced when using these, this should also speed the CC up a bit.

Fury got a BIG revamp, you should see more damage out of AoE, much better usage when you have both bladestorm and bloodbath talented as well.
The following classes need to update to Rev 727:

Windwalker Monk
Fury Warrior
Arms Warrior
Combat Rogue
Demo Warlock

I fixed a lot of the cooldown usages issues you may have faced when using these, this should also speed the CC up a bit.

Fury got a BIG revamp, you should see more damage out of AoE, much better usage when you have both bladestorm and bloodbath talented as well.

good to hear about fury, so it won't bladestorm on 1 mob? because before he would bladestorm when for ex. the boss was only present or 1/2 mobs where there, but not on large packs when it's needed the most.
found a small problem with the rogue "currently 85, grinding, using combat class spec, talent as follows 3,3,2,1,3 with glyph of adrenaline rush , glyph of blade flurry , glyph of deadly momentum , glyph of poisons and glyph of vanish"

i have set the bot to always use stealth but it will never ever go to stealth , i tried disabling it but that didn't work too :/
good to hear about fury, so it won't bladestorm on 1 mob? because before he would bladestorm when for ex. the boss was only present or 1/2 mobs where there, but not on large packs when it's needed the most.

it wont use bladestorm on 1 mob.
Seems to not be using Feral combat points effectively for raiding. Has it been updated recently?
The bot aint using his "Predator Swiftness" for healing, there is no options to change that. CLU overall standing in so much shit..
Any mage try riding in frost? I try today, reforge all my ?tems, enchants and have 20k under mage Fire in my last raid. Any advise how configure mago frost in CLU?
[03:19:44.878 N] [CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[03:19:44.878 D] [Cast] Victory Rush 34428
[03:19:44.879 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 34428, KnownIndex: 51
[03:19:44.974 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED
[03:19:44.977 V] OK

Log is spamming that a ton when it kills a mob and switches to another. I do have Impending Victory as a talent.


Fixed: It's setup to cast Victory Rush on the player, but it's an attack. Get rid of the little piece that says that it should be cast on self.
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