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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Hi there are 2 mistakes in the demonology.cs Rev.702

Line 156 should be like this:
PetManager.CastPetSummonSpell("Summon Felguard", ret => (!Me.IsMoving || Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Demonic Rebirth")) && !Me.GotAlivePet && !Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey(WoWSpell.FromId(108503).Name), "Summon Pet"),
for some reason the spellid given in the code to revive the felguard was "Hand of Guldan" (ID 105174). typo ? or did I miss something?
Should there be a check on which pet to summon ? If so I'd like to implement that.

And line 171 should be like this:
Spell.CastSpell("Command Demon", ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && ( PetManager.CanCastPetSpell("Wrathstorm") || PetManager.CanCastPetSpell("Felstorm") ) && Me.Pet.Location.Distance(Me.CurrentTarget.Location) < Spell.MeleeRange, "Command Demon"),
The check for "Felstorm" was missing in case you are not using " Grimoire of Supremacy"

thx for this awesome CC
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Got a new FPS lag drop guys this time it seems to be happening with only the multi-Toon CC's like Clu and Singular. Single toon CC's like beastmaster and others do not have this problem. I reported issues in the Singular CC to them and noe i have a log for Clu so i'm posting the problem hear also. Hear is a log hope yall can figure out my problme as i love your CC.

Are you using this with Quest Bot?
Hey i got a problem with my combat rogue after updating the bot and Clu.
My bot only spams "Slice and Dice" on my enemy target and "tricks and trade" doenst work either.
If you know how to fix, i would enjoy your help.
I have been using this with BGBuddy for awhile now and since the last update my paladin isn't working. It will use ranged attacks but will not move to the target or follow the target when it moves away.

I have had to use singular now to get this to work in BGs but it doesn't push nearly as much damage as CLU usually did. Please put a fix for this.
Hey i got a problem with my combat rogue after updating the bot and Clu.
My bot only spams "Slice and Dice" on my enemy target and "tricks and trade" doenst work either.
If you know how to fix, i would enjoy your help.

I can not reproduce this problem on my level 90 rogue..Make sure you update from the most current SVN and if you still have the problem please post a log

Boss List has been updated, CLU should no longer skip using cooldowns on certain bosses if you have cooldowns enabled

Warlock changes mentioned earlier have also been implemented.
The Mage CLU CC is not working when using Rune of Power on Elegon. When stood on the Energy Vortex Platform (the platform that disappears inbetween phases) The clu cc keeps recasting rune of power when its off cd to reapply under the feet of the mage (every 6 seconds). This is a HUGE DPS loss, but I would assume it would have something to do with the CC not recognizing the floor its currently standing on. Ill try and find my log to provide.
I don't know if it's just me, but even with the last few CLU updates, for a while now my ret pally has problems targeting. if something is behind it, it doesn't turn.
yes that was with quest bot but i have been also having the same problem with my 90 warrior useing raid bot , and lazyradier also
I noticed when using this CC with lazyraider, it makes ur game look like its running at 5-10 fps even tho ive been at 70+
it only becomes choppy when ur in combat
anyone else having this problem?
Love CLU :) Working perfect on all my toons so far.
Only thing I have a problem with is my Arms Warrior isn't using Impending Victory at all, it's set to at 80% health.
Please make sure if you are any of the below Class/Specs you update from the most recent SVN as there have been many improvements made:

Demonology Warlock
Balance Druid
Arms Warrior
Windwalker Monk
Combat Rogue
Beast Mastery Hunter

Do share what was done with the Combat profile. Thanks for the update!
Windwalker Monk:

Not using Xuen Tiger or Tiger Brew on Spirit Kings. Will use racials and engineering enchants.
The Nemesis will come, only the strong will survive!

The world is about to change. For everyone! Get ready, get excited.

Soon..it will come...

CLU has spawned a new nemesis, much faster than the mighty CLU and for pure Raid/PvP...mobs will run with fear!

Built from the ground up...

Hey i got a problem with my combat rogue after updating the bot and Clu.
My bot only spams "Slice and Dice" on my enemy target and "tricks and trade" doenst work either.
If you know how to fix, i would enjoy your help.

I can not reproduce this problem on my level 90 rogue..Make sure you update from the most current SVN and if you still have the problem please post a log

Okay heres the Log.

Thx 4 your work


Awesome work.. its working as it should again =) healing, targeting etc.. many thx! keep it up.. /bow
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