Yeah, we're making a bot for Wildstar. (Specifically, I'm kinda working on it by my lonesome!)
And of course, we'll have nav meshes out of the box.
With that said, I'm going quite a different direction than our other bots. Our Wildstar bot is going to be sitting on a brand-spanking-new framework. Hopefully, that means that 3rd party developers will have a much easier (and much more maintainable) development experience.
I even have a new AI engine in the works. (However, I'm not 100% sure it will even be totally usable, so I'll be working on it as a "back burner" type of project)
As usual, early days will be rough, at best.
I've been spending quite a lot of time porting our tools from x86-only, to support x64. (Our Wildstar bot will probably be the first, and only, bot we make to support both) However, x64 support at this time, is just speculation. If absolutely necessary, we can create a "Wildstar Launcher" of sorts to allow you to run the x86 client. However, that's a last-resort as far as I'm concerned.
Awesome, Thank you!