great idea on the changes on EF based on HP% or vengeance amount but i believe this still only works on the pally himself. This has been brought up before, but I'd still like to request some logic for EF over SOTR when you are not the active tank. The logic/priority should change during tank swaps since when you're the off-tank you're taking minimum damage overall and no physical damage; the rotation should change when your roll changes - not sure if the CR can detect this or not. If the CR can't detect and change the priorities by itself, I'd like an option to even disable EF and SOTR use completely so the user can decide when to use each ability, since depending on how much time you spend as the off-tank, doing the same rotation the entire fight has a pretty huge waste in raid healing potential. When I manually control my prot pally's HP use and prioritize EF over SOTR during tank swaps, the amount of raid healing is actually very significant.
As far as tanks go, if the pally abilities are only ever used on the pally himself, pretty much all other tanks would be more useful IMO. Being able to support the active tank when a prot pally is the off-tank is one of the strong suits of the class, whether it's through SS or EF, prot pallies make all other tanks tank better. If only for self use, a DK or Guardian's self healing and survival seems at least on par but have a lot more damage potential, however they're ability to help the other tank when they become the off tank is much more limited. As it currently stands, your Blood DK routine is a lot more effective since the self heals and shields exceeds EF and does way more dmg at same Ilvl, and since the bloodworms use smartheals automatically, the blood dk does more raid healing than the prot pally routine which should be the opposite.
add: just to confirm my theory of what I think a prot pally *should* do during a raid, I looked up a bunch of the top prot pally logs from Warcraftlogs. There are both extremes of players, many of them have 99.9% of only self heals and some are as low as 65% of their heals going to themselves with a ton going to the other tank (i assume on swaps). we're not talking about a few hundred thousand here and there, these are fights where the pallies are healing over 100M in some cases. Where you distribute this amount of healing is very significant, and the ones with 99.9% in all heals going to themselves have a HUGE amount of overhealing much of which could have helped out the raid. it's just at this late in the content it's so easy for them they can afford to just steamroll heroics and barely look at what they're doing. for progression, reducing the massive amount of overhealing to themselves and helping out the other healers would be a huge benefit.