nevermind, found it finally![]()
I noticed the transmog profile for Netherwind Regalia just keeps trying to run hellfire ramparts in heroic over and over even though its completed and the instance cool down is active , any thoughts?
It looks to me that the exiting code wasn't fully 'reached.'
Were you able to monitor it when this happened? If so did it walk up to the exit portal then walk away from it?
Depending on how it bugged out, I may just be able to add a "WalkForward" Lua after the exiting code to ensure that it goes through.
Yea, there's several raid-mounts on the to-do list.Hey Azyul, nice job with the profileslove them.
i was just currious if you could add ICC for Invincible and Ulduar for Myrmidon's head run aswell? can't seem to find one that works properly =/ and at this point,
i see nobody more qualified then you. keep up the great work![]()
It was never coded to repeat it.I noticed the transmog profile for Netherwind Regalia just keeps trying to run hellfire ramparts in heroic over and over even though its completed and the instance cool down is active, any thoughts?
Don't double post.I noticed the transmog profile for Netherwind Regalia just keeps trying to run hellfire ramparts in heroic over and over even though its completed and the instance cool down is active , any thoughts?
I can't figure out what's causing it without a log.yeah it does that too, to me aswell
The method used for death support is (and has been) broke for a while.I think there's a problem in botanica profile - The Botanica Extras "The Botanica - Sell Everything" because when you get killed outside bot spawns on the graveyard near village next to Tempest Keep and just walks to the edge of outland and falls down. Log attached. (156KB)
Also there's one more problem after boss "Laj". Character stands in one place and don't move to the last boss "MoveTo failed to move to the location". Log also attached. (481KB)
Are you using any in-game addons?Good day to all,
First thank you for your effort in keeping this SVN always as current as possible.
I started using the "[AM - Alpha] Drak'Tharon Keep", it works almost perfectly, I'm having trouble using it mobile Guild Bank, he just does not use, tried independently to activate or not, someone else with this problem?
EchoTiger when possible can check?
Thank you in advance
As rinleezwins stated.Hi, thanks for the pack! I have a question about the dungeon modes..I tried GrimBatol, and it runs on Normal. When I change in game to heroic, HB changes it back to normal.Tried to look within the profile but couldn't find anything related. How can I change it to Heroic instead of Normal? (running with a good geared 92 warr)
thanks much
Glad to see it's working out for you.hey echo just dropping by to say thank you for your supurb profiles, been using them for a month now.
I'm not entirely sure if there's AoE specific settings for Singular.My Blood DK is taking too mutch time to clear the aggroed pulls and I just notice he isn't attacking in AOE. Some one can give me some tips in how to configure Singular to use AOE?
The stats were before the nerf *and* the buff. They're about a year old.Hi Azyul,
Loved your mount run profiles, so why wouldnt i love this?
Did you update the table in your first post of how much gold each dungeon rewards and GPH? After the nerf
Thanks in advance
That's not very informative.Deathcharger's Reins's profile doesn't work.