Since the DB nerf ive seen demo underperforming DPS at 680ilvl-using nilrem revised settings so ive respec aff with better results so it might be that demo is no longer optimal or the routine needs to be retuned
1. Make sure you are NOT using demon bolt. Go demonic servitude and grim of service. Demonbolt is crap on any fight lasting longer then 3 minutes.
In a single target fight Demo will pull ahead of affliction. In a two target fight where mobs are spread out most of the fight, Affliction will pull ahead. Both these situations it is relatively close though.
Any fight with 2 target cleave ( mobs are stacked tightly) , or AOE cleave, demo will pull ahead by a massive, massive distance.
Demo is also much better on fights that need burst, like Flamebender with the wolves, affliction can't really burst that well, its sustained damage with very little spikes.
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