I need a full log for this.Tryied that...but fatal error encountered!
[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-10693.63, -1310.474, 17.69033> from <-10725.65, -1318.434, 16.75266>
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
Also encountered:
[DoWhen-v1933(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(CustomMountHook), predicate ((Me.CurrentTarget == null || Me.CurrentTarget.IsDead) && !Me.Combat && !Me.Mounted && !Me.IsIndoors && Me.IsInInstance && !ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Any(u => u.Lootable && u.Distance <= 40)) was not reset by execution.
This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.
Things like that are handled by your combat routine, not the profile.I use Suicide pulls in halls of lightning, but my druid wont use starfall at all. It would be so easy if it just popped it (i have it glyphed so it hits everything within 40 yards. How can i fix this?
Thanks for the logs, but they don't tell me much aside from FlyTo causing your profile to break.
I need a full log for this.
I don't know where to find a full-log, If you tell me where to find it, next time I'll run the profile I'll check when the condition appears, and post log.
I've never even wrote a profile for the other entrance, let alone would add in navigational data to this profile for it.You can see it in the log - he is still going into the "right" instance but its zoning out --- and running to the other entrance. We want to keep going into the Service Entrance - there is no way to get to rivendare from the "main" entrance or "scarlet side" as it is known. You can see in the log I posted how after he leaves dungeon - he mounts up and goes to another instance entrance.
That's never been reported before.is it me on when the bot wants to go northrend he tryes to swim there ? and dies because of the fatique ? can anybody confirm this?
I need a full log for this.
I don't know where to find a full-log, If you tell me where to find it, next time I'll run the profile I'll check when the condition appears, and post log.
I've never even wrote a profile for the other entrance, let alone would add in navigational data to this profile for it.
The only thing I could guess is that when you're leaving the dungeon, the coordinate used to leave the dungeon isn't compeltely hit due to latency or FPS inconsistencies so when your game is finished loading the bot continues to navigate to that exit coordinate which happens to be where the other entrance is located.
I could change the exit logic around a bit that should fix that.
That's never been reported before.
When it happens, could you post the log your bog generates?
Logs should be located here:I don't know where to find a full-log, If you tell me where to find it, next time I'll run the profile I'll check when the condition appears, and post log.
Your log claims the bot is executing the vendor code for the Mammoth.
I just modified the RunTo code at the end of the profile and changed it to a MyCTM that terminates when you exit the dungeon.Ok - when you do that can you let me know and ill test?
With the Lua sell, it could use the Mammoth to sell while inside the instance.I edited profile so that he sells all items, only sad that he's flying to city to sell them to mammoth xD, but anyway, maybe it's for security
Kinda shocked that he only kills first boss and then only mobs. It would increase GPH as well if he killed all bosses.
These profiles are only designed to loot the mount, there isn't any Guild Bank deposit logic because there's no point.Hello!
It does not seem like my characters use the Portable Guild bank?
How often should he deposit?
Another problem is that my chars doesn't seem like they find the way back into the instance, for example, my hunters stands outside the portal to grim batol, trying to rezz there...
I don't see the "is not able to reach" error in this log.here the log
There's no reliable solution to fixing it.Dude how can fix the "ress at spirit healer problem" When the bot start and its a ghost, the honorbuddy dont go to use spirit healer....