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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Naw this does not work, i just tested it some more today
was doing Sha on high settings and had ~60fps
once i turned on CLU my fps would drop to 2-5 fps
its def something wrong with CLU
not sure y it would tank my fps like that
I've used other CC"s and never had problem with it lowering my fps

Having same issue, it seem to happen only with the multi-CC's Clu and sigular. Not haveing this issue with the single-CC's like shamwow, or beastmaster. I'm having this issue with all my toons warrior, DK, Shaman, and a hunter. It happens with combatbot, raidbot, lazyraider, and questingbot. If ya need logs ill get some for ya tommarow.
Im not sure why :S

have you tried re-installing HB? I used Fury warrior all the time, as well as my BM hunter with no issues..

Impending victory has been fixed btw
i want only that light of dawn is being casted and not holy radiance how do i turn of holy radiance?
would like to know what changed in the fury rotation, since from 88K steady dps it sinked to 72K dps (raid tested)
would like to know what changed in the fury rotation, since from 88K steady dps it sinked to 72K dps (raid tested)

No changes that were made should have affected the rotation. It still goes by the same priorities. Can you explain a bit more about the encounter? Was it AoE? Single target?
No changes that were made should have affected the rotation. It still goes by the same priorities. Can you explain a bit more about the encounter? Was it AoE? Single target?

single target, Fen the Acursed lower dps then a other blue geared warrior in dps is kinda fail, I have no idea where the mistake is made, might be on my end but can't seem to find it
single target, Fen the Acursed lower dps then a other blue geared warrior in dps is kinda fail, I have no idea where the mistake is made, might be on my end but can't seem to find it

I just tested it (on a dummy though) and it was using everything as it should. If you want to do it before I get home and do it myself revert to a older revision, test that and see if it does more damage, it shouldn't though because the only thing I did was seperate single target rotations and AoE rotations into seperate bools so it would work faster
The bot aint using his "Predator Swiftness" for healing, there is no options to change that. CLU overall standing in so much shit..

clu stands in shit? uhm wait ...
Impossible, there's a condition in CLU movement "while(standingInShit=true){moveaway(me.Location,shit.Location,15f);}"

but if u tell me

and maybe gimme a log, i'm willed to tweak this to not only move out of shit
Like stated some pages ago, atm we have only implemented to move away from some special abilities of some mobs where we could find a logic to identify bad stuff (and it is called badStuff within the movement).
If u encounter problems with movin out of bad stuff report us the spell, the mob, the location, provide (if possible) a profile so that we can test ... and so on.

for the selfhealing ... dunno, druids aren't my topic atm and again ... (i know it'S boring cause everytime the same) ... CLU was never meant to be for grinding / leveling so we have to tweak a lot to fit your wishes for that.

No reports -> no changes
No log -> no changes
No HELPFUL suggestions -> no changes
how does it work for the questing or grinding bot? what do i have to do ? since im not using the blankprofile..
Q: disc priest isnt using smite or holy fire?
A: Disc AA spec has not been updated since patch 4.3. Its on the TODO list. check back soon.

Sooner or later?
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