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I am really curious to see how it deals with heals as a medic or sps :P Seizure incoming!

Mate- they have one hell of a job in front of them :) medic healers basically need to move to heal just about every move they have during raiding encounters that are not tank and spank... TBH I think its going to be some time before we see any kind of healbot that works... Don't get me wrong this isn't insulting the buddy devs, But non targeted based healing isn't going to be a easy task.

But I am too a medic healer and would like to know there plans for this.
We cannot avoid it as far as I can imagine. A bot does not miss like a human.

Of course you can do that, you've got to put in some kind of an offset, make it random how much it is off. Make a bit of a delay or something. There are loads of possiblities
Of course you can do that, you've got to put in some kind of an offset, make it random how much it is off. Make a bit of a delay or something. There are loads of possiblities

I still think it will be detectable. Because it will still land all the skills. The only human way would be to make it miss an autoattack or two. Even with a delay in rotating the camera to match the dodging player, the hit will still land with extreme accuracy.
With all that said, I have a way to automatically generate structures that we use. Meshing takes far *far* less time. (Which is good, since we'll be remeshing the world quite often) And I also have spell casting (by ID, and by name) finished. Next on my list is re-reversing telegraphs, and finally getting non-click-to-move movement working. None of these are simple tasks, so they'll take a bit of time.

Here's my todo list right now:

Movement (non CTM-based)
Ability information (mana cost, cast time, etc) <- This is mostly done. I have tons of info about all the spells, their tiers, etc.
Inventory management (what items are where, stats, names, etc) <- Just need to begin reversing items. (It's been low priority lately since being able to move about the world is far more important)
Quest information (most of this is available through Lua, so it won't be difficult)

As of right now, we're not supporting x86 just yet. Instead, we're going full x64 support. (x86 will come later, as it's a fairly simple switch on our end) I want to focus on ensuring our x64 tools work correctly, since we know our x86 ones already do!

Im looking for the bot to just be an advanced Combat Routine - I can handle the movement myself. If it can interrupt when its suppose to, and keep up great DPS while I play Dance Dance Revolution, then you have a sale. Granted, if that isnt the hardest part about the bot - Any chance on an Alpha build we can buy that houses that + and what you have done?

Also, thank you for being proactive on the work with not only a bot for the game, but also a bot that utilizes the 64 bit structure.
Im looking for the bot to just be an advanced Combat Routine - I can handle the movement myself. If it can interrupt when its suppose to, and keep up great DPS while I play Dance Dance Revolution, then you have a sale. Granted, if that isnt the hardest part about the bot - Any chance on an Alpha build we can buy that houses that + and what you have done?

Im looking for the bot to just be an advanced Combat Routine - I can handle the movement myself. If it can interrupt when its suppose to, and keep up great DPS while I play Dance Dance Revolution, then you have a sale. Granted, if that isnt the hardest part about the bot - Any chance on an Alpha build we can buy that houses that + and what you have done?

Also, thank you for being proactive on the work with not only a bot for the game, but also a bot that utilizes the 64 bit structure.


Gonna use it so hard as advanced combat helper while i just focus on the movement.
Im looking for the bot to just be an advanced Combat Routine - I can handle the movement myself. If it can interrupt when its suppose to, and keep up great DPS while I play Dance Dance Revolution, then you have a sale. Granted, if that isnt the hardest part about the bot - Any chance on an Alpha build we can buy that houses that + and what you have done?

Also, thank you for being proactive on the work with not only a bot for the game, but also a bot that utilizes the 64 bit structure.

Same. I really hope it's doable.
I don't want the bot missing at all..

Im going to be raiding with real life friends in a PVE environment, they are not going to report me because I never miss( plus they know I will using a healbot)
i dont think they will have any problem with targeting stuff.

aimbots already out n about.


That's DMG, not healing

Processing 39 players HP level and determining the direction of your cast to heal the correct players, making sure you are at the right distance, whilst making sure it doesn't move into a telegraph that's going to own you is going to be a task and a half..

If you think that's going to be easy.. Your going to be disappointed
That's DMG, not healing

Processing 39 players HP level and determining the direction of your cast to heal the correct players, making sure you are at the right distance, whilst making sure it doesn't move into a telegraph that's going to own you is going to be a task and a half..

If you think that's going to be easy.. Your going to be disappointed

not really. lets look at heal bots in wow.

it checks hp levels, sees someone it needs to heal, targets them, casts heals.

it will be no different in wildstar except there will be some kind of condition like is the target in my telegraph? im not going to suggest i know anything about how it works and im sure it will be different on some level. but if there are already aimbots, its going to be no/not much different for healing
not really. lets look at heal bots in wow.

it checks hp levels, sees someone it needs to heal, targets them, casts heals.

it will be no different in wildstar except there will be some kind of condition like is the target in my telegraph? im not going to suggest i know anything about how it works and im sure it will be different on some level. but if there are already aimbots, its going to be no/not much different for healing

It is 100% different as everybody can see you tracing a heal target with 100% accuracy. Therefore we definitely need some randomizer and "targeting delay" that we don't instantly are flagged as a bot/hack user.
not really. lets look at heal bots in wow.

it checks hp levels, sees someone it needs to heal, targets them, casts heals.

it will be no different in wildstar except there will be some kind of condition like is the target in my telegraph? im not going to suggest i know anything about how it works and im sure it will be different on some level. but if there are already aimbots, its going to be no/not much different for healing

I don't think healbots in wow are detectable by players, because they do not really pay attention to your facing and most routines have autofacing on.
I don't think healbots in wow are detectable by players, because they do not really pay attention to your facing and most routines have autofacing on.

Anything is detectable by a player.. plus have you taken a look out how your bot in general acts regardless of what role you are? lol... it CAN be pretty obvious at certain points.
You do know you can turn on auto aim with in the game for PVE right ?

Furthermore- that youtube clip that was posted before, Was done in the Beta before the disabled the auto aim in PVP..

I was later beta the introduced autoaim for PVE only...

So no I don't actually think aimbots are out yet for wildstar...

Like I said as well, Im raiding with mates, And im not frapsing my game either, I don't care if I look like a bot... All my mates know I a bot anyhow.. They know how much better a bot can heal when its setup right then a human can (in PVE)
You do know you can turn on auto aim with in the game for PVE right ?

Furthermore- that youtube clip that was posted before, Was done in the Beta before the disabled the auto aim in PVP..

I was later beta the introduced autoaim for PVE only...

So no I don't actually think aimbots are out yet for wildstar...

Like I said as well, Im raiding with mates, And im not frapsing my game either, I don't care if I look like a bot... All my mates know I a bot anyhow.. They know how much better a bot can heal when its setup right then a human can (in PVE)

But your speaking for yourself, majority of us dont have "cool" raid buddies who doesnt care about botting - good for you though

So I do agree with some people here that having some sort of protective measure for the bot to avoid suspicions is best for the bot in the long run
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