I had a chance to play around with Rev 125. Honestly, the numbers are low compared to Rev 65.
Rev 65 is a Monster, a Beast. It's the rev I used to set a handful of World of Log Records.
Rev 65 gets me 170k bursts on dummies. Yes, 170k. Sustained dps over 8 - 10 mins I see 79 - 82k and sometimes 90k. Using rev 125 over 8 - 10 mins .......... a very low 55k.
At this point in time, using any other rev other than 65 will cost you dps. This has already been reported by others on this tread.
Lastnight I went into LFR to grab some screen shots for you guys. Elegon, 151K at the end of the fight, Will of the Emp, 100k. And these numbers would have been higher had the LFR tanks been better. I kept pulling agro from them so I had to hold off DPS for several seconds in both of those fights.
Any Warrior out there with Ilevel 497 - 498 using Rev 65 will see these same exact numbers.
I would strongly suggest that the Devs take a very very close look at Rev 65, make zero changes, add in the AOE rotation improvements from 80 - 85 - 90 and build upon that. 65 is just simply amazing and you guys can reproduce these numbers yourself if you have the high-end gear.