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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Seems to get stuck - and also a random case of bot not killing mobs in the instance and just running to rivendares gate before the abominations and trying to run into the gate without having killed anything in the instance.
Without looking at the logs I could tell you this is because you're above level 90.
The profiles were designed for a level 90's aggro tolerance since these profiles existed before WoD.

I haven't had time to re-work them for 90+.

Although it not killing *any* mobs throughout the entire instance is new, and hasn't been reported before and the logs aren't really giving any useful information.
I'll have to manually investigate this.

Small thing but it freaks me out as a new botter. I notice when you come out to reset you some out stop and pretty much snap 180 around and walk back in. Couldnt you path it to at least curve or jump a bit? Anyways im new so maybe im just dumb lol.
It's Honorbuddy's navigation methods.
You -could- make it curve a bit, but you'd have to add a bunch of uneccesary movement lines which would probably end up looking more bottish than what's there already.

You could also make it walk backwards/jump by using Lua code.

So does this bot do firelands / ulduar / icc / eye?
No, not currently.
Which mounts it farms are listed on the front page.

The project is WIP, so more and more will be added over time.
I also run recolor leather and bloodfurnace hero ran through it, but didnt loot any boss...?! i know it skips the ones not dropping the item, but bot didnt loot any...do i need to set other settings for looting somewhere?
[UserSettings-v1581(warning) @line 48]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[Profile Message]: Chest, Head, Feet, Shoulder or Legs missing.
Starting Outlands Farm.
[Profile Message]: Head, Chest or Feet are missing.
Heading to Tempest Keep hub.
[FlyTo-v1844(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.

this is what i get with any profile i use for transmog
I have single question : Is there any way to make hunters use disengage to increase speed? I'm using Botanica Extras "The Botanica - Sell Everything" profile.
Thanks for any further help.

Figured it out by myself. Just use https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=310 as combat routine and set Disengage Attacked by Melee to 1 under "Advanced Settings" tab.
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The issue has been noted previously.
I'm guessing you're using a character that's above level 90?

I believe fix attempts have been made, but I'm not sure of the current status of it.
I'll look into it.

Same problem. Hunter is lvl 90 but has WoD. [Singular] info: botbase disabled BehaviorFlags.Combat
[InteractWith-v1963(warning)] Unable to apply event filter for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[InteractWith-v1963(warning)] Unable to apply event filter for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[Singular] info: botbase enabled BehaviorFlags.Combat
Ran 1 run flawlessly and the it lost it's way. Stopped in middle of instance thinking it was done and then it ran off the cliffs and was eternally stuck.
It looks to me that the exiting code wasn't fully 'reached.'

Were you able to monitor it when this happened? If so did it walk up to the exit portal then walk away from it?
Depending on how it bugged out, I may just be able to add a "WalkForward" Lua after the exiting code to ensure that it goes through.
I also run recolor leather and bloodfurnace hero ran through it, but didnt loot any boss...?! i know it skips the ones not dropping the item, but bot didnt loot any...do i need to set other settings for looting somewhere?
No, it should loot when its needed to.
The profiles were preivously tested and verified the looting works - so any issues you're having are new and will need to be looked into.
Could you post a log?

[UserSettings-v1581(warning) @line 48]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[Profile Message]: Chest, Head, Feet, Shoulder or Legs missing.
Starting Outlands Farm.
[Profile Message]: Head, Chest or Feet are missing.
Heading to Tempest Keep hub.
[FlyTo-v1844(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.

this is what i get with any profile i use for transmog
This error is coming from the FlyTo behavior - not the profile.
For whatever reason it's detecting that you don't have flying.

If you're getting the error persistently, then you probably don't have the proper flying skill for the location.
If you do have it, then there's a bug somewhere in your setup.
Perhaps try a fresh install of the bot.
Same problem. Hunter is lvl 90 but has WoD. [Singular] info: botbase disabled BehaviorFlags.Combat
[InteractWith-v1963(warning)] Unable to apply event filter for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[InteractWith-v1963(warning)] Unable to apply event filter for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[Singular] info: botbase enabled BehaviorFlags.Combat
There is no error in what you posted.
All of those outputs are normal.
Hey Azyul, nice job with the profiles :) love them.

i was just currious if you could add ICC for Invincible and Ulduar for Myrmidon's head run aswell? can't seem to find one that works properly =/ and at this point,
i see nobody more qualified then you. keep up the great work :)
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I think there's a problem in botanica profile - The Botanica Extras "The Botanica - Sell Everything" because when you get killed outside bot spawns on the graveyard near village next to Tempest Keep and just walks to the edge of outland and falls down. Log attached. (156KB)

Also there's one more problem after boss "Laj". Character stands in one place and don't move to the last boss "MoveTo failed to move to the location". Log also attached. (481KB)


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Good day to all,

First thank you for your effort in keeping this SVN always as current as possible.
I started using the "[AM - Alpha] Drak'Tharon Keep", it works almost perfectly, I'm having trouble using it mobile Guild Bank, he just does not use, tried independently to activate or not, someone else with this problem?

EchoTiger when possible can check?

Thank you in advance
Hi, thanks for the pack! I have a question about the dungeon modes..I tried GrimBatol, and it runs on Normal. When I change in game to heroic, HB changes it back to normal.Tried to look within the profile but couldn't find anything related. How can I change it to Heroic instead of Normal? (running with a good geared 92 warr)
thanks much