With all that said, I have a way to automatically generate structures that we use. Meshing takes far *far* less time. (Which is good, since we'll be remeshing the world quite often) And I also have spell casting (by ID, and by name) finished. Next on my list is re-reversing telegraphs, and finally getting non-click-to-move movement working. None of these are simple tasks, so they'll take a bit of time.
Here's my todo list right now:
Movement (non CTM-based)
Ability information (mana cost, cast time, etc) <- This is mostly done. I have tons of info about all the spells, their tiers, etc.
Inventory management (what items are where, stats, names, etc) <- Just need to begin reversing items. (It's been low priority lately since being able to move about the world is far more important)
Quest information (most of this is available through Lua, so it won't be difficult)
As of right now, we're not supporting x86 just yet. Instead, we're going full x64 support. (x86 will come later, as it's a fairly simple switch on our end) I want to focus on ensuring our x64 tools work correctly, since we know our x86 ones already do!