I don't know if I understand you right but if you choose automatic demon it will choose the doomguard automatically
Does anyone have good settings here hexer for Dämo Warlock ?
Been reading a lot of the current pages in this forum and it seems that there is a lot of PvE discussion going on, how does this CR fare with PvP? Is this the -go to- CR or would say... GS be better for higher rated PvP?
I can't seem to get the keybinds/hotkeys for CC working in PvP. The rest of the bot works flawlessly and I'm topping damage by far in 1600-1700 RBGs on a lock with 0 conquest pieces, so it's a sick routine...
Any ideas on what to do to get the fear/Shadowfury mouseover working correctly? Everything else seems to be working perfectly.
Hi Millz. Can we expect a update for the cr before you leave for your marriage ?
For the 'ability hotkeys', you need to press and hold the keys down until the ability casts.
Do you think there's any chance of having an option for Shadowfury-ing the ground where your cursor is? Can get hectic in RBGs with several melee on you.
Also, thanks for the reply, working perfectly. Very happy with my purchase.
I'm stupid, actively tested it and mouseover on the ground for Shadowfury already works. Can't think of any thing else this could have to make it better, love this routine.
first of all thank you for the routine.
I though have some problems.
While doing my own start rotation (prepot, sf, hog, cor, shadowbold, hog, dark soul + trinket, demonform, and spamming sf or toc) I pull on the puppy about 40 k DPS.
After trying to let the CR do my routine I stuck around 30k DPS.
I fixed that by starting the bot after my start rotation but in my opinion the way it is handled right now is not optimal.
Another thing to point out is that I am not able to let him have a full burst phase. Let's say I have 900 demonic fury and DS + trinket is up. He just won't spend all fury and goes back into caster form even though DS and Trinket is still up...
I tried Nilrems Gruul settings as well. Am I doing something wrong? Are there any settings for start burst I need to care for?
I haven't been on here in a while but how is destruction doing, like which is better right now, demo or destro? I saw that in the 680 range that destro is back top which is why I ask but before I blow all my gold enchanting and gemming I would like to know if anyone has tested them against one another.
Hi millz, i have been having some trouble that the routine fails to go aoe mode asap or even fails.
Playing destro with charred remains and gosac atm. I have had this issue aswell with demo and chaos wave/cata.
The detection of adds seems very very off. It takes to long it seems or just fails. Reducing from 5 to 3 targets helped a bit so i would trigger faster.
I first expected that it was a range issue but it even failed standing next to a pack.
Another thing i noticed is that it sometimes actually goes aoe mode just before the adds die and is pointless.
In general the detection seems bit broken.
It was also not storing a DS for heroism. kept using both of them during the fight.
ps: any way to get rid of rof in aoe mode?
Logs :
I must say that I experience this quite abit aswell. The detection of adds just seems...weird, I dunno. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Like, it would still use HoG even when there's 3 adds ontop of the boss, with CW target amount set to 3.
@ Millz: As Decks said the aoe thing feels really strange. I like this cr because it is a great work but when it comes to play a cata specc at some fights than I really hate itMaybe you can change here something for better handling of aoe fights without so many manually things and of course some issues into triggering aoe and so on. Maybe you can fix here something before your wedding leave. Thanks mate