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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

hi there

the default option to cast chaos bolt is set to 3.2.
but when will you adjust this setting on gear and stats weights, some1 have a suggestion on it
at the moment 62% mastery, 12% crit, 8% haste.
so let the chaos bolt stay at 3.2 or go lower


Mastery is demo stat, I believe destruction is crit...how did you get all that mastery? Gear list please...cause I would love all that
Millz - you stated Cata is high priority when it detects the defined X number of mobs, but does not change stance to do it necessarily. It will cast it in the current stance at that moment. I mentioned Maidens just as an example that IF you were specced Cata cuz you're too lazy to swap it should always cast it in Meta since the targets live forever and the dooms will get full ticks. The logs on Cata vs DS on Maidens is very close too FYI.

If you want it more automated optimally, it should always swap to human form on packs lasting under 15 secs before casting Cata. When I'm playing for real on Mythic obviously Cata is manually casted anyways, but just mentioning an improvement for full auto lazy mode. Cata should always be done in human mode on packs living under 15 secs IMO.

Problem is detecting how long mobs will last, hence you have setting in Talents to choose how do you want to cast Cata, in normal form or Meta. That is why I make myself profile for each boss and just load it before pull. Saves time and thinking if you have set up everything right. And yes, mythic will require manual casting of Cata with hotkey :D
The only complain I have at the moment is with Chaos Wave. It just doesn't seem to register the amount of people present, and cast HoG instead. (Especially annoying now that I finally got 4-set tonight)

Also, I have Service set to be cast at Cooldown, together with trinket. It lines up fine if the bot pots DS at start, which it doesn't always do.

Wondering which kind of settings Nilrem is using atm.

I currently have Copelands trinket, with Service and DS.
What settings do you recommend for using Service? On DS, on CD or something else?

Use trinket on Service aswell?
I tried those and in the end, there was quite some downtime of using service+trinket cuz bot delayed DS usage until Dump-phase.


I line up trinket and service with DS.
Cannot read all pages here so I'll ask away...

1. There are many times that I see bot sitting on 3 HoG/CW charges for quite a while (that is more that 20 seconds). Why?

2. I read in the above post the nilrem uses DS on Cata+3xCW for tremendous AOE. Good. Is this manual work or something a bot does? I saw the options one by one and I cannot see any such options.

3. Can someone mention me some used of the Hotkeys ?

Tested in 2-3 bosses at LFR. DPS is really good for non human. And more than enough for some situation. Really good work.

1. Millz knows about this and hopefully I will squeeze him out to put a fix for it, I already sent him the details couple days ago :D

2. Well since I progress Mythic I use cata manually, before cata I use DS then hotkey for cata and after cata I use my mouse button to get into meta form then routine spams CW if enough mobs are alive around my target. Bursts go up to 200k+ dps on Darmac for example :D

3. Cataclysm mouseover, Enable/Disable HoG/CW usage, although on fights where I wanna save up CW's for AoE burst I just put HoG value to 15 so it never casts it and CW to 4 or something like that. If I see that I will be capped on HoG charges for too long waiting for AoE pack to come I cast 1 HoG manually. Nice thing is to use option to pause routine on manual keypress or whatever it's called, mine is set to 400ms and works great.
I line up trinket and service with DS.

After downloading your settings again, you have set your service to "use on boss or player" and same with your trinket 1 (on boss or player).
DS in your setting is set to On boss or player AND meta.

Using these settings, they don't line up all that well unless you manually use the first DS on the pull.

Have you done any updates to those settings or am I missing something? O_O
its crit mastery but i want know if i go faster on embers the 3.2

For destro it is Crit >= Mastery actually. The more crit you have the less effective crit becomes and mastery starts to edge out. Since demo is so strong right now and mastery works VERY well for all 3 specs you are honestly better off just stacking mastery.
Okay, so it's quite annoying playing destro atm. It just doesn't refresh immolation at times. It just spams incinerate instead of applying immolate to mobs in range (with 4-set, this is quite a huge loss).
Okay, so it's quite annoying playing destro atm. It just doesn't refresh immolation at times. It just spams incinerate instead of applying immolate to mobs in range (with 4-set, this is quite a huge loss).

Fukinkou, if you have any problems with the rotation you should attach a log so that Millz can look at what is going on and test with your settings and stuff.
Hey millz/forum.

I have an issue with demonic for the demo spec specificaly.

Since DS is now the T7 talent of choice i naturaly gave it a shot and the doomguard does nothing but cast its snare, i dont have logs for it but will get them when i am back on, anyone have any ideas on this? do i just have to suck it up until it is fixed (if its a legit bug) or is there a setting i have ticked?
Hey millz/forum.

I have an issue with demonic for the demo spec specificaly.

Since DS is now the T7 talent of choice i naturaly gave it a shot and the doomguard does nothing but cast its snare, i dont have logs for it but will get them when i am back on, anyone have any ideas on this? do i just have to suck it up until it is fixed (if its a legit bug) or is there a setting i have ticked?

You need to disable the auto cast of cripple - and your problem is solved :)
Problem is detecting how long mobs will last, hence you have setting in Talents to choose how do you want to cast Cata, in normal form or Meta. That is why I make myself profile for each boss and just load it before pull. Saves time and thinking if you have set up everything right. And yes, mythic will require manual casting of Cata with hotkey :D

yes, you are basically agreeing with me that the only semi auto fix would be based on mob HP so the user can set it if they know the raid or have a default option where the CR does it right most of the time with no user intervention. All the mythic raiders know what packs should be hit with meta cata vs human cata. we all know the hp of these packs. that is why the Doom settings is based on mob HP instead of TTD which is too unreliable. The decision to Doom a target or meta cata the target is the same decision the vast, vast majority of the time so if we're feeling lazy even mythic raiders could set it based on HP and leave it alone for almost a full BRF clear.

again this is far from crucial since no serious raider would use anything but manual hotkey, but if you want the bot to perform better by default for all raiders who don't manually change settings every boss and manually control the cata like all the mythic progression raiders are doing it, adding the same code already in there for Doom and applying it to Cata would be applicable the vast majority of the time. not all users here are advanced botters or cutting edge mythic raiders pushing for world rankings, so a "default option set = Doom HP setting" to decide which form to cast cata in would help all the other players. there was actually a blue posting on the percentage of players who engage in organized mythic progression and it was something tiny like under 3%. If you want the CR to automatically perform better for the other 90+ percent of players who are more casual, a simple automated default option to check like this would be helpful. a simple checkbox that says "default cata priority" that sets it to the same HP as Doom. Below this HP = human, above this HP = meta. I, like many other botters, have multiple classes I know absolutely nothing about other than the 1-2 we play seriously so options like this are really nice for this scenario as well. Like my mage doesn't even have buttons bound and I don't even know what spells he has so it's all up to the CR lol. But my lock has multiple top 100 rankings by hand and CR, so it's nice to have options like this depending on how we play that certain toon.

you're obviously a very advanced raider and botter, so the focus of your changes is for this specific population, but i think the goal of the CR is to work well for basically everyone including those who know nothing about what demo even does and marginally even understands BRF. you'd be shocked how much of the wow population fits in the category vs your category :)
After downloading your settings again, you have set your service to "use on boss or player" and same with your trinket 1 (on boss or player).
DS in your setting is set to On boss or player AND meta.

Using these settings, they don't line up all that well unless you manually use the first DS on the pull.

Have you done any updates to those settings or am I missing something? O_O

At that time DS wasn't casting properly on pull so I was using it manually after routine would cast service and trinket, you can change that now since routine is casting DS properly. :D
Hey millz/forum.

I have an issue with demonic for the demo spec specificaly.

Since DS is now the T7 talent of choice i naturaly gave it a shot and the doomguard does nothing but cast its snare, i dont have logs for it but will get them when i am back on, anyone have any ideas on this? do i just have to suck it up until it is fixed (if its a legit bug) or is there a setting i have ticked?

open your spellbook in wow, click pet tab, right click cripple ability to disable autocasting, this is WoW issue, not demonic :D
For destro it is Crit >= Mastery actually. The more crit you have the less effective crit becomes and mastery starts to edge out. Since demo is so strong right now and mastery works VERY well for all 3 specs you are honestly better off just stacking mastery.
i never played demo do you have suggestion on how to adjust the settings in milzz
yes, you are basically agreeing with me that the only semi auto fix would be based on mob HP so the user can set it if they know the raid or have a default option where the CR does it right most of the time with no user intervention. All the mythic raiders know what packs should be hit with meta cata vs human cata. we all know the hp of these packs. that is why the Doom settings is based on mob HP instead of TTD which is too unreliable. The decision to Doom a target or meta cata the target is the same decision the vast, vast majority of the time so if we're feeling lazy even mythic raiders could set it based on HP and leave it alone for almost a full BRF clear.

again this is far from crucial since no serious raider would use anything but manual hotkey, but if you want the bot to perform better by default for all raiders who don't manually change settings every boss and manually control the cata like all the mythic progression raiders are doing it, adding the same code already in there for Doom and applying it to Cata would be applicable the vast majority of the time. not all users here are advanced botters or cutting edge mythic raiders pushing for world rankings, so a "default option set = Doom HP setting" to decide which form to cast cata in would help all the other players. there was actually a blue posting on the percentage of players who engage in organized mythic progression and it was something tiny like under 3%. If you want the CR to automatically perform better for the other 90+ percent of players who are more casual, a simple automated default option to check like this would be helpful. a simple checkbox that says "default cata priority" that sets it to the same HP as Doom. Below this HP = human, above this HP = meta. I, like many other botters, have multiple classes I know absolutely nothing about other than the 1-2 we play seriously so options like this are really nice for this scenario as well. Like my mage doesn't even have buttons bound and I don't even know what spells he has so it's all up to the CR lol. But my lock has multiple top 100 rankings by hand and CR, so it's nice to have options like this depending on how we play that certain toon.

you're obviously a very advanced raider and botter, so the focus of your changes is for this specific population, but i think the goal of the CR is to work well for basically everyone including those who know nothing about what demo even does and marginally even understands BRF. you'd be shocked how much of the wow population fits in the category vs your category :)

Well the thing works like this now: Demonic will spot a new mob, to have an accurate reading on TTD it waits a bit to see how fast that mob's HP will go down I think it waits till mob reaches 99% HP, then it starts calculating TTD. We had a problem with Doom especially when we were already in meta form that as soon as a mob would spawn it would cast doom on it whatever it's health would be since TTD on spawn is 999 seconds and it concludes that Doom is worth casting. That is why we made Doom have minimum HP setting so we can ignore mobs that will die fast. While it is good for Doom there is a problem with Cata if we would make decision how to cast it based on HP setting since that is AoE and in raid mobs can die in 10 seconds or 20 seconds and all depends on your raid composition, not on HP, at least not in BRF since on Darmac mobs live around 15 seconds while that may sound good to cast cata in meta form it really isn't, since our cast time is 2.5 seconds on cata and by that time mobs will be on 70% so if cast in meta we wouldn't benefit from it. Same thing is on operator Thogar, those low HP mobs live very short, 10-12 seconds, while others live longer. On Thogar it's all about your raid composition and if you would set HP to for example 2M then how would demonic decide when you have 4 mobs fitting category of normal cata casting and 3-4 mobs fitting category of meta casting?
In all of BRF I haven't seen a single fight where cata is worth casting in meta form unless you are Cata specced for Iron Maidens, and if you do that you're not helping your raid.
Automatic decision of Cata casting in meta/normal is simply too much problem for the routine and it requires other changes to be done to the rotation that would possibly cause more problems. While we always try to make routine perform best for everyone sometimes it's not possible to make it to perform perfectly in LFR and in Mythic same time. That is why we have settings that help us tune it for particular boss or raid setup.Also when you get 4pc Tier17 I think its much more beneficial to cast Cata in normal form on heavy AoE since of high chance of corruption to proc free HoG/CW which you can use on that same pack for more dps. :D