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[PAID] YourRaidingBuddy V2 Premium

The hotkey seems a bit broken for me. I enable cooldowns and it pop some and then do nothing. If I then turn cd off again, its start the rotation again. Is this a known problem? Elemental Shamans this is.

View attachment 144493

Hi glidarkatten,

This issue will be solved next update!

YourRaidingBuddy 2 is now on sale for 15.99 until 6.0.2 Pre-Patch is out. Hurry up if you want to save a few euro's before 6.0.2 Patch :)
Is there any chance of a "Burst key" on some specs? like enhanc shaman for example? Press the hotkey at 3seconds and it pops wolves and continues from there etc
Sounds great! so when is next update up? Do u put update info somewhere here or is it only in cr window? Oh btw, it never interrupt either. Also coming? Cheers
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Is there any chance of a "Burst key" on some specs? like enhanc shaman for example? Press the hotkey at 3seconds and it pops wolves and continues from there etc

Hi Superman93,

Please use Semi-Hotkey mode (control the cooldown by hotkey) + Auto AoE or use Hotkey Mode (Control AoE and Cooldowns by hotkey)

Sounds great! so when is next update up? Do u put update info somewhere here or is it only in cr window? Oh btw, it never interrupt either. Also coming? Cheers

hi glidarkatten,

Unfortunately my old PSU finally had taken the night :( I already ordered a new one, but it won't arrive until next week.. so I won't be able to push updates until next week. I'm sorry for all the troubles you are having.
YourRaidingBuddy 2 is now on sale for 15.99 until 6.0.2 Pre-Patch is out. Hurry up if you want to save a few euro's before 6.0.2 Patch :)

Isn't 15.99 the same price it's been since it appeared on the store? The store page doesn't seem to reflect that the current price is any type of temporary sale, which I've seen on other pages. What will the price be when the pre-patch hits the servers? I tried the trial and really like YRB2, thinking about buying, just wondering about the price. :)
Isn't 15.99 the same price it's been since it appeared on the store? The store page doesn't seem to reflect that the current price is any type of temporary sale, which I've seen on other pages. What will the price be when the pre-patch hits the servers? I tried the trial and really like YRB2, thinking about buying, just wondering about the price. :)

Original price is 19.99.
Thanks for the reply regarding the burst key!

Another question, regarding Prot Pallys. Can we have a Light's hammer hover over key? I normally pause the CR and then do it manually, but will make it easier.
Thanks for the reply regarding the burst key!

Another question, regarding Prot Pallys. Can we have a Light's hammer hover over key? I normally pause the CR and then do it manually, but will make it easier.

Hi superman93,

It's already in, but it's in need of some fixes. Which I will fix once the PSU arrives next week!

Ah, ok! Thank you for the information.

Hi HB5926Y20,

No problem!
Hi superman93,

It's already in, but it's in need of some fixes. Which I will fix once the PSU arrives next week!

Alright thanks! Another thing.. BrM monks, I seem to have no energy, all the time.. like, IDK.. it should be spamming Tiger palm alot more instead of using Jab everytime i have enough Energy.. I'm 572 and I have no energy lol. Anyway, all you need to do is make it jab when i have more energy than keg smash costs, or something.. instead of all the time.
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New build coming up (needs approval before it's live), I will post here once it's live.

Paladin Changes ::

  • Fixed Light's Hammer location (It should now work) on both specs. -- Thanks Stormchasing

Monk Brewmaster Changes ::

  • Resolved a bug where Jab was spamming. It should now wait until Keg Smash is over 900 Milliseconds on cooldown before using Jab (Should resolve most of the jab spamming issues)

Shaman Elemental Changes ::

  • Fixed Earth Shock where if Flame Shock was falling, it would use Earth Shock instead of refreshing Flame Shock.
  • Fixed AoE Range down to 20 yards instead of 28yards. Should resolve some AoE Issues with Chain Lightning (needs tweaking), if 20 yards is too much I will consider making this a setting in General Settings / Elemental Settings
  • Fixed Earth Elemental usage for Elemental, it now waits for Fire Elemental to be on cooldown (70+ seconds)
  • Fixed an small issue where interrupt would never trigger. Also Players needs to enable Enable Interrupts setting under Elemental Settings before Interrupting.

Deathknight Unholy Changes ::

  • Spec Rotation is now fully in Coroutine.
  • Precombat still needs work.

Core Changes ::

  • Added Spell Casting for Coroutine
  • Added CastOnGround casting for Coroutine
  • Fixed / edited Aura checks to work with Coroutine
  • Added Healthstone for Coroutine
  • Added Timer (To measure how long it takes on the routine to execute) -- Thanks Natfoth
How is this for raiding heroics raids with deathnight and farming achievements compared to other paid cc's. Im wondering if this can keep up .
Thanks for the BrM and Prot pally updates! The BrM one seems a little better.. But instead of just melee attacking when there isnt enough chi to jab, it should spam Tiger Palm.. I see times where TP is literally about to drop.. it should never go below 14/15seconds tbh... Any chance you could make it use it more instead of just AA'ing?
How is this for raiding heroics raids with deathnight and farming achievements compared to other paid cc's. Im wondering if this can keep up .
Hi reww,

Test it out by using the trial on the store :)

Thanks for the BrM and Prot pally updates! The BrM one seems a little better.. But instead of just melee attacking when there isnt enough chi to jab, it should spam Tiger Palm.. I see times where TP is literally about to drop.. it should never go below 14/15seconds tbh... Any chance you could make it use it more instead of just AA'ing?

Hi superman93,

Yeah, I guess so.. the old Tiger Palm is based on Jab values in energy. So I would need to tweak that a bit.. I'll see what I can do tomorrow :)
Hi reww,
Hi superman93,

Yeah, I guess so.. the old Tiger Palm is based on Jab values in energy. So I would need to tweak that a bit.. I'll see what I can do tomorrow :)

Yeah I dunno how you could do it.. But i just see times when it kinda just pauses and doesnt use a global, when it could use TP.. TP does so much more damage then Jab and doesn't cost anything.. which makes it worth spamming.

Also, the light's hammer hotkey still doesnt seem to cast it.. and one last thing.. Can you add a toggle to use Eternal Flame? i don't like the CR doing it, it sometimes refreshes it when I have no vengence and it's horrible :( I'd like the option to turn it off please.
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Yeah I dunno how you could do it.. But i just see times when it kinda just pauses and doesnt use a global, when it could use TP.. TP does so much more damage then Jab and doesn't cost anything.. which makes it worth spamming.

Also, the light's hammer hotkey still doesnt seem to cast it.. and one last thing.. Can you add a toggle to use Eternal Flame? i don't like the CR doing it, it sometimes refreshes it when I have no vengence and it's horrible :( I'd like the option to turn it off please.

Hi superman93,

Will look into the Light's hammer, I added a new setting for EF. You can now set the amount of minimum vengeance before using EF, will arrive in the next small update this weekend. It will also be the last update before 6.0.2 Pre-Patch. Unless something major comes up
Hi superman93,

Will look into the Light's hammer, I added a new setting for EF. You can now set the amount of minimum vengeance before using EF, will arrive in the next small update this weekend. It will also be the last update before 6.0.2 Pre-Patch. Unless something major comes up

great idea on the changes on EF based on HP% or vengeance amount but i believe this still only works on the pally himself. This has been brought up before, but I'd still like to request some logic for EF over SOTR when you are not the active tank. The logic/priority should change during tank swaps since when you're the off-tank you're taking minimum damage overall and no physical damage; the rotation should change when your roll changes - not sure if the CR can detect this or not. If the CR can't detect and change the priorities by itself, I'd like an option to even disable EF and SOTR use completely so the user can decide when to use each ability, since depending on how much time you spend as the off-tank, doing the same rotation the entire fight has a pretty huge waste in raid healing potential. When I manually control my prot pally's HP use and prioritize EF over SOTR during tank swaps, the amount of raid healing is actually very significant.

As far as tanks go, if the pally abilities are only ever used on the pally himself, pretty much all other tanks would be more useful IMO. Being able to support the active tank when a prot pally is the off-tank is one of the strong suits of the class, whether it's through SS or EF, prot pallies make all other tanks tank better. If only for self use, a DK or Guardian's self healing and survival seems at least on par but have a lot more damage potential, however they're ability to help the other tank when they become the off tank is much more limited. As it currently stands, your Blood DK routine is a lot more effective since the self heals and shields exceeds EF and does way more dmg at same Ilvl, and since the bloodworms use smartheals automatically, the blood dk does more raid healing than the prot pally routine which should be the opposite.

add: just to confirm my theory of what I think a prot pally *should* do during a raid, I looked up a bunch of the top prot pally logs from Warcraftlogs. There are both extremes of players, many of them have 99.9% of only self heals and some are as low as 65% of their heals going to themselves with a ton going to the other tank (i assume on swaps). we're not talking about a few hundred thousand here and there, these are fights where the pallies are healing over 100M in some cases. Where you distribute this amount of healing is very significant, and the ones with 99.9% in all heals going to themselves have a HUGE amount of overhealing much of which could have helped out the raid. it's just at this late in the content it's so easy for them they can afford to just steamroll heroics and barely look at what they're doing. for progression, reducing the massive amount of overhealing to themselves and helping out the other healers would be a huge benefit.
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Hi there really good stuff and all but as a DPS DK I find that the some reactions are quite strange :
- When I get low on health, it does uses healing abilities but it seems to take it's time,
- When purgatory procs, it doesn't eve seems to try and use any heal. It should be the only priority, use everything that can heal, DPS is useless at that point.

outside of that, really good stuff, Thx :)
Hi there really good stuff and all but as a DPS DK I find that the some reactions are quite strange :
- When I get low on health, it does uses healing abilities but it seems to take it's time,
- When purgatory procs, it doesn't eve seems to try and use any heal. It should be the only priority, use everything that can heal, DPS is useless at that point.

outside of that, really good stuff, Thx :)

completely agree with this but I think by the time purgatory has proc'd as a DPS DK you're pretty much screwed if a healer doesn't spam you up. The amount of self-heals you can do (all you have left by this point is Death Strike) is tiny and isn't going to save you. The CR would have already burned Death Pact before your purgatory proc'd, so that means it has no other big heals left to do other than 1-2 baby death strikes which are tiny heals on a UH or Frost DK. If you want it to help, these measures would have to be kicked in WAY earlier, like on Tuanha's routine for UH, I set the Death Strike emergency self heal mode to 50% HP. That way if you're taking ongoing damage and the healers are slow to swap, you at least have more time for the CR to react.
is it possible to make the hunter routine check for a pet? - I have noticed a few heroic fights where my pet gets out of range and despawns, and the bot just seem to shut down, I have to manually summon my pet, or res it... Or is there a setting I am missing?