nomnomnom nice that your are back.
why did you drop the simcraft rotation ?
as you maybe can remember i suggested you a fix for heroic strike. but i noticed it wasnt working right.
here is the correct one.
Cast("Heroic Strike", ret => NonExecuteCheck() && ((Me.CurrentRage >= 110 || (Me.CurrentRage >= 90 && !TalentManager.HasGlyph("Unending Rage"))) || (MeColossusSmashAura && Me.CurrentRage >= 40) || (DeadlyCalmAura() && Me.CurrentRage >= 30))),
in the dev version:
[FONT=Verdana]Cast("Colossus Smash", ret => ExecuteCheck && SpellCooldown("Bloodthirst") >= 1400),
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Bloodthirst"),[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Execute", ret => ColossusSmashAura),
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Colossus Smash", ret => !ColossusSmashAura),
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Colossus Smash"),
should be enough and works good.on the execute phase you only use bloodthirst, cs and execute. all other spells arent used. you dump all rage with execute.
here are better synaptics springs to align wtih cds.
void TriggerSynapseSprings()
var synapseSprings = Me.Inventory.Equipped.Hands;
if (synapseSprings != null && CanUseEquippedItem(synapseSprings) && MeColossusSmashAura && BloodbathAura() &&
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboSynapseSprings == "On Boss or Dummy" && IsTargetBoss()) ||
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboSynapseSprings == "On BL or TW" && (Me.HasAura(80353) || Me.HasAura(2825))) ||
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboSynapseSprings == "Always")
same for deadly calm and orc racial (maybe change it for all other classes but i only play orc xD)
Cast("Deadly Calm", ret => NonExecuteCheck() && BloodbathAura() && MeColossusSmashAura && Me.CurrentRage >= 40 && (
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboDeadlyCalm == "On Boss or Dummy" && IsTargetBoss()) ||
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboDeadlyCalm == "On BL or TW" && (Me.HasAura(80353) || Me.HasAura(2825))) ||
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboDeadlyCalm == "Always")
Cast("Blood Fury", ret => Me.Race == WoWRace.Orc && BloodbathAura() && MeColossusSmashAura && (
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboClassRacials == "On Boss or Dummy" && IsTargetBoss()) ||
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboClassRacials == "On BL or TW" && (Me.HasAura(80353) || Me.HasAura(2825))) ||
(YBSettingsF.Instance.comboClassRacials == "Always")
you maybe also want to change
new Decorator(ret => Default() && _aoecount >= 1, YBStartCombat()));
new Decorator(ret => Default() && _aoecount == 1, YBStartCombat()));
to avoid that single target rotation triggers on aoe.
for the healthstone problem not being used.
public static bool TriggerHealthStone()
if (YBSettingsF.Instance.checkHealthStone && Me.HealthPercent <= YBSettingsF.Instance.numHealthStone)
foreach (WoWItem healthStone in StyxWoW.Me.BagItems.Where(HealthStone => HealthStone.Name.Contains("Healthstone")))
Logging.Write(Colors.YellowGreen, @"Healthstone Used.");
return true;
return false;
there is a problem with clients that dont use english. changing healthstone to the name used by my client it works.
maybe you can change it that is work by id not by item name?
i uploaded a version with all tweaks i made. aoe rotation also changed.
(if im not allowed to share i will remove it on your request)