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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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In frost DPS (both 2H and DW) and in Raidbot in a raid environment it skips most of the time Blood Plague. This is serious DPS problem since Obliterate needs both diseases on target.
I used your routine for Blood DK tanking in LFR and it was amazing. The only thing that I noticed is that it does not AOE tank that well. It needs to use blood strike more often to keep threat on off targets. Great profile :)

Edit: I'll try and find some logs for those two LFR runs
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself
[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself

Prot Warrior and it keeps spamming this and peforming no other task until i manually use victory rush

There is a boss in Shado-Pan Monastery(heroic) called "Gu Cloudstrike", when he goes into stage 2, he becomes immune to damage and then you have to attack The Azure Serpent, which is a dragon floating off the ground. The bot doesnt attack it, like that bug on fall of deathwing with attacking some parts his arm.

I was using my feral druid - guessing this applies to all melee dps.
I'd like to thank you for the great CR - it easily took me to top200 WoL warriors even in my half-blue gear, and helps me a lot with my alts.

There're minor issues tho with using items like health stone or mana gems, because they are directly coded in in english (say, "/cast Conjure Mana Gem" or UseBagItem("Health Stone")), which do not work with non-english client (and russian client users do not have any option to choose language).
It's not a big deal for me to just rename it in code manually, but maybe there are better options (e.g. Singular uses SpellManager.Cast(759) for conjuring and return StyxWoW.Me.BagItems.Any(i => i.Entry == 5512) for health stone).

There is a boss in Shado-Pan Monastery(heroic) called "Gu Cloudstrike", when he goes into stage 2, he becomes immune to damage and then you have to attack The Azure Serpent, which is a dragon floating off the ground. The bot doesnt attack it, like that bug on fall of deathwing with attacking some parts his arm.

I was using my feral druid - guessing this applies to all melee dps.

Log please, this error should be fixed a while ago
I used your routine for Blood DK tanking in LFR and it was amazing. The only thing that I noticed is that it does not AOE tank that well. It needs to use blood strike more often to keep threat on off targets. Great profile :)

Edit: I'll try and find some logs for those two LFR runs

Blood Strike for AOE-Tanking? i don't think so, thread in AOE situations is generated by Heart Strike, Blood Boil, Spreading diseases (with pestilence or blood boil), Death and Decay.

If u still loose aggro ... check WHO is getting the aggro from the other mobs
- Warlock? -> Check if it is a Demo with his wings (TankAura), if yes ... no way to get the aggro ;)
- Everyone else ... attacks the wrong target, no need to tweak anything
I'd like to thank you for the great CR - it easily took me to top200 WoL warriors even in my half-blue gear, and helps me a lot with my alts.

There're minor issues tho with using items like health stone or mana gems, because they are directly coded in in english (say, "/cast Conjure Mana Gem" or UseBagItem("Health Stone")), which do not work with non-english client (and russian client users do not have any option to choose language).
It's not a big deal for me to just rename it in code manually, but maybe there are better options (e.g. Singular uses SpellManager.Cast(759) for conjuring and return StyxWoW.Me.BagItems.Any(i => i.Entry == 5512) for health stone).

That's not correct ;)
u are partially right, conjure mana gem is maybe broken (haven't tested) caused by the used macro. Thanks for the hint with Casting this by ID, it's a very old macro, and it was never fixed, since we have introduced the CastById Method only some "days" ago (in terms of lifetime of this CC, this method is very new, but thanks again, it will be replaced)
Health Stone should work, cause item.Name doesn't (or shouldn't if i follow the API Documentation) return the localized Item Name, it should always return the english one.
But i'll check this in the evening
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Can anybody say me how i need confiure CLU so use all CD, Trinkets, etc...in all moment?? When i raiding, kill pulls in way or make quest..

I have dude for :

1- Enabe rotation override?? YES or NO ?? Why

2 Rotation override ?? If i put YES i always put PVE that only use for this

3- Burst in ?? I put mob, because i like burst in pull and boss, but no working, only use trinkets and CD in boss

4 Burst on add account =2 all pulls have 2 or more

5 Use AOE = No, i dont like flamestrike in boss or something

Is this configuration good?? who i need change for always use trinkets, cds and others??

[CLU] 3.3.6: [Casting] Victory Rush or Impending Victory on Myself

Prot Warrior and it keeps spamming this and peforming no other task until i manually use victory rush

damn it was working sooooo good before someone tweaked my code -.-
i have no warrior to test this

can u please go to your Clu folder
- Classes
-- Warrior
--- Protection.cs (open this file with an editor)

goto Line 191, replace the complete line with this one, and report back after u checked
- spamming of Impending Rush stopped
- Impending Rush is used when necessary

                            Spell.CastSpell("Victory Rush", onUnit => Me, ret => Buff.PlayerHasActiveBuff("Victorious") && Me.HealthPercent < CLUSettings.Instance.Warrior.ImpendingVictoryPercent && !WoWSpell.FromId(103840).Cooldown && !WoWSpell.FromId(34428).Cooldown, "Victory Rush or Impending Victory"),
is it possible to update the Frost Mage rotation please? its currently using Deep Freeze on bosses all the time, wasting fingers of frost which could be used for ice lance :)
It hasn't fixed the problem mate, still spamming it, could you just fix it via svn and let me update, im useless at this kinda thing hehe :)
I'd like to thank you for the great CR - it easily took me to top200 WoL warriors even in my half-blue gear, and helps me a lot with my alts.

There're minor issues tho with using items like health stone or mana gems, because they are directly coded in in english (say, "/cast Conjure Mana Gem" or UseBagItem("Health Stone")), which do not work with non-english client (and russian client users do not have any option to choose language).
It's not a big deal for me to just rename it in code manually, but maybe there are better options (e.g. Singular uses SpellManager.Cast(759) for conjuring and return StyxWoW.Me.BagItems.Any(i => i.Entry == 5512) for health stone).

Was this as arms or fury?
Stormchasing, I had the same issue with Arms. It's because Victory Rush isn't cast onUnit => Me. It's an attack, not a buff.
Was this as arms or fury?
eh... what exactly?

I'm getting top200 results both as arms and fury (I mostly raid as fury).
Though arms routine tends to freeze for a moment here and there (strangely, out of combat only), which is quite annoying. And it didn't use sweeping strikes on Guardians - I had to cast it manually all the time.
As for fury routine, I never expected that big numbers from CLU on 2 targets (Guardians) for fury. It outputs more dps than I am able to do manually.

If the question was about healthstone, the problem is spread all over CLU - all the classes use
, which doesn't work with non-english clients.
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