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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Hi Motorbreath, I find this is fixed by running WoW as a high priority.
Hit control alt & delete, go to task manager, processes, right click WoW32 or whatever it's called, set priority as 'High'.
Hope that sorts it for you.

Raging Blow should be fixed as well.
Thx for the quick fix, but it doesn't work like it should. :cool:

First of all the actual Raging Blow:
This Code checks if there are more than one enemies around AND if the Meat Cleaver buff is greater than one. But you only need one stack of Meat Cleaver to hit two enemies. With three stacks of it, you can hit up to four enemies, because one target gets always hit and with every stack an additional target gets blowed. Also the statement of "Unit.EnemyMeleeUnits.Count() > 1" is alway true if there are more than one units around, even if there are three or four. But the second condition "Buff.PlayerCountBuff("Meat Cleaver") > 1" will cause to cast the Raging Blow way to early.
Spell.CastSpell("Raging Blow", ret => Me.HasAura(131116) && (Unit.EnemyMeleeUnits.Count() > 1 && Buff.PlayerCountBuff("Meat Cleaver") > 1 || Unit.EnemyMeleeUnits.Count() > 2 && Buff.PlayerCountBuff("Meat Cleaver") > 2), "Raging Blow AoE")
My code would look like this:
Spell.CastSpell("Raging Blow", ret => Me.HasAura(131116) && ((Unit.EnemyMeleeUnits.Count() == 2 && Buff.PlayerCountBuff("Meat Cleaver") == 1) || (Unit.EnemyMeleeUnits.Count() == 3 && Buff.PlayerCountBuff("Meat Cleaver") == 2) || (Unit.EnemyMeleeUnits.Count() > 3 && Buff.PlayerCountBuff("Meat Cleaver") > 2)), "Raging Blow AoE")
  • Check if there are exact two enemies near and if there is a stack of Meat Cleaver (one stack = hits two units). (OR)
  • Check if there are exact three enemies near and if there are two stacks of Meat Cleaver (two stacks = hits three units). (OR)
  • Check if there are more than three enemies near and if there are more than two stacks of Meat Cleaver (three stacks = hits four units).

The Cleave:
Imagine a fight against four enemies. The following code would cleave two of them at the cost of 20 rage if Deadly Calm ist active and we have more than 39 rage. But it would be better to save the rage and use Whirlwind more often, which gets us more stacks of Meat Cleaver and allows us to hard hit the whole group with a nice Raging Blow.
Spell.CastSpell("Cleave", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && Unit.EnemyMeleeUnits.Count() > 1 && CLUSettings.Instance.UseAoEAbilities && ColossusSmashBloodthirstCooldown && Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Deadly Calm") && Me.CurrentRage >= (TalentManager.HasGlyph("Unending Rage") ? 60 : 40), "Cleave"),
The only useful usage of Cleave would be a situation against exact two enemies, because its does less damage than Whirlwind, but costs less rage if Deadly Calm is enabled. But even then, I would recommend to use a Whirlwind - Raging Blow combination since it does way more damage. Long story short: There isn't really a use for cleave.

And last but not least: I miss the use of Victory Rush / Impending Victory. :(

PS: I'm talking about the fury warrior thingy.
Healing issues

So I go into an instance as a mistweaver monk and I just stand there. Is there anything special I have to do for healing? I looked at every option but I am just stumped. I tried it in Raid bot and Lazyraider and both do the same. I have my rogue down perfect and have no issues there. What am I doing wrong for healing? Any help would be awesome :) LOVE CLU for my rogue. Combat works awesome.
healing is still a bit slow up to now may just be my gear

its working fine thanks
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Balance.cs Line 140
                    Item.RunMacroText("/cast Incarnation", ret => Unit.UseCooldowns() && !WoWSpell.FromId(102560).Cooldown && TalentManager.HasTalent(11) && (Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Eclipse Visual (Solar)") || Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Eclipse Visual (Lunar)")), "ncarnation: Chosen of Elune"),

Small spelling mistake =]

Should be :
[COLOR=#0000ff] "Incarnation: Chosen of Elune"[/COLOR]
Not sure if its a issue but im playing my Warlock in Demo an im single targetting but its casting hellfire an id like to shut it off i turned off Aoe but still is doing it here is my log well log file is to big cant upload got another way to send it?

Edit:Log attached made one smaller that was doing samething
Edit: Also noticed its not useing Morph at 900 demonic Fury other then the 2 issues ive ran into its a kicken Cc will keep updated if i fond anyhting else wrong
Update: Fixed the Issue ty


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I detect a bug in Mage Fire when fight vs the boss "Spirit kings", and the bug is that CLU never detect that is a boss, so no use Combustion or trinkets in this fights, can you fix plz?
hi clu,

used this cc last night for raid apparantly warlock affli does not do dot rotation , bot just spam malfice grip, haunt and drain soul. im using combat bot


Impending Victory is coded to work in Arms when my hp falls below 80% -- this has stopped working in the latest revision. It was working before with at least the Victorious proc...
Not sure if its a issue but im playing my Warlock in Demo an im single targetting but its casting hellfire an id like to shut it off i turned off Aoe but still is doing it here is my log well log file is to big cant upload got another way to send it?

Edit:Log attached made one smaller that was doing samething
Edit: Also noticed its not useing Morph at 900 demonic Fury other then the 2 issues ive ran into its a kicken Cc will keep updated if i fond anyhting else wrong

You have "Dark Aptheosis Tanking" in the Demonology section of the CLU GUI. Disable that and it will fix the problem you are having.

From the honorbuddy screen >>> Class Config >>> Class Specific Tab >>> Demonology Spec >>> Turn Dark Apotheosis Tanking to FALSE

let me know if this fixed it for you.

Demonology Warlocks and Fury Warriors update from newest SVN Rev 723

Demonology Warlock Changes:
-Fixed Felguard/Wrathguard cooldown check to stop spamming
-Set Enable Dark Aptheosis Tanking default setting to FALSE

Fury Warrior Changes:
-Fixed Raging Blow AoE Checks
-Enabled Cleave only to be used on 2 targets and only when Deadly Calm is active
Hey Guys - again I'm having issues with Combat and AOE - I really want control over blade flurry so I turn AOE = off. Any time I active blade flurry CLU automatically cancels it.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this. I'd <3 you long time.


Hey Guys - again I'm having issues with Combat and AOE - I really want control over blade flurry so I turn AOE = off. Any time I active blade flurry CLU automatically cancels it.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this. I'd <3 you long time.

Instead of toggling blade flurry yourself toggle AOE on and off with the hotkey provided in CLU.

T if u have AoE turned of it won't AoE... Part of that is canceling the blade flurry buff if You have it.

I think I can get it to do what you want without affecting functionality though so hold tight and ill get you something when I get home today
Resto Druid, is taking a while to cast 3 stacks of lifebloom. I use this for almost all my characters, amazing work <3 u guys.
Small fury warrior tip. Since skull banners do not stack ...
Spell.CastSelfSpell("Skull Banner", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && !Me.HasAura(114207) && Unit.UseCooldowns(), "Skull Banner"),

(Hope I got the aura ID right though!)
Small fury warrior tip. Since skull banners do not stack ...
Spell.CastSelfSpell("Skull Banner", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && !Me.HasAura(114207) && Unit.UseCooldowns(), "Skull Banner"),

(Hope I got the aura ID right though!)
Ill check and implement this afternoon

Anything else on the following classes currently under me?

Fury warrior
Arms warrior
Wind walker monk
Combat rogue
Demonology warlock
Balance Druid
Just wanted to say what an amazing work! Will be definitely using this for a long time.

I have an issue while on DungeonBuddy: whenever there's a trigger at boss fights to move back (various boss mechanics) - the bot instead of moving back clicks to move forward in other direction, so this leads my character facing other direction then the boss and unable to cast and stuck until I face him manually, please feedback if you have the same thing.

Also would be nice if there was a way for the Demo routine not to DoT low level packs, since they get killed to instantly - maybe I'm missing something in the settings here?
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