What are the rules being applied during the execute phase?Rotation should be fixed now. I had 10k dps more than I used to![]()
What are the rules being applied during the execute phase?
nomnomnom nice that your are back.
why did you drop the simcraft rotation ?
as you maybe can remember i suggested you a fix for heroic strike. but i noticed it wasnt working right.
here is the correct one.
Code:Cast("Heroic Strike", ret => NonExecuteCheck() && ((Me.CurrentRage >= 110 || (Me.CurrentRage >= 90 && !TalentManager.HasGlyph("Unending Rage"))) || (MeColossusSmashAura && Me.CurrentRage >= 40) || (DeadlyCalmAura() && Me.CurrentRage >= 30))),
in the dev version:
Code:[FONT=Verdana]Cast("Colossus Smash", ret => ExecuteCheck && SpellCooldown("Bloodthirst") >= 1400), [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Bloodthirst"),[/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Execute", ret => ColossusSmashAura), [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Colossus Smash", ret => !ColossusSmashAura), [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Execute"),[/FONT]
Code:[FONT=Verdana]Cast("Bloodthirst"), [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Colossus Smash"), [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Cast("Execute"),[/FONT][FONT=Verdana] [/FONT]
should be enough and works good.on the execute phase you only use bloodthirst, cs and execute. all other spells arent used. you dump all rage with execute.
here are better synaptics springs to align wtih cds.
same for deadly calm and orc racial (maybe change it for all other classes but i only play orc xD)Code:void TriggerSynapseSprings() { var synapseSprings = Me.Inventory.Equipped.Hands; { if (synapseSprings != null && CanUseEquippedItem(synapseSprings) && MeColossusSmashAura && BloodbathAura() && ( (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboSynapseSprings == "On Boss or Dummy" && IsTargetBoss()) || (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboSynapseSprings == "On BL or TW" && (Me.HasAura(80353) || Me.HasAura(2825))) || (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboSynapseSprings == "Always") )) synapseSprings.Use(); } }
Code:Cast("Deadly Calm", ret => NonExecuteCheck() && BloodbathAura() && MeColossusSmashAura && Me.CurrentRage >= 40 && ( (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboDeadlyCalm == "On Boss or Dummy" && IsTargetBoss()) || (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboDeadlyCalm == "On BL or TW" && (Me.HasAura(80353) || Me.HasAura(2825))) || (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboDeadlyCalm == "Always") )),
Code:Cast("Blood Fury", ret => Me.Race == WoWRace.Orc && BloodbathAura() && MeColossusSmashAura && ( (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboClassRacials == "On Boss or Dummy" && IsTargetBoss()) || (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboClassRacials == "On BL or TW" && (Me.HasAura(80353) || Me.HasAura(2825))) || (YBSettingsF.Instance.comboClassRacials == "Always") )),
you maybe also want to change
new Decorator(ret => Default() && _aoecount >= 1, YBStartCombat()));
new Decorator(ret => Default() && _aoecount == 1, YBStartCombat()));
to avoid that single target rotation triggers on aoe.
for the healthstone problem not being used.
Code:public static bool TriggerHealthStone() { if (YBSettingsF.Instance.checkHealthStone && Me.HealthPercent <= YBSettingsF.Instance.numHealthStone) { foreach (WoWItem healthStone in StyxWoW.Me.BagItems.Where(HealthStone => HealthStone.Name.Contains("Healthstone"))) { Logging.Write(Colors.YellowGreen, @"Healthstone Used."); healthStone.Use(); return true; } } return false; }
there is a problem with clients that dont use english. changing healthstone to the name used by my client it works.
maybe you can change it that is work by id not by item name?
i uploaded a version with all tweaks i made. aoe rotation also changed.
(if im not allowed to share i will remove it on your request)
Take Dev SVN.what is the latest rev?
i got 265 from svn hotkeys are gone and updater is back but not working
svn folder is all red :>
I'll fix this.and why isnt the rotational impending victory settings saving for me? i always have to edit the config file.
anyways. thank you for your hard work.
I'll fix this.
Edit: Fixed. Rotational ImpVic setting is now working.
I've forwarded this to alxaw, as I only edited GUI stuff and didn't touch other files.I'm not sure what changes went into the new current ( as of 1-14-2013 2pm CST ) Dev release but I'm back in the mid 60's again DPS wise. Since there are so many changes coming I HIGHLY .... HIGHLY recommend that people keep every single revision so they do not lose the dps gains when a worse dps rotation is introduced.
The svn dev release from lastnight had me at 78 - 80k sustained dps on the dummy and some high numbers, numbers I've not seen before in LFR. That's now gone with the newest dev svn release that is currently up. Again, the newest revision that's up now has me in the mid 60's. I'm guessing there was a small change made based on the over-all logic of the rotation which was enough to cause the dps loss? Or, some other change?
I also question how the community can accurately report as a whole on dps gains. These revisions are not getting the proper testing they need. Can we setup a uniform way of testing along with a uniform way of reporting dps from one revision to the next? I also see nothing wrong with keeping up 2 - 3 - 4 revisions and allowing people to test them as long as we have a very stable CC to bench against, in this case, rev 65 and, again, allowing us to UNIFORMLY post dps results and for which revision.
I think we can vastly improve the dps on this CC if we had in place, as soon as possible an easy / accurate way to post dps gain / losses. I'm sure this can be figured out. I would avoid in-game mods ( dps meters ) as it would be too time consuming and clunky to get those results uploaded / shared. I would find a service that allows for simple data collection, DPS number, Boss Fight and Revision and that spreed sheets the data for everyone to see. Of course there will be a few clowns that skew the data but you can allows ignore the ( out of average data, low or high ) numbers and still get the results you need to figure out if we are moving in the right direction. This would be an extremely powerful tool for the dev team. There are several great free spread sheets out there that we can use to collect this data fast and accurately that would give the devs fast real time data. I think google docs can do this for us if setup properly so some random clown couldn't destroy the data.
I'd appreciate to NOT distribute rev 65, as this will prevent players from testing the latest developer version, we need testers!
I don't know what has broken but my warrior no longer does anything here are logs he only auto attacks on dummy and on raid bosses.
no I didn't minimize wow I came online started up HB zoned into ToeS and then autoattacked everythingI can't reproduce this, It seems to me you've minimized your wow, please delete YBMoP settings folder in Settings and delete/reinstall the routine from the latest development version.