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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Heavy pulls>Halls of lightning. The bot skips the first boss so that we can not get the dungeon complete bonus. Could you make it so the bot kills the last bot?
When my bot kills the last bot, he jumps down to the first place, then aggro the last mobs there before heading out, the first boss however is walking around this area. But the bot isn't aggroing him because he is not on the area the bot goes if you know what I mean, if you could take a look at this instance and make it so the bot kills all the bosses it would be great :)

It's only a few steps more for including the boss so I don't think it will take much of your time
Why does the Molten Core weekly farm take this travel from Pandaria?

Shrine > FP to Jade Forest (it was having an issue @ the FP when it arrived, so I manually took the portal to Orgrimmar) > Orgrimmar > Zep to Northrend > Flies all the way across Northrend to take the Zep to UC (gets stuck in Howling Fjord in a loop between 2 hotspots, so I just manually took the Zep to UC and it flew to MC without an issue)

Why not just take the Zep to UC in Orgrimmar? Or the portal to UC in Shrine in Pandaria (tested this and it gets stuck in the ceiling of the room upstairs - in Ruins of Lordaeron - just before you can fly out of the building)? LOTS of wasted time and potential for stucks/bugs.

Other options include:

Orgrimmar > Ratchet > Boat to Booty Bay > Fly to MC
Orgrimmar > Portal to Blasted Lands > Fly to MC

EDIT: Got stuck on the gate when attempting to fly through the mountain and cause an HB stop - the bot does not attempt to navigate BELOW the gate at any point, so it may simply need an XYZ adjustment. If I move inside the gate and hit Start, the profile ground mounts, navigates to the northern entrance, flys around the entire mountain and gets stuck again at the same gate. Basically, navigating AFK to MC is not an option without some adjustments. Once inside MC, the profile appears to be running as intended.

Here are the last few lines in the HB window:

[Profile Message]: Moving to Molten Core Location.
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeRight, JumpAscend
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-7669.704, -1091.817, 222.4783> from <-7712.051, -1087.274, 229.071>
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
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hey guys world trash pandaria stopped working after todays update, was wondering what to do? I tried deleting the lines but it gave me a error still.

9 compiler errors encountered in profile '[SK-Heavy]Zan'vess [$Rev: 997 $]'
'While' xml element on line number 168 has following errors
1) ) expected at offset 0

'While' xml element on line number 180 has following errors
1) ) expected at offset 0

'While' xml element on line number 192 has following errors
1) ) expected at offset 0

'While' xml element on line number 231 has following errors
1) The name 'DruidFeral' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

2) The name 'DruidGuardian' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

'If' xml element on line number 232 has following errors
1) The name 'DruidFeral' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

2) The name 'HasAura' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

'If' xml element on line number 235 has following errors
1) The name 'DruidGuardian' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

2) The name 'HasAura' does not exist in the current context at offset 0
Thanks for answering.

I'm not enabled add-ons, and strange as it seems only happen in this dungeon (Drak'Tharon Keep), tested in Gundrak and worked perfectly, I have the impression that the character after starting the cast of the guild bank he "walks" canceling the cast and ignore this step.
I'll look into it.
The depositing method will most-likely be changed regardless. New (and more reliable/efficient) methods have been created since the development of this profile.

Optimized Gold Farms - Dungeons- Northerend - Heavy Pulls - Pit of Saron - Extras - Pit of Saron (Skip Last Boss) -
does not kill the boss ick ... please correct it
Well, it's fair to note that the profile was designed to actually kill him, and skipping him is not intentional at all.
Instead of bolding text telling me to correct it, post a log so I can see why it's breaking so I can correct it.

Heavy pulls>Halls of lightning. The bot skips the first boss so that we can not get the dungeon complete bonus. Could you make it so the bot kills the last bot?
When my bot kills the last bot, he jumps down to the first place, then aggro the last mobs there before heading out, the first boss however is walking around this area. But the bot isn't aggroing him because he is not on the area the bot goes if you know what I mean, if you could take a look at this instance and make it so the bot kills all the bosses it would be great :)

It's only a few steps more for including the boss so I don't think it will take much of your time
Considerations of killing the first boss is a bit touchy given that he can be anywhere in the first room at any given time.
At some points, it would be more optimal to kill him as soon as you enter the dungeon - and at other points it would be more optimal to kill him after killing the last boss.

I've not had time to get around to adding distance checks and whatnot for this boss. But they are on the to-do list.

Why does the Molten Core weekly farm take this travel from Pandaria?

Shrine > FP to Jade Forest (it was having an issue @ the FP when it arrived, so I manually took the portal to Orgrimmar) > Orgrimmar > Zep to Northrend > Flies all the way across Northrend to take the Zep to UC (gets stuck in Howling Fjord in a loop between 2 hotspots, so I just manually took the Zep to UC and it flew to MC without an issue)

Why not just take the Zep to UC in Orgrimmar? Or the portal in Shrine in Pandaria? LOTS of wasted time and potential for stucks/bugs.

Other options include:

Orgrimmar > Ratchet > Boat to Booty Bay > Fly to MC
Orgrimmar > Portal to Blasted Lands > Fly to MC

EDIT: Got stuck on the gate when attempting to fly through the mountain and cause an HB stop - the bot does not attempt to navigate BELOW the gate at any point, so it may simply need an XYZ adjustment. If I move inside the gate and hit Start, the profile ground mounts, navigates to the northern entrance, flys around the entire mountain and gets stuck again at the same gate. Basically, navigating AFK to MC is not an option without some adjustments. Once inside MC, the profile appears to be running as intended.

Here are the last few lines in the HB window:
It's important to note that this profile is nearly 2 years old and as a single person working on 450+ profiles it's nearly impossible to make sure they're fully maintaned - expecially the ones that weren't coded by me.
The navigational logic in this profile is older than the profile itself, and the Pandaria logic was patched in during beta-MoP.

Since then I've created new navigational snips that are far superior than what's in this profile, but they haven't made them into every profile yet.
If you have the know-how, the navigational snips are posted here:
It wouldn't take much to replace it, but I won't be making a patch anytime soon since code replacement like this is done on a mass-scale rather than individually.

hey guys world trash pandaria stopped working after todays update, was wondering what to do? I tried deleting the lines but it gave me a error still.

9 compiler errors encountered in profile '[SK-Heavy]Zan'vess [$Rev: 997 $]'
'While' xml element on line number 168 has following errors
1) ) expected at offset 0

'While' xml element on line number 180 has following errors
1) ) expected at offset 0

'While' xml element on line number 192 has following errors
1) ) expected at offset 0

'While' xml element on line number 231 has following errors
1) The name 'DruidFeral' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

2) The name 'DruidGuardian' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

'If' xml element on line number 232 has following errors
1) The name 'DruidFeral' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

2) The name 'HasAura' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

'If' xml element on line number 235 has following errors
1) The name 'DruidGuardian' does not exist in the current context at offset 0

2) The name 'HasAura' does not exist in the current context at offset 0
This sounds like an API issue with the bot itself.
I'll push a message to the core-devs to see what's going on.
It's important to note that this profile is nearly 2 years old and as a single person working on 450+ profiles it's nearly impossible to make sure they're fully maintaned - expecially the ones that weren't coded by me.
The navigational logic in this profile is older than the profile itself, and the Pandaria logic was patched in during beta-MoP.

Since then I've created new navigational snips that are far superior than what's in this profile, but they haven't made them into every profile yet.
If you have the know-how, the navigational snips are posted here:
It wouldn't take much to replace it, but I won't be making a patch anytime soon since code replacement like this is done on a mass-scale rather than individually.
All good. Will handle the modification on my end for now. Thanks. ;)
All good. Will handle the modification on my end for now. Thanks. ;)
No problem. ^^

The main reason I'm delaying the replacement is because I'm still fine-tuning the navigation snips.
There's very minor bugs here and there I want to clean out before I start mass-editing 450+ profiles lol.
Would be awesome if you could include the first boss on Halls of lightning asap :P But I understand if you prioritises other things first :)
I really am sorry if I am asking something which has been possibly asked a million times, but when I am running the Botanica profile, it skips mobs unless it walks directly over them, and no matter what I do, it won't pull anything more? Isn't it supposed to basically pull everything then AoE nuke/loot?

EDIT: Nevermind... For some reason it spontaneously started working.

EDIT2: Jeezuz... I can't believe how f*ckin good this works. Props to you EchoTiger!

EDIT3: Update! After a couple tweaks, it seems to be making great cash!
Last edited:
Getting this running the Glorious Plate profile. Worked before HB update

2 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Mjj23's Glorious Plate Grind [$Rev: 1085 $]'
'If' xml element on line number 437 has following errors
1) ; expected at offset 0

2) Invalid expression term ')' at offset 0
Currently testing Grim Batol Heavy. Well it isn't optimized for lvl 100 I guess. The bot run into minions tu pull them but don't attack them but run to the next wave. Okay fine, cool idea. But it happens that minions don't even follow you.
Yeah and it doesn't kill Shadowburner: Pull it, run ahead, boss despawns.

Oh and it would be amazing if you would support movement-speed abilities like Speed of Light.

Anyway, good profile so far! :)
Why is it that when I start this in quest bot it says: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!

Just downloaded your profile (SVN) and got this error for A'lar :

5 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Ashes of Al'ar [$Rev$]'
'If' xml element on line number 317 has following errors
1) Impossible de convertir implicitement le type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit' en 'bool' at offset 0

2) Impossible de convertir expression lambda en type délégué 'System.Func<bool>', car certains types de retour du bloc ne sont pas implicitement convertibles en type de retour délégué at offset 0

'If' xml element on line number 338 has following errors
1) Impossible de convertir implicitement le type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit' en 'bool' at offset 0

2) Impossible de convertir expression lambda en type délégué 'System.Func<bool>', car certains types de retour du bloc ne sont pas implicitement convertibles en type de retour délégué at offset 0

'While' xml element on line number 351 has following errors
1) Le nom 'uIsAlive' n'existe pas dans le contexte actuel at offset 0

Feel free to ask if you need any translation
I was running the Tier 2 Judgement recolor profile and it would get stuck in instances until I DC. Please and thank you for the help
Log please.

ubrs not work. run seem lbrs.
Log please.

Getting this running the Glorious Plate profile. Worked before HB update

2 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Mjj23's Glorious Plate Grind [$Rev: 1085 $]'
'If' xml element on line number 437 has following errors
1) ; expected at offset 0

2) Invalid expression term ')' at offset 0
Doesnt load your profiles after the update!
Reports similar to this has been coming up all around the forums.
There's not much I can do on my end, it'll have to be fixed by a bot update.
Would be awesome if you could include the first boss on Halls of lightning asap :P But I understand if you prioritises other things first :)
I'll consider it.

I really am sorry if I am asking something which has been possibly asked a million times, but when I am running the Botanica profile, it skips mobs unless it walks directly over them, and no matter what I do, it won't pull anything more? Isn't it supposed to basically pull everything then AoE nuke/loot?

EDIT: Nevermind... For some reason it spontaneously started working.

EDIT2: Jeezuz... I can't believe how f*ckin good this works. Props to you EchoTiger!
View attachment 171916

EDIT3: Update! After a couple tweaks, it seems to be making great cash!
View attachment 171948
Are you above level 90? If so there could be aggro tolerance issues.

Currently testing Grim Batol Heavy. Well it isn't optimized for lvl 100 I guess. The bot run into minions tu pull them but don't attack them but run to the next wave. Okay fine, cool idea. But it happens that minions don't even follow you.
Yeah and it doesn't kill Shadowburner: Pull it, run ahead, boss despawns.

Oh and it would be amazing if you would support movement-speed abilities like Speed of Light.

Anyway, good profile so far! :)
Yea, it wasn't designed when level 100s were 'a thing' - so any consideation in aggro tolerance was only intended for a level 90 or below.
It shouldn't be pulling past any bosses since (of course) they drop aggro. This sounds more like a bug.

There's hooks in the profiles that loop movement buff speeds - that one should be included in there.
I'll check the profile to see what it has.

For Paladin it should be using Long Arm of the Law via Judgement cast while pulling mobs.
The logic could be modified for Speed of Light.

Why is it that when I start this in quest bot it says: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
Could you tell me what "this" is?
Last edited:

Just downloaded your profile (SVN) and got this error for A'lar :

5 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Ashes of Al'ar [$Rev$]'
'If' xml element on line number 317 has following errors
1) Impossible de convertir implicitement le type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit' en 'bool' at offset 0

2) Impossible de convertir expression lambda en type délégué 'System.Func<bool>', car certains types de retour du bloc ne sont pas implicitement convertibles en type de retour délégué at offset 0

'If' xml element on line number 338 has following errors
1) Impossible de convertir implicitement le type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit' en 'bool' at offset 0

2) Impossible de convertir expression lambda en type délégué 'System.Func<bool>', car certains types de retour du bloc ne sont pas implicitement convertibles en type de retour délégué at offset 0

'While' xml element on line number 351 has following errors
1) Le nom 'uIsAlive' n'existe pas dans le contexte actuel at offset 0

Feel free to ask if you need any translation
There has been known issues with a (lot) of profiles after the latest bot updat.e
Currently the reason for the issues is unknown (by me at least) - and will hopefully be fixed by the core-develops.
as it is possible to correct these errors?

[09:49:22.412 N] [Singular] /cancel Cat - due to Error 'SPELL_FAILED_NOT_SHAPESHIFT', suppress form until 15:49:52.412!
[09:49:22.422 N] [Singular] /cancel Cat - due to Shapeshift Error 'SPELL_FAILED_NOT_SHAPESHIFT' on cast, suppress form until 15:49:52.422!

[09:49:49.524 N] [DoWhen-v1974(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(UseCatForm), predicate (() => (Me.Combat && Me.IsMoving && Me.IsInInstance && Me.IsAlive) && (!Me.HasAura(768))) was not reset by execution.
This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.

View attachment 3132 2015-03-17 15.25.txt
as it is possible to correct these errors?

[09:49:22.412 N] [Singular] /cancel Cat - due to Error 'SPELL_FAILED_NOT_SHAPESHIFT', suppress form until 15:49:52.412!
[09:49:22.422 N] [Singular] /cancel Cat - due to Shapeshift Error 'SPELL_FAILED_NOT_SHAPESHIFT' on cast, suppress form until 15:49:52.422!

[09:49:49.524 N] [DoWhen-v1974(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(UseCatForm), predicate (() => (Me.Combat && Me.IsMoving && Me.IsInInstance && Me.IsAlive) && (!Me.HasAura(768))) was not reset by execution.
This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.

View attachment 171999
The DoWhen error is common. It shouldn't be causing issues though.
If the error output is annoying you, I could rmeove the output code from the behavior and send you the modified version.
at an entrance to a vault there is this mistake: "/cancel Cat - due to Error 'SPELL_FAILED_NOT_SHAPESHIFT', suppress form until"
the druid can't turn into a cat, because of it him kill
...and this "DoWhen error" if it is norm that let will be