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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Hi wulf,

Incredible CC. I noticed a couple Hunter issues:

  1. Will never cast Beastial Wrath (regardless of what its focus percent is set to, tried 0, 20, 50 & 100)
  2. Never casts Readiness (no options for it either)
  3. Never casts Fervor (no options for it either)
Thank you.
Soon..it will come...

CLU has spawned a new nemesis, much faster than the mighty CLU and for pure Raid/PvP...mobs will run with fear!

Built from the ground up...


Sorry my english is very poor, what is purerotation?
Hi wulf,

Incredible CC. I noticed a couple Hunter issues:

  1. Will never cast Beastial Wrath (regardless of what its focus percent is set to, tried 0, 20, 50 & 100)
  2. Never casts Readiness (no options for it either)
  3. Never casts Fervor (no options for it either)
Thank you.

It will only use any of the listed above abilities on bosses, or on a Mob if you have it set to do so in the GUI
  • Cleave has been changed, it now only hits two enemies. So pls change the condition for the number of enemy units nearby to exact two. (And since it doesn't do more damage than Whirlwind but with the same cost of rage, use it only with Deadly Calm active on you.)
  • Raging Blow AoE: Imagine the following situation: You have one stack of Meat Cleaver and only two enemies are around. CLU wouldn't use Raging Blow because its condition checks for "greater than two" enemies and because it doesn't use Whirlwind which gives us the Meat Cleaver buff.
  • Cleave has been changed, it now only hits two enemies. So pls change the condition for the number of enemy units nearby to exact two. (And since it doesn't do more damage than Whirlwind but with the same cost of rage, use it only with Deadly Calm active on you.)
  • Raging Blow AoE: Imagine the following situation: You have one stack of Meat Cleaver and only two enemies are around. CLU wouldn't use Raging Blow because its condition checks for "greater than two" enemies and because it doesn't use Whirlwind which gives us the Meat Cleaver buff.


Raging Blow should be fixed as well.
Demo Warlock

Combat Rogue

Beast Mastery Hunter changes have just been made as well. Please update from SVN.

Report back on the combat rogue please and let me know if it is working for you now
Suggestions for retribution paladin.
- Disable the usage of Hand of Freedom or an option to do so. It uses it on auras that are not affected by it.
- According to EJ[1] Seal of Righteousness isn't useful until you are fighting more than 6 mobs, if then at all. Censure is more dps.
- Use Execution Sentence earlier in a fight. It seems right now, that it is used when the entire rotation is done. On anything but boss fights it will hardly ever run its full duration and thus wasting "free" dps.

[1] [Ret 5.0.4 MoP] Retribution Concordance (RetCon) - Panda-ing the DPS Meters - Elitist Jerks
Was working great for my Prot Warrior, but after I updated this morning i cannot see it as a choice when starting honorbuddy
Compiler Error: d:\Honorbuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Classes\Warlock\Demonology.cs(198,265) : error CS1026: waiting )

Why you does not test your CC before release? :/

Shit happens fat fingered before committing. You'll get over it. update from SVN.
where could we disable AOE Bladestorm? because I have disabled AOE abilities and bladestorm still gets used
where could we disable AOE Bladestorm? because I have disabled AOE abilities and bladestorm still gets used

SOrry I had it as using the same propertys as Dragon Roar.

disable it in the warrior file. Why dont you pick up storm bolt or Dragon Roar?
I'm not sure if this is a CC issue or something else causing the problem, but none of my ranged are turning to face the mobs? Anyone know a fix? Or what it is?
Im trying to use CLU for my warrior tank.
But it keeps using Intimidating Shout, even if i have turn it off in CLU Configuration under Class Config -> Class Specific -> Protection -> Use Intimidating Shout = False

Tried with Lazyrider, Raidbot & Combatbot

Can you help me out?

can u pls check your settings in Class Config -> Class Specific -> Protection -> Prot AoE Count
if it is set to 1, try to raise this value to 3 or 4 and check if it is still using Intimidating Shout and report back

Prot AoE Count is at 3

And raise it to 4, makes no different :-(

I still have problems with my Warrior tank, any update on this bug?
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