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WingIt - All In One

same error is happening with my level 14 Guardian Focus Specd. replicated every possible thing i can do that people have suggested from resetting talent points to deleteing BW and clean install, blah~
however with no joy im getting the following error.


I already fixed this bug. Please update WingIt. Btw, this error should only be visible on diagnostic mode and shouldnt prevent you from botting.
Fixed what bug?
the [WingIt] Combat support for Agent [None] is not currently implemented.
[WingIt] Pull support for Agent is not currently implemented.
[WingIt] Buddy Wing stopped! bug?
because I just used svn to update mine and its still doing the same thing, I deleted the old wingit folder first even
I kind of forced it to work by changing the end of spechandler.cs from

return SkillTreeId.None


return tree1;

so apparently the spechandler is not working correctly getting the spec of your char. this is the actual spec my character is, you can read above the line you change to see what spec is which number from 1-3 for any of you that wish to try this yourself. Just open the spechandler in notpad,
I need more information...
Level of your character, class, advanced class.

The Spechandler IS working - at least for me

[WingIt] Level: 50
[WingIt] Class: Warrior
[WingIt] Advanced Class: Marauder (Annihilation)
[WingIt] (31,7,3) <-- the points
[WingIt] Building method list
[WingIt] Added 231 methods
[WingIt] Using AnnihilationWatchmanOutOfCombat
[WingIt] Using AnnihilationWatchmanCombat
[WingIt] Using AnnihilationWatchmanPull

It can't work, because Guardian Focus isn't supported atm :P
How many people are having problems with the bot being dance happy? i.e. the bot moves around constantly in combat?

Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.861.271
Logging in...
Login Success!
First CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 970 @ 3.20GHz
OS Version: Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
App Path: Z:\BW\Buddywing.exe
Current build number: 919377
Loading client.gom..
Loaded client.gom!
Took 656ms to get the nodes list.
There are 135989 nodes.
DomList has 4294967295/4108080
_BaseClient handled.
utlStaticDefinitions handled.
strOracle handled.
_InputHandler handled.
chrOracle handled.
qstOracle handled.
spnOracle handled.
ablOracle handled.
cnvOracle handled.
ctlOracle handled.
mapOracle handled.
scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
gmOracle handled.
Debug Draw Oracle added.
dbgDrawOracle handled.
guiApiGfx handled.
ablTrainerOracle handled.
prfOracle handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3B9B194E
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3B9B195B
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3B9B195F
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3B9B1974
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3B9B1980
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3B9B19A2
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3B9B19E9
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3B9B1A19
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3B9B1A2B
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3B9B1A31
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3B9B1A33
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3B9B1A3E
sysInputLayer handled.
Took 1297ms to process the node list
User is a Agent
Routine Path: Routines
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
WingIt - All In One v0.1.776.217
[WingIt] Level: 40
[WingIt] Class: Agent
[WingIt] Advanced Class: Sniper (Marksmanship)
[WingIt] Building method list
[WingIt] Added 247 methods
[WingIt] MarksmanshipPostCombat is a match!
[WingIt] Using MarksmanshipPostCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[WingIt] OutOfDevCombat is a match!
[WingIt] Using OutOfDevCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[WingIt] MarksmanshipCombat is a match!
[WingIt] Using MarksmanshipCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
[WingIt] MarksmanshipPull is a match!
[WingIt] Using MarksmanshipPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
Chose WingIt - All In One as your combat routine.
[WingIt] Level: 40
[WingIt] Class: Agent
[WingIt] Advanced Class: Sniper (Marksmanship)
[WingIt] MarksmanshipPostCombat is a match!
[WingIt] Using MarksmanshipPostCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[WingIt] OutOfDevCombat is a match!
[WingIt] Using OutOfDevCombat for OutOfCombat (Priority: 0)
[WingIt] MarksmanshipCombat is a match!
[WingIt] Using MarksmanshipCombat for Combat (Priority: 0)
[WingIt] MarksmanshipPull is a match!
[WingIt] Using MarksmanshipPull for Pull (Priority: 0)
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing
There are 2 plugins.
Current bot set to Combat Bot
Loaded profile
Sell quality set to Standard.
[Mount] Automatically set mount to Aratech Dagger
Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
Start/Stop Button Clicked!
BotMain.Start() called
Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
Current bot set to Combat Bot
Loaded profile
Starting bot Combat Bot
[Plugins] All plugins have been disabled!
Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 27b6185a-c0ca-41a7-9666-41a9d82ec1e7
Added new hook [HotspotPoi] ad49a491-f794-4dfa-8e46-ef8ad78901ce
Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] cfe31260-d39b-422e-bb0b-f8c28d22bdc5
Added new hook [SetLootPoi] c8afdbfd-5c14-42ec-bf2f-4fbade22c873
Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 3338f6ec-8f29-4009-bc75-ae3c8e6cd9d1
Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] fdec7e38-c922-42f2-bb4a-2928cf5f432d
Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 7af7e5b7-2f27-4481-982b-a8f036f9df7c
Added new hook [SelectPoiType] f2af3a16-0e9a-4728-9cc3-c2be74635c6c
Added new hook [Combat_OOC] 60d9ee14-6e10-4ea1-9203-b982d175f7aa
Added new hook [Combat_Pull] f3739ab2-2d06-4a1d-98e7-ba3333b7c939
Added new hook [Combat_Combat] 27b6185a-c0ca-41a7-9666-41a9d82ec1e7
Replaced hook [TreeStart] c31eb5ea-d489-4e4c-8dd5-5139bd9c52db
Spooling up bot thread.
Bot thread started.
[POI Set] Type: Hotspot
[POI Set] Type: Kill
Killing Killer with 100% health at 22.31 meters
Casting Crouch
Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
Casting Crouch
Casting Fragmentation Grenade
Generating path to Kill Target <142.063, 27.86996, 114.5686>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.063, 27.86996, 114.5686> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Casting Crouch
Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
Casting Crouch
Generating path to Kill Target <142.0009, 28.06598, 114.3307>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.0009, 28.06598, 114.3307> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Generating path to Kill Target <141.9766, 27.89941, 114.2483>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <141.9766, 27.89941, 114.2483> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
[POI Set] Type: Kill
Casting Crouch
Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
Casting Crouch
Casting Cover Pulse
Generating path to Kill Target <142.1582, 27.87682, 114.9034>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.1582, 27.87682, 114.9034> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Generating path to Kill Target <142.0808, 27.89214, 114.5919>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.0808, 27.89214, 114.5919> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Generating path to Kill Target <142.0358, 27.88558, 114.4107>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.0358, 27.88558, 114.4107> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Casting Crouch
Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
Casting Crouch
Navigation reached current destination. Within 0.06083907
Generating path to Kill Target <142.0358, 27.88558, 114.4107>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.0358, 27.88558, 114.4107> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Navigation reached current destination. Within 0.02622928
Generating path to Kill Target <142.0358, 27.88558, 114.4107>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.0358, 27.88558, 114.4107> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Casting Crouch
Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
Casting Crouch
Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
Casting Crouch
Casting Ambush
Generating path to Kill Target <142.0103, 27.89488, 114.3089>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.0103, 27.89488, 114.3089> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Navigation reached current destination. Within 0.04681046
Generating path to Kill Target <141.9845, 27.90496, 114.1957>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <141.9845, 27.90496, 114.1957> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Casting Crouch
Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
Casting Crouch
Casting Ambush
Generating path to Kill Target <142.0383, 27.88384, 114.4276>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.0383, 27.88384, 114.4276> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.
Start/Stop Button Clicked!
BotMain.Stop() called
Stopping the bot.
Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped

If you look at the log above, you will see:

Generating path to Kill Target <142.0358, 27.88558, 114.4107>
Raycast path generated.
Generated path to <142.0358, 27.88558, 114.4107> (Kill Target) with 1 hops.

And other vectors I commented out all of the movement in the cc and in wingit this movement appears to be coming from BuddyWing and not WingIt.

Essentially this makes ranged unusable and makes melee look funny.

My sniper is to busy shimmy cover dancing to cast and my jk runs back and forth a TON, but does whack target enough to destroy them.
I've got a scoundrel built as a healer so I took the Operative-Medicine build and converted it to a working level class for Scoundrel Sawbones. Attached the file. I'm still testing as leveling (currently at 37) but it's basically the same as the Operative one. I didn't use the mirrors since I did this work a week or two ago before the updates to those mirrors.


I've got a scoundrel built as a healer so I took the Operative-Medicine build and converted it to a working level class for Scoundrel Sawbones. Attached the file. I'm still testing as leveling (currently at 37) but it's basically the same as the Operative one. I didn't use the mirrors since I did this work a week or two ago before the updates to those mirrors.
Wow, nice one droopy :) 1st scoundrel class, you rock! will test later this week.
Just a WingIt status update (for those who might care)...

SVN status (as of change #440):
  • We believe we've solved (a large part) of the issue of toons just standing around while in combat.
    The problem had to do with race conditions: CurrentTarget changing while Routine evaluation is in progress (including lamba expressions--unbelievable). This was a 'low-level' issue and unexpected, but a consequence of the SWtOR client architecture. We've managed to work-around the low-level misbehavior.
    The most recent fix may not address the full problem, but it is certainly a large chunk of it. We'll continue to explore the other facets of this troublesome issue.
    We know that problems still exist for spells that target on the ground, like "Death Field".
    We know a similar problem exists in the Looting behavior, but that's BWcore, and we don't have access to that code.

    These were all 'race conditions'. That means some players will see them, and others may not. Sometimes they come in 'streaks', and sometimes intermittently. Your machine's loading and power may influence what you observe Also, each time the SWtOR client is patched, the triggers for the 'race conditions' may change--things that used to work might start throwing exceptions, or vice-versa.
Immediate plans:
  • Neo93 is working on full-blown Mirror specs
    When this is completed, if support for a new Empire spec arrives (or is tuned), that same capability will be in the corresponding Republic spec automatically, and vice-versa.

  • I'm working on the Mirror framework that Neo93 is using. I'm also chasing those annoying bugs (like non-combat at times, and exceptions in the logs), that we all experience.

Just a reminder...
Neo93, myself, and many others working on WingIt are Community members just like you, and unpaid volunteers. We work on things in our spare time, so the work is done when its done, and there is no fixed schedule--just a set of goals. We test our changes hard, and that's why progress sometimes appears slow. Despite that, we sometimes discover mistakes after changes have been committed to SVN, and ask for your forgiveness in advance.

A special thanks goes to Aevitas...
Who has given us much of his time lately to help chase issues, and offer advice.

Last edited:
You guys do a awesome job and your time is much appreciated. :-) if it wasn't for you guys/girls we would have to manually level chars.....god forbid we have to do that.. keep up the great work folks :-)
Also is there a way to use wingit as lazyraider so i can control the char?

The Routines originally contributed by Protpally appear to have LazyRaider-like functionality. These would be the Routines for:
  • Commando/AssaultSpecialist
  • Commando/Gunnery
  • Powertech/AdvancedPrototype
  • Powertech/Firebug
No other classes or specs have this logic in them.

For these Routines, it looks like the following keybindings are in place:
  • PageDown: Movement on/off toggle
  • PageUp: Combat on/off toggle
  • End: "Burn phase" on/off toggle (I assume this means use all CDs and such to maximize damage to the target)
As previously stated, this appears to be the intent of his code logic--I've never tested it.

Once the Mirrors are done, we can give a look to creating proper abstractions and a framework for implementing this kind of thing in all the Routines. Right now our goals are Mirrors, nuking exceptions, and intolerable bugs. We won't visit the next set of goals until the Mirroring is complete.

ok just noticed i updated via svn and lost of my code is changed/missiong please ask me to fix anything with my code as if i didnt keep backups i would have lost alot of my work thanks will upload my lates versions soon. also china and neo if you want to talk just skype me
ok just noticed i updated via svn and lost of my code is changed/missiong please ask me to fix anything with my code as if i didnt keep backups i would have lost alot of my work thanks will upload my lates versions soon. also china and neo if you want to talk just skype me

I sent you a PM a few weeks ago, but you never responded. Basically, we don't have your Skype ID.

Getting Compiler Error:
Then list all files in Routines.
Have tried to replace with svn updated wingit. Works fine, but then next time start bot its back.

Work around found is to delete the folder of your toon in settings. Not sure why this works, but it does.
As far as can tell its just a random error that happens from time to time.
I'm working on making profile's so stop/start bot a lot.

Log included.

Unchecked unlock boxes and seemed to fix it.


Last edited:
Getting Compiler Error:
Then list all files in Routines.
Have tried to replace with svn updated wingit. Works fine, but then next time start bot its back.

Work around found is to delete the folder of your toon in settings. Not sure why this works, but it does.
As far as can tell its just a random error that happens from time to time.
I'm working on making profile's so stop/start bot a lot.

Log included.

Unchecked unlock boxes and seemed to fix it.

I'm getting this a lot on this release (v280), too. It appears that the check as to whether to 'recompile' or use the DLL found in CompiledAssemblies is off in this release. So, it decides to recompile, and then decides that the newly compiled version conflicts with the existing DLL in CompiledAssemblies.

I, along with many others, make a habit of deleting the CompiledAssemblies sub-directory every time before launching BuddyWing. This seems to make the problem go away.

cheers & good luck,
Yo, running into an "Pull support for Knight is not currently implemented." issue when I fire up. I'm running a JK Guardian, Defense specced, which I believe is listed as working and tested.

Have latest version of BW and SVN version of WingIt.


Yo, running into an "Pull support for Knight is not currently implemented." issue when I fire up. I'm running a JK Guardian, Defense specced, which I believe is listed as working and tested.

Have latest version of BW and SVN version of WingIt.

I see you're running v284 which is supposed to have fixed that bug (described here).

Have your talent points been allocated? If so, then allocate & try again. If not, then the bug must still exist, and hopefully BWdev can get eyes on this.
