yes, you are basically agreeing with me that the only semi auto fix would be based on mob HP so the user can set it if they know the raid or have a default option where the CR does it right most of the time with no user intervention. All the mythic raiders know what packs should be hit with meta cata vs human cata. we all know the hp of these packs. that is why the Doom settings is based on mob HP instead of TTD which is too unreliable. The decision to Doom a target or meta cata the target is the same decision the vast, vast majority of the time so if we're feeling lazy even mythic raiders could set it based on HP and leave it alone for almost a full BRF clear.
again this is far from crucial since no serious raider would use anything but manual hotkey, but if you want the bot to perform better by default for all raiders who don't manually change settings every boss and manually control the cata like all the mythic progression raiders are doing it, adding the same code already in there for Doom and applying it to Cata would be applicable the vast majority of the time. not all users here are advanced botters or cutting edge mythic raiders pushing for world rankings, so a "default option set = Doom HP setting" to decide which form to cast cata in would help all the other players. there was actually a blue posting on the percentage of players who engage in organized mythic progression and it was something tiny like under 3%. If you want the CR to automatically perform better for the other 90+ percent of players who are more casual, a simple automated default option to check like this would be helpful. a simple checkbox that says "default cata priority" that sets it to the same HP as Doom. Below this HP = human, above this HP = meta. I, like many other botters, have multiple classes I know absolutely nothing about other than the 1-2 we play seriously so options like this are really nice for this scenario as well. Like my mage doesn't even have buttons bound and I don't even know what spells he has so it's all up to the CR lol. But my lock has multiple top 100 rankings by hand and CR, so it's nice to have options like this depending on how we play that certain toon.
you're obviously a very advanced raider and botter, so the focus of your changes is for this specific population, but i think the goal of the CR is to work well for basically everyone including those who know nothing about what demo even does and marginally even understands BRF. you'd be shocked how much of the wow population fits in the category vs your category