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[PAID] YourRaidingBuddy V2 Premium

Just throwing this out there. Tell me why i should buy yours over someone else? You should give people a trial to see how you stack up to others. nothing worse than paying for something that's just not that good.
Just throwing this out there. Tell me why i should buy yours over someone else? You should give people a trial to see how you stack up to others. nothing worse than paying for something that's just not that good.

Hi Cochise,

I don't get your question properly. There's a 5 day trial on the product?
Can anyone give some feedback on the Hunter performance for this CC before I purchase it?


In my humble opinion its doing a really good job. Of course its up to ur ilvl and play style.
I own Tuanhas CRs and tried the Quick n Dirty ones from Pesterke (cant remember his nick proper).
Since I only play pve YRB2 is my favorite one, simple settings and a good dmg output.
like i said i have no numbers to proof which ones the best but there is a 5 day trial at the store so just give it a try.
Im sure ull be happy with it ;)

Just wondering what spec are you. Maybe it's my spec? Idk whats going on I checked the log and submitted a support post. I didnt see any errors in the log and everything else is working from the store. D:
do u see YRB2 with any other available class or just not hunter? Im SV but YRB2 supports all 3 specs...
The hunter CC wont even show up in my list for some reason.
Wrong spec iirc, half sure MM is not supported.

@ Xcesuis, I've been testing your rotations over the last couples days, they're pretty solid overall, gratz. However, a few things are missing from my point of view :

Prot paladin :
- If you don't have Seal of Insight on, it won't put it on ever, it'll just go on with the rotation and skip Judgment. Not that I care that much cause it's pretty simple to have SoI up, but just saying.
- A %HP fo HP before using WoG/EF would be awesome.
- An option to use the 4P proc as soon as it's there would also be nice (useful if specced into DI to fish for procs) (4P proc : http://www.wowhead.com/spell=144569)
- A HP check (or a time to die > 10) before using Death Sentance would also be useful. It's often using it on target which will die after 2 ticks.
- An option to use some EF on raid members under X% HP would be useful sometimes (rarely though, this isnt high priority or anything)

I've done less testing on this. It's performing decently on a PvE environment. However, i'm more often using a brewmaster in CMs, and it's not that awesome there. It spends way too much time waiting for keg smash to be up, or enough energy to be ready, and in CMs, given the haste you have, it's too long. It should be using Tiger palm more often, imho.
A HP threshold to use Elusive Brew would be nice, along with the stack count that is already present.
Oh, and an option to use Breath of Fire only on X+ targets too.

There, might have forgot about a few things, but I think that's pretty much it.

Oh, and your rotations are awesome. Thanks <3
The hunter CC wont even show up in my list for some reason.

Hi A1l3n,

MM isn't fully added before WoD, hence why I disabled it on loading so users weren't asking why it doesn't work in MoP.

Wrong spec iirc, half sure MM is not supported.

@ Xcesuis, I've been testing your rotations over the last couples days, they're pretty solid overall, gratz. However, a few things are missing from my point of view :

Prot paladin :
- If you don't have Seal of Insight on, it won't put it on ever, it'll just go on with the rotation and skip Judgment. Not that I care that much cause it's pretty simple to have SoI up, but just saying.
- A %HP fo HP before using WoG/EF would be awesome.
- An option to use the 4P proc as soon as it's there would also be nice (useful if specced into DI to fish for procs) (4P proc : http://www.wowhead.com/spell=144569)
- A HP check (or a time to die > 10) before using Death Sentance would also be useful. It's often using it on target which will die after 2 ticks.
- An option to use some EF on raid members under X% HP would be useful sometimes (rarely though, this isnt high priority or anything)

I've done less testing on this. It's performing decently on a PvE environment. However, i'm more often using a brewmaster in CMs, and it's not that awesome there. It spends way too much time waiting for keg smash to be up, or enough energy to be ready, and in CMs, given the haste you have, it's too long. It should be using Tiger palm more often, imho.
A HP threshold to use Elusive Brew would be nice, along with the stack count that is already present.
Oh, and an option to use Breath of Fire only on X+ targets too.

There, might have forgot about a few things, but I think that's pretty much it.

Oh, and your rotations are awesome. Thanks <3

Hi Eckhaert,

Thank you for your fine words, in WoD i'm adding seal (PreCombat) so you can select which seal to use before combat.
A HP % will be a dded to WoG / EF when I find time, I'm currently busy with WoD build.

Currently it looks like this ->

 Spell.Cast("Eternal Flame", On => Me, ret => TalentManager.IsSelected(8) && (EternalFlameSetting < 2 && BastionofGloryCount > 2 && (Lua.HolyPower >= 3 || DivinePurposeProc))),                

Spell.Cast("Word of Glory", On => Me, ret => !TalentManager.IsSelected(8) && ProtectionSettings.EnableWordofGlory && (BastionofGloryCount > 2 && (Lua.HolyPower >= 3 || DivinePurposeProc))),

I will add support for the T16 proc when I have time later this evening.

I will add a HP check setting for the Death Sentance as well.

EF on raid members, I don't think I have raid members support in the core atm. I will look into it :)

Brewmaster, yes I am aware of the issues in CMs. As a HC tester told me it wasn't working anything good. I will try and make a rotation for CMs if I have some more time this night
A HP threshold on Elusive brew will be added thanks.
Breath of Fire only on X amount of target setting is also coming in next build.

If you want to contact me, PM me your skype thanks!
This CC is perfect for too many class. I have a rogué in my guild that With 565 always aré out of top ten damage in raid. He try yesterday this CC and always make top 3.

Have update for class WOD status %?
This CC is perfect for too many class. I have a rogué in my guild that With 565 always aré out of top ten damage in raid. He try yesterday this CC and always make top 3.

Have update for class WOD status %?

Hi Clubwar,

I'm currently away from home, I will post a new update to the notes in the link when I get home (Monday).
I've noticed that, using automatic mode as an elemental shaman, it will try to use chain lightning even if the mob I have targeted is too far away from other mobs to do AOE damage. It will also sometimes use Earth Shock for Fulmination even when Flame Shock is about to run out. Haven't seen the routine use Earth Elemental once (though I have it set to use on boss).
I've noticed that, using automatic mode as an elemental shaman, it will try to use chain lightning even if the mob I have targeted is too far away from other mobs to do AOE damage. It will also sometimes use Earth Shock for Fulmination even when Flame Shock is about to run out. Haven't seen the routine use Earth Elemental once (though I have it set to use on boss).

Hi tokyodrift,

Will fix the issues when I get home this tuesday!
just wanted to added a quick +rep for this CR. So good and simple overall and covers so many classes/specs for the price I think it's under-priced :) was bored with blood for a while but loaded him up to take a spin just to try out the CR and it's great right out the bat with no tweaking. The DS timing to control blood shields is much better than the other CR's out there and even though it's more survival focused as it should be the DPS is great. It doesn't let you runepower cap and always keeps runes on recycle. Easily cleared wing3-4 on normal with no tweaking at all, wasn't even planning on playing my DK just saw an instant OQ LF tank and joined for a pleasant surprise.

i don't think I saw a conversion setting and it would rarely be used in raiding, but for dungeons/HS auto-capping and a few encounters a conversion at X% is actually very useful. Is this possible to add without much work?
just wanted to added a quick +rep for this CR. So good and simple overall and covers so many classes/specs for the price I think it's under-priced :) was bored with blood for a while but loaded him up to take a spin just to try out the CR and it's great right out the bat with no tweaking. The DS timing to control blood shields is much better than the other CR's out there and even though it's more survival focused as it should be the DPS is great. It doesn't let you runepower cap and always keeps runes on recycle. Easily cleared wing3-4 on normal with no tweaking at all, wasn't even planning on playing my DK just saw an instant OQ LF tank and joined for a pleasant surprise.

i don't think I saw a conversion setting and it would rarely be used in raiding, but for dungeons/HS auto-capping and a few encounters a conversion at X% is actually very useful. Is this possible to add without much work?

Hi lawrence131,

I will add it to the to-do list, it will be added in the next build this week.
Hi lawrence131,

I will add it to the to-do list, it will be added in the next build this week.

thx for the quick reply XC, i haven't had much time to test prot pally (i'm on a tanking streak lately), but i don't think i saw an option for SOTR only on X holy power (you would really only disable this or set it to 5).

setting it to 5 allows the player to freely EF when it is more important than SOTR, especially during tank swaps (you would just keep using it before it hit 5 HP). For several seconds after each swap I think a prot pally can and should do a LOT of raid healing. I understand constantly scanning and healing the whole raid would prolly be very difficult to code and slow down the routine, but even manual control or just doing it on focus target (I generally focus target the 2nd tank anyways). Right after the swap the other tank immediately takes a lot of dmg (they don't have vengeance yet for huge bear heals, may not SD in advance, etc, etc), and you are at max vengeance taking no damage cuz your partner just taunted off you. when i play it by hand I always at least EF the other tank on the swap while I'm at max vengeance and taking no damage. Even 1 max vengeance EF does a crap ton of healing, and the first hit of EF reverses the first hit the other tank takes so he starts at 100% with a very large HOT for 30 secs.

is it possible to implement this somehow either just by forcing SOTR to trigger only at X-HP, or actually fully automating it for swaps?