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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Since the DB nerf ive seen demo underperforming DPS at 680ilvl-using nilrem revised settings so ive respec aff with better results so it might be that demo is no longer optimal or the routine needs to be retuned

1. Make sure you are NOT using demon bolt. Go demonic servitude and grim of service. Demonbolt is crap on any fight lasting longer then 3 minutes.

In a single target fight Demo will pull ahead of affliction. In a two target fight where mobs are spread out most of the fight, Affliction will pull ahead. Both these situations it is relatively close though.

Any fight with 2 target cleave ( mobs are stacked tightly) , or AOE cleave, demo will pull ahead by a massive, massive distance.

Demo is also much better on fights that need burst, like Flamebender with the wolves, affliction can't really burst that well, its sustained damage with very little spikes.
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Test with your setting on:

And always loose dps.

Then I do not really know what is the problem, perhaps in the form of demon time, that seemed me really strange to lose as much dps.

You tested it on normal/heroic/LFR?, same raid group all time? same raid dps (boss kill times the same) ?
Because I'm hitting 90th percentile according to warcraftlogs all time so I presume there is something on your end.
If you want detailed analysis I would need logs , your spec/glyphs etc....
You tested it on normal/heroic/LFR?, same raid group all time? same raid dps (boss kill times the same) ?
Because I'm hitting 90th percentile according to warcraftlogs all time so I presume there is something on your end.
If you want detailed analysis I would need logs , your spec/glyphs etc....

Just to back up nilrem on this. Using these settings my lock is in the top 50 overall on beastlord heroic, and top 100 on Maidens ( with 1 or two minor tweaks ;) )
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Hotkeys are there so that you can pool HOG / CW charges instead of the CR just using them when they come off CD. It is more efficient to pool your stacks until the adds come out and then blow all 3 ( or 2 if you dont have the 4 piece ) when the adds are up.

Basically disable HOG/CW when no adds are up Enable HOG/CW when adds are up. The settings can be the same for the two fights because they are very different fights. With Gruul, you want to use HOG at one target because well... its a 1 target fight, your CW setting doesn't matter since there will never be more then 1 target here. For Beastlord its the same deal, you wanna use HOG when it is just beastord up but then CW when there are a number of adds in range the setting actually kicks in on this fight so it should be set to whatever is best for this fight.

15k dps loss seems like a major, major exaggeration. that is around 30-40% of your maximum DPS at that ilevel... seems like something different besides settings is the problem here. Are you moving to much ? Is your positioning horrible? Are you targetting the wrong mobs?

the combat against Blackhand is surroundings 70% of displacement, therefore yes I know that the figures is to raise and seems to exaggerate, then I thus do not say that on all the try, the difference is also high but it is an average and there is real a difference, my message is not to say which is the best but especially that it are the possibility of improving the dps, thank you in any case with the work of each one.
You tested it on normal/heroic/LFR?, same raid group all time? same raid dps (boss kill times the same) ?
Because I'm hitting 90th percentile according to warcraftlogs all time so I presume there is something on your end.
If you want detailed analysis I would need logs , your spec/glyphs etc....

In Heroic, same group all time.
Is the aura list up to date for destruction? Seems it has been updated to work with blackhand trinket demo wise.

Is it possible to clean up the aura list? Plenty old stuff in it.
I have to test your configuration on the Boss in HM and to compare with the configuration of Kink and that of Nilrem

Kink Setting

Nilrem Setting

the result is that I lose 15k dps with the settings of Nilrem.

My ilvl is of 682 with the 4 parts.

I'd be curious on how a profile that hasn't been up dated since 2/9 (prior 6.1), is doing more dps than a profile that had been updated every day since patch came out. Something doesn't seem right...
Does anyone else have also issues with the hotkey "togge targetting" ? Actually it doesn´t work. I have tested it with many key combinations but everytime I press it nothing happens. The other hotkeys are working.
Only used cata once on blast furnace with Nilrem settings.

Well for rotation to use cata you must meet requirements, so you must target the mob that is in grp big enough to use cata. Either you didn't, or you couldn't bcs your tanks kept mobs too far spread. That is why I like to use hotkey.
hi, my warlock with this cr is actually topping almost all bosses with those 2 class config u did (cata and demnbolt), but i can see when bosses going low hp like under 30%20% the lock start casting only soulfire, stopping the dombolt rotation and loosing TONS of dps, can u tell me something about that? can i be able to modify the rotation by myself? XD
hi, my warlock with this cr is actually topping almost all bosses with those 2 class config u did (cata and demnbolt), but i can see when bosses going low hp like under 30%20% the lock start casting only soulfire, stopping the dombolt rotation and loosing TONS of dps, can u tell me something about that? can i be able to modify the rotation by myself? XD

Mate you know that with 6.1 the damage output of Demonbolt was decreased so it´s not worth to play with Demonbolt since 6.1. ST you play with DS and GoService and AOE with cata and GoSyn (pet felguard).
Hi Millz, is there a way to prioritize Meta+Cataclysm as soon as 4+ adds clumps up? Example in Thogar, as soon as DK clumps all the adds with the boss, the bot will immediately cancel whatever he's casting and do a Meta+Cata. What is happening is that its just continue spamming soul fire even though the adds are already there.

It uses Cataclysm as soon as it can - it's high priority - but it doesn't specifically switch form to do it (or cancel it's current action).

Is the aura list up to date for destruction? Seems it has been updated to work with blackhand trinket demo wise.

Is it possible to clean up the aura list? Plenty old stuff in it.

It's up to date, you may need to re-load the default file to get the new entries.

Does anyone else have also issues with the hotkey "togge targetting" ? Actually it doesn´t work. I have tested it with many key combinations but everytime I press it nothing happens. The other hotkeys are working.

Works fine for me - got a log ??

Your logs show :

[22:44:37.806 D] Buddy Store routine 'Greedy (The Auctionhouse Bot)' failed to load with following errors
[22:44:37.806 D] System.TypeLoadException: Der Typ "Bots.Professionbuddy.BankType" in der Assembly "Honorbuddy, Version=2.5.13042.771, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50a565ab5c01ae50" konnte nicht geladen werden.

ANd then :

[22:44:40.011 D] Demonic Free [Millz] v1.0.0.0
[22:44:44.328 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] RebuildBehaviors called.
[22:44:44.447 N] [Demonic] Finding a suitable rotation...
[22:44:44.527 D] [Demonic ~ Fail] Unable to set the rotation.
[22:44:44.527 D] [Demonic ~ Fail] Der Typ "Bots.Professionbuddy.BankType" in der Assembly "Honorbuddy, Version=2.5.13042.771, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50a565ab5c01ae50" konnte nicht geladen werden.

[22:44:44.528 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [RebuildBehaviors] Exception was thrown: System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei Demonic.Demonic.RebuildBehaviors()

When actually trying to load up demonic. If you disable that bot on the buddy store do you still have the same problem ?
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Also, sometimes I've noticed that the bot does not multi-dot correctly in demo, not until I manually target the mobs.

EDIT: apparently; you need to enable "allow dot pets" to dot spears on beastlord.

After enabling this option, dotting seems alot better and faster for some reason.
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Hey nilrem are those settings you posted from a while back still up to date with what you are currently using? And, with the hotkeys, do you just mainly mouseover your cataclysms and store HoGs/CWs and then let the routine do its thing or do you do even more micromanaging?

Also, the CR says that there should be a fury gap of at least 200 but your settings are outside that window. Why is that? Is it better DPS?