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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Hello nilrem2004,

I have a problem with your profiles, let me explain:

I can take any of the profiles (ds or cataclysm), the cataclysm is selected anywhere, this is normal ??

Well it's in the talents in demonic and will always be there. It depends on YOUR talents if it will be active or not.
U know that u can make a simple macro for this, like the Most People Here Have it...and thats ONE click at pulltimer around 4secs, and u instantly usw your opener including prepot and so on...after this pull macro the bot jumps in, i have no probs with it.

LoL I'm not talking about a pot and soulfire. That isn't an opener. The bot needs to have a full 8-10 cast opener where it maxes burst damage. Right now I don't believe what it does at the start of fights is optimized. The reason a hotkey for an opener is ideal because the opener would be a slightly different rotation from normal dps. So, prepotting and putting the bot in combat does not perform the ideal opener (should also be different if you have 4-piece and if you don't). Right not the bot pops dark sould about 8 seconds into combat w/ <300 fury and + or - 2 cores. I can't believe that is an optimized dark soul usage. The opener needs work. What I was asking is can there be a hotkey that does a full opener (8-10 spells) before resuming the normal DPS rotation.
LoL I'm not talking about a pot and soulfire. That isn't an opener. The bot needs to have a full 8-10 cast opener where it maxes burst damage. Right now I don't believe what it does at the start of fights is optimized. The reason a hotkey for an opener is ideal because the opener would be a slightly different rotation from normal dps. So, prepotting and putting the bot in combat does not perform the ideal opener (should also be different if you have 4-piece and if you don't). Right not the bot pops dark sould about 8 seconds into combat w/ <300 fury and + or - 2 cores. I can't believe that is an optimized dark soul usage. The opener needs work. What I was asking is can there be a hotkey that does a full opener (8-10 spells) before resuming the normal DPS rotation.

Ok, than im sorry, understood this false xD
@millz or a Dev working on Demonic.

If I have the talent Demonic Servitude can't we have the default be Doomgaurd in instance/raid/dungeon and Infernal for solo?

Seems like what we already have with Fel Imp / Voidlord.

edit: I know I can save my own config, but that is less than ideal given that things can change. Plus, I would imagine the vast majority of people using that talent would prefer different default pets with regards to Solo/Group/Raid/Instance/Dungeons.
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LoL I'm not talking about a pot and soulfire. That isn't an opener. The bot needs to have a full 8-10 cast opener where it maxes burst damage. Right now I don't believe what it does at the start of fights is optimized. The reason a hotkey for an opener is ideal because the opener would be a slightly different rotation from normal dps. So, prepotting and putting the bot in combat does not perform the ideal opener (should also be different if you have 4-piece and if you don't). Right not the bot pops dark sould about 8 seconds into combat w/ <300 fury and + or - 2 cores. I can't believe that is an optimized dark soul usage. The opener needs work. What I was asking is can there be a hotkey that does a full opener (8-10 spells) before resuming the normal DPS rotation.
It automatically starts the opener wheb you attack the boss. So no need for a hotkey. And the opener isnt optimized atm but I am still pushing 95k opener in 685. Millz will get to it. But no need for a opener hotkey
LoL I'm not talking about a pot and soulfire. That isn't an opener. The bot needs to have a full 8-10 cast opener where it maxes burst damage. Right now I don't believe what it does at the start of fights is optimized. The reason a hotkey for an opener is ideal because the opener would be a slightly different rotation from normal dps. So, prepotting and putting the bot in combat does not perform the ideal opener (should also be different if you have 4-piece and if you don't). Right not the bot pops dark sould about 8 seconds into combat w/ <300 fury and + or - 2 cores. I can't believe that is an optimized dark soul usage. The opener needs work. What I was asking is can there be a hotkey that does a full opener (8-10 spells) before resuming the normal DPS rotation.

Ok, start wow, start BH, login, setup for single target (disable AoE) go to target dummy on your garrison, damage one. Start routine and cast Soulfire, just soulfire then after 20 seconds stop HB and post me that log here. Also I need to know your gear values unbuffed, haste,mastery,crit percentage and if you have 4pc Tier17. Then I can help you more.
For future reference everyone that has some problems please post log of problem (if you can then state the time when problem occured) also it's helpfull to know if you have 4pieces of Tier17 equipped, and if you can your gear stat values.
This data helps us greatly in finding the cause of problem or possible improvements.
Ok, start wow, start BH, login, setup for single target (disable AoE) go to target dummy on your garrison, damage one. Start routine and cast Soulfire, just soulfire then after 20 seconds stop HB and post me that log here. Also I need to know your gear values unbuffed, haste,mastery,crit percentage and if you have 4pc Tier17. Then I can help you more.
For future reference everyone that has some problems please post log of problem (if you can then state the time when problem occured) also it's helpfull to know if you have 4pieces of Tier17 equipped, and if you can your gear stat values.
This data helps us greatly in finding the cause of problem or possible improvements.

View attachment 4720 2015-03-09 09.26.txt

Not sure if this is the information you're looking for. My stats are 22.88% mastery, 14.08% multistrike, 10.62% haste, and 8.65% crit and, yes, I have the 4-piece
Millz has the routine started logging the name again?. As last night for example I was getting ([Bob-frostmane] : [Demonic] then spell countdown) I hope that makes sense :-/
Can you add a custom interrupt range for pvp? Like between 40-90% of cast

It's really not necessary, the bot works all of that out for when is best to interrupt.

Hi Millz,
i have a problem with the CR, during test on dummi about 10 min and i see that the bot dont cast corruption when it fade...
88% uptime. Shadowbolt has higher prio then corruption ?

View attachment 170884

Thanks for the log, I can see the issue. I'll fix it.

Millz has the routine started logging the name again?. As last night for example I was getting ([Bob-frostmane] : [Demonic] then spell countdown) I hope that makes sense :-/

Can you PM me with a couple of lines from the log where it's printed the name please? I'll take a look at it.
It's really not necessary, the bot works all of that out for when is best to interrupt.

Thanks for the log, I can see the issue. I'll fix it.

Can you PM me with a couple of lines from the log where it's printed the name please? I'll take a look at it.

Cool, so this Corruption fix will be pushed with the next update?
Amazing work, keep it up!
Well the thing works like this now: Demonic will spot a new mob, to have an accurate reading on TTD it waits a bit to see how fast that mob's HP will go down I think it waits till mob reaches 99% HP, then it starts calculating TTD. We had a problem with Doom especially when we were already in meta form that as soon as a mob would spawn it would cast doom on it whatever it's health would be since TTD on spawn is 999 seconds and it concludes that Doom is worth casting. That is why we made Doom have minimum HP setting so we can ignore mobs that will die fast. While it is good for Doom there is a problem with Cata if we would make decision how to cast it based on HP setting since that is AoE and in raid mobs can die in 10 seconds or 20 seconds and all depends on your raid composition, not on HP, at least not in BRF since on Darmac mobs live around 15 seconds while that may sound good to cast cata in meta form it really isn't, since our cast time is 2.5 seconds on cata and by that time mobs will be on 70% so if cast in meta we wouldn't benefit from it. Same thing is on operator Thogar, those low HP mobs live very short, 10-12 seconds, while others live longer. On Thogar it's all about your raid composition and if you would set HP to for example 2M then how would demonic decide when you have 4 mobs fitting category of normal cata casting and 3-4 mobs fitting category of meta casting?
In all of BRF I haven't seen a single fight where cata is worth casting in meta form unless you are Cata specced for Iron Maidens, and if you do that you're not helping your raid.
Automatic decision of Cata casting in meta/normal is simply too much problem for the routine and it requires other changes to be done to the rotation that would possibly cause more problems. While we always try to make routine perform best for everyone sometimes it's not possible to make it to perform perfectly in LFR and in Mythic same time. That is why we have settings that help us tune it for particular boss or raid setup.Also when you get 4pc Tier17 I think its much more beneficial to cast Cata in normal form on heavy AoE since of high chance of corruption to proc free HoG/CW which you can use on that same pack for more dps. :D

we're still agreeing on the same point here. every pack mob in BRF that should not be Doomed should not be meta cata'd. I would go as far as even having an option to blacklist them as they have over 1M HP which most default profiles allow Doom to be cast on but it should not ever be casted or meta Cata'd. Unless a raid has basically 0 cleave classes, the Doom will never tic on any big add fight (main ones a casual player may not know to go human is Beastlord and Operator). As you stated even if they lasted 16 secs and Doom gets a tic off, you're still doing better with the huge fury influx for 8 corruptions ticking multiple times on these packs. Neither Doom nor meta cata should be used on these packs = the settings should be one and the same. You obviously know this, but I am willing to bet LOTS of players don't know this and think they're getting some huge burst going DS meta cata as much as they can on every pack. Again, it's not crucial cuz for the few players where it will impact their progression they would never auto cata anything, but I still feel the CR would be "smarter" if we had this option rather than TTD. So many classes do such crazy cleave now TTD is just unreliable, for example we run 2 locks, 2 shm, 2 hunters just to name a few of the heavy burst cleave classes. By the time the CR can even start calculating TTD and has already started casting the next spell, the calculation has already vastly changed cuz we all do well over 200k dps for a few secs on our opener on each pack. I was really never a fan of TTD when most serious raiders already know their raid's TTD and HP settings and could be tweaked to not allow the CR to miscalculate TTD, or the casual players who barely know what demo is can leave it on auto and it would make the right decision for them the vast majority of the time.
we're still agreeing on the same point here. every pack mob in BRF that should not be Doomed should not be meta cata'd. I would go as far as even having an option to blacklist them as they have over 1M HP which most default profiles allow Doom to be cast on but it should not ever be casted or meta Cata'd. Unless a raid has basically 0 cleave classes, the Doom will never tic on any big add fight (main ones a casual player may not know to go human is Beastlord and Operator). As you stated even if they lasted 16 secs and Doom gets a tic off, you're still doing better with the huge fury influx for 8 corruptions ticking multiple times on these packs. Neither Doom nor meta cata should be used on these packs = the settings should be one and the same. You obviously know this, but I am willing to bet LOTS of players don't know this and think they're getting some huge burst going DS meta cata as much as they can on every pack. Again, it's not crucial cuz for the few players where it will impact their progression they would never auto cata anything, but I still feel the CR would be "smarter" if we had this option rather than TTD. So many classes do such crazy cleave now TTD is just unreliable, for example we run 2 locks, 2 shm, 2 hunters just to name a few of the heavy burst cleave classes. By the time the CR can even start calculating TTD and has already started casting the next spell, the calculation has already vastly changed cuz we all do well over 200k dps for a few secs on our opener on each pack. I was really never a fan of TTD when most serious raiders already know their raid's TTD and HP settings and could be tweaked to not allow the CR to miscalculate TTD, or the casual players who barely know what demo is can leave it on auto and it would make the right decision for them the vast majority of the time.

I really don't know what are you trying to say. First of all there is option for Cata to be casted either in normal or meta form so you adjust it as you see fit for the boss/raid setup you have. Since at one point you will actually be progressing on a boss you can test both options and just find the one that suits best for you and then use the save profile option and save it for that boss and you're done.Next time you can just load it before boss. Automatic cata is a no no. Regarding doom you are not entirely correct. For example on mythic darmac our raid doesn't specifically focus spears who have 1,2M HP, so they are worth dotting doom on them because it will do 3-4 ticks for sure. On the other hand adds have more than 1.2M and are not worth dotting doom, and that is a point where TTD comes in handy because it sees they will die too fast for doom to be worth dotting. In demonic TTD works very good and I might say there is no other routine that handles TTD like demonic. You cannot compare TTD you get from some wow-addons since those use too simple calculations that can spike heavy and become unreliable.
ive just played rbg for cap. the CR os working fine. premium one.
but why it isnt dotting all my enemies? they use to get dotted with agony only and the HB starts casting draing soul on my targets. is there any option to prioritze the bot to DOt all enemyes before he is starting draing soul(uni target dmg)
Cool, so this Corruption fix will be pushed with the next update?
Amazing work, keep it up!

Yeah, I've made the change just need to test it.

I really don't know what are you trying to say. First of all there is option for Cata to be casted either in normal or meta form so you adjust it as you see fit for the boss/raid setup you have. Since at one point you will actually be progressing on a boss you can test both options and just find the one that suits best for you and then use the save profile option and save it for that boss and you're done.Next time you can just load it before boss. Automatic cata is a no no. Regarding doom you are not entirely correct. For example on mythic darmac our raid doesn't specifically focus spears who have 1,2M HP, so they are worth dotting doom on them because it will do 3-4 ticks for sure. On the other hand adds have more than 1.2M and are not worth dotting doom, and that is a point where TTD comes in handy because it sees they will die too fast for doom to be worth dotting. In demonic TTD works very good and I might say there is no other routine that handles TTD like demonic. You cannot compare TTD you get from some wow-addons since those use too simple calculations that can spike heavy and become unreliable.

To add to this, the TTD calculations in Demonic are done vastly different to other CRs. Demonic's can handle burst damage etc and adjust accordingly. It'll never be completely accurate, but it's good enough to base rotation conditions off.

ive just played rbg for cap. the CR os working fine. premium one.
but why it isnt dotting all my enemies? they use to get dotted with agony only and the HB starts casting draing soul on my targets. is there any option to prioritze the bot to DOt all enemyes before he is starting draing soul(uni target dmg)

Hey - Have you got the log file from that please? It should be dotting the targets up fully first. The only reason it should cast drain soul before fully dotting is if the unit is about to die and it's trying to snipe soul shards.
Hey there! I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but in the Kromog encounter in BRF the rotation seem to have a hard time AOE-ing the hands that show up and grasp people.
At least for me as Destro I need to do the rotation myself, since HB just stops or casts randomly a few spells.

Any thoughts?
