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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

I just modified the RunTo code at the end of the profile and changed it to a MyCTM that terminates when you exit the dungeon.
If it runs mindlessly into the wall near the portal then tell me.

[Azyul Cloud] Deathcharger's Reins - Endless Farm - Modified Exit

Seems to get stuck - and also a random case of bot not killing mobs in the instance and just running to rivendares gate before the abominations and trying to run into the gate without having killed anything in the instance.


The Drak'Tharon Keep profile i'm using right now, skips the secondo boss. There is fix? Because 22g every run can increase a bit the GPH.
I know its a bit of a lazy question but does any1 know which profile gives a good gph gring. Need to make a few k gold for AH items for incoming HC raids :)
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The Drak'Tharon Keep profile i'm using right now, skips the secondo boss. There is fix? Because 22g every run can increase a bit the GPH.
It was designed before the dungeon completion bonus, so at the time it wasn't optimal to kill him.
Even now, I'm not entirely sure if it's worth it because the encounter itself takes a good amount of time.

I'll most-likely make a edit sometime in the future that includes that boss.
If people report higher GPH then I'll port it over to every other Drak'Tharon profile.

Has anyone tried farming MoP dungeons at this stage?
Most MoP dungeons were never profitable along with the majority of Cataclysm dungeons.
There may be one or two that's alright, but I've not really bothered to run tests on them.

I know its a bit of a lazy question but does any1 know which profile gives a good gph gring. Need to make a few k gold for AH items for incoming HC raids :)
Gundrak has always been the 'goto' for quick gold.
There's also Drak'Tharon, Botanica, Halls of Lightning, Tol'vir, and Grim Batol. All which are decent as well.
Hm I downloaded the svn but there is no suicide option in it, can anyone help me where to find that (for botanica). And whats atm the best way for farming instances? Botanica is going with heavy pulls really great, but he has to wait at the end of each dungeon for roundabout 50-80 seconds (level 90 feral), so maybe there is something better....
Hm I downloaded the svn but there is no suicide option in it, can anyone help me where to find that (for botanica). And whats atm the best way for farming instances? Botanica is going with heavy pulls really great, but he has to wait at the end of each dungeon for roundabout 50-80 seconds (level 90 feral), so maybe there is something better....
There's not one for Botanica.
I believe the Heavy pull already pulls under the instance-cap.

It waiting isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on how much gold the dungeon made.
I used to have a calcuation called "Farm Score" which took in consideration as to how much gold (on average) a dungeon could make within 6 minutes given that you can only run 10 dungeons per hour.
But all the stats/information regarding that was lost.

But anywho, you could run another instance that would have to wait 50-80 seconds, but it may make less gold than The Botanica.

Some other decent farms are: Gundrak, Drak'Tharon, Halls of Lightning, Tol'vir, and Grim Batol.
Thanks, I get your point. I have now anyhow to wait, cause it says, too many instances per hour. A run takes roundabout 4-6 minutes with my druid. Thinking about buying the tundramount with the vendor, but if I'm already to fast, it's not really needed.

Anyhow thanks for the answer, I think I keep on botanica (never change a running system). ;)
I did not understand how to install it ...
need to buy...?
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I did not understand how to install it ...
need to buy...?
No, you download it either via the ZIP or SVN link, then load which profile you're wanting to use just like any other profile.
Same problem as Dubljay, I am standing in front of Halls of Reflection but my bot is stopped. "Nothing more to do" Same problem
The Pit of Saron pathing is all jacked up since the last hotfix patch from Blizz. It was working great, but now it runs for about 2mins and the bot stops thinking it's done. It stops in the middle of the instance to vendor and then gets stuck. It then stop the bot due to error. If I manually start/stop the bot it runs out and resets and the process recycles.

I tried another Pit profile and same results.

I was using the Pit of Saron - Keep Frostweave and Mobile Banking profile.
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Standing outside of Halls of Reflection (I have cleared the other 2 dungeons that unlock this one), I start the bot in questing mode with "Halls of Reflection" profile picked and I get this error: [UserSettings-v1581(warning) @line 66]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.
Sorry for the delay in response, I didn't see you post until now.

The 'Instance Grinds' profiles aren't as maintaned as the Optimized Gold Farm versions - granite there isn't a Halls of Reflection opt. farm.

The FindVendorsAutomatically issue wouldn't be stopping the bot.
It seems that there's an issue in a <While /> node somewhere - the issue may of been brought up when the unviersal navigation was added in.
I'll take a look.

I'm running a Transmog subset. The one for the Glorious Plate. It farms in Dustwallow, but the drop rate info from wowhead says the gear drops in Sithilus. Is the profile outdated? I've ran it for around 14 hrs and none of the Glorious Plate stuff has dropped.
I honestly don't know.
A former developer of mine created that profile - I remember at the time it did infact drop in Dustwallow.
If they changed it, then it was changed after the profile was submitted.

Same problem as Dubljay, I am standing in front of Halls of Reflection but my bot is stopped. "Nothing more to do" Same problem
I'll check it.

yeah none of the transmog profiles work for leather :/
What's the issues you're having?
The Pit of Saron pathing is all jacked up since the last hotfix patch from Blizz. It was working great, but now it runs for about 2mins and the bot stops thinking it's done. It stops in the middle of the instance to vendor and then gets stuck. It then stop the bot due to error. If I manually start/stop the bot it runs out and resets and the process recycles.

I tried another Pit profile and same results.

I was using the Pit of Saron - Keep Frostweave and Mobile Banking profile.
What did the hotfix change?
Vendoring issues are typically caused by Honorbuddy itself - it's vendor logic is hooking into the profile logic when it shouldn't be.

I could probably add a forced disable vendor into the profile to prevent it, but I may need a log as well to see what is exactly going on.
Whatever the issue was seems to have cleared up. I have no idea what changed or what was going on, but now it's working
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hiw many kpo are u farming during one hour ? only 1k ?? i dont understand how to make kpo with old dongeons
Small thing but it freaks me out as a new botter. I notice when you come out to reset you some out stop and pretty much snap 180 around and walk back in. Couldnt you path it to at least curve or jump a bit? Anyways im new so maybe im just dumb lol.