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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Hey nilrem are those settings you posted from a while back still up to date with what you are currently using? And, with the hotkeys, do you just mainly mouseover your cataclysms and store HoGs/CWs and then let the routine do its thing or do you do even more micromanaging?

Also, the CR says that there should be a fury gap of at least 200 but your settings are outside that window. Why is that? Is it better DPS?


Tonight while running Heroic BRF I am noticing a 10k DPS loss on your single target profile for GRUUL,ORE, that profile and I am not really sure why, the AOE profiles seem to be just fine is there anything that you are noticing?
Well for rotation to use cata you must meet requirements, so you must target the mob that is in grp big enough to use cata. Either you didn't, or you couldn't bcs your tanks kept mobs too far spread. That is why I like to use hotkey.

What about the usage of DS ? If you put DS "on Cataclysm" does the cr uses DS when you hit the hotkey or do you need to trigger it manually ?
It uses Cataclysm as soon as it can - it's high priority - but it doesn't specifically switch form to do it (or cancel it's current action).

Can you add an option for human vs meta form WITH option based on mob hp? there are situations where it should switch form specifically to get a huge DS + meta + trinket Cata and apply multiple free Dooms that will tick for the entire duration (Maidens), and times when Doom will never tick and it's a complete waste to do it in meta (any low to medium HP pack that dies in 10 secs). The later example forcing it to ALWAYS go human then Cata just for the initial damage and huge influx of Fury from 8 corruptions ticking to dump on the boss or turn around to dump on CW on the same pack is vastly superior.
It uses Cataclysm as soon as it can - it's high priority - but it doesn't specifically switch form to do it (or cancel it's current action).

From a logical point of view (max aoe dmg) it should do it.
Hey Millz, hope you're feeling better!
Any news on the updated opener? :)

Not much changed on the opener, but have been doing some further tuning.

Try a fresh HB install, there's lots of errors in there.

Can you add an option for human vs meta form WITH option based on mob hp? there are situations where it should switch form specifically to get a huge DS + meta + trinket Cata and apply multiple free Dooms that will tick for the entire duration (Maidens), and times when Doom will never tick and it's a complete waste to do it in meta (any low to medium HP pack that dies in 10 secs). The later example forcing it to ALWAYS go human then Cata just for the initial damage and huge influx of Fury from 8 corruptions ticking to dump on the boss or turn around to dump on CW on the same pack is vastly superior.

Hey - Sorry, I'm not following what you mean?

From a logical point of view (max aoe dmg) it should do it.

You're jumping in and out of meta form very frequent, it shouldn't delay very much. The change that I need to make is to allow Cataclysm to be cast in both normal or meta form - to basically use it on cooldown.
Can you add an option for human vs meta form WITH option based on mob hp? there are situations where it should switch form specifically to get a huge DS + meta + trinket Cata and apply multiple free Dooms that will tick for the entire duration (Maidens), and times when Doom will never tick and it's a complete waste to do it in meta (any low to medium HP pack that dies in 10 secs). The later example forcing it to ALWAYS go human then Cata just for the initial damage and huge influx of Fury from 8 corruptions ticking to dump on the boss or turn around to dump on CW on the same pack is vastly superior.

If you aren't specced DS on maidens you're doing it wrong...
Also, I use "use dark soul on metamorphosis form AND boss/player) but during the opener when it goes to metamorphosis form to apply initial doom at like 2-300 fury it pops dark soul instead of waiting for the first big soul fire dump... that's bad right?
Ok I am back after more than a year (waiting for Millz to answer my forum email P). I browsed the last pages. There are bosses that you use Cata with DS glyph. It is a bit of padding but still is more dps. For instance beastlord (DS+Cata on adds in caster form or DS+Cata on spears if they happen to be stacked a bit), Kromog for hands etc. Now that I'm thinking of it, everywhere where you do not get GoServ. That is to say, everywhere except Oregorger and Gruul. You can also try to get DB at Blackhand (does insane dmg on siegeworkers). Anyway, when I get my hands on the CR I will give more feedback. I will not use it on our Mythic runs but most certainly on the heroic clears.
Hey nilrem are those settings you posted from a while back still up to date with what you are currently using? And, with the hotkeys, do you just mainly mouseover your cataclysms and store HoGs/CWs and then let the routine do its thing or do you do even more micromanaging?

Also, the CR says that there should be a fury gap of at least 200 but your settings are outside that window. Why is that? Is it better DPS?

Settings are up to date, also that message about 200 fury gap was before for demonbolt, so just ignore that :D


Tonight while running Heroic BRF I am noticing a 10k DPS loss on your single target profile for GRUUL,ORE, that profile and I am not really sure why, the AOE profiles seem to be just fine is there anything that you are noticing?

10k dps loss compared to what? maybe you were more unlucky with pertifying? more moving from cave-ins ? is the fight duration the same? did rotation popped Darksoul just before you got petrified so you missed soulfire dump? there are so many reasons for dps difference. Hell even I with using all hotkeys predictions and whatever not sometimes loose dps compared to my previous log. :D

What about the usage of DS ? If you put DS "on Cataclysm" does the cr uses DS when you hit the hotkey or do you need to trigger it manually ?
I am using DS before Cata and saving CW charges for it, so I cast cata with DS and then meta + 3x CW on aoe since CW benefits so much from DS.

Also, I use "use dark soul on metamorphosis form AND boss/player) but during the opener when it goes to metamorphosis form to apply initial doom at like 2-300 fury it pops dark soul instead of waiting for the first big soul fire dump... that's bad right?

Yes part of that is corrected already and will be pushed in new build, using DS on entering meta on opener is what it should do actually, but main problem was that for those with 4pc Tier17 it didn't cast 3x HoG before going to meta. Hopefully that will be solved on next update.
Cannot read all pages here so I'll ask away...

1. There are many times that I see bot sitting on 3 HoG/CW charges for quite a while (that is more that 20 seconds). Why?

2. I read in the above post the nilrem uses DS on Cata+3xCW for tremendous AOE. Good. Is this manual work or something a bot does? I saw the options one by one and I cannot see any such options.

3. Can someone mention me some used of the Hotkeys ?

Tested in 2-3 bosses at LFR. DPS is really good for non human. And more than enough for some situation. Really good work.
In response to you Kikeron... I believe the bot saves those HoG charges for profiles set up to use chaos wave on adds... so I manually cast a HoG on low population targets (when I know there is 6-8 seconds (with the 4 piece chance to proc a charge) between adds to keep it from capping... then the CR will generally dump all charges when the target population reaches that magic number. I wouldn't think there would be a way for the bot to know the intricacies of the given fights... for example how long till add waves on operator and beastlord... so using that 3rd charge when I know there's a break in adds can be a dps boost
1. Can't help you.

2. Under Demonology --> Dark Soul Usage --> "Before Cataclysm". Will always pop DS before Cata. I need to manually target a mob that is in the middle of the pack for bot to cataclysm tho.

3. I use hotkey to disable HoG / CW usage when I know aoe is incoming, the enable when the aoe comes, disable after he fires the CW's off. I also use the Disable AoE button on fights where there's many mobs to aoe on, but you need to focus one down (Furnace, for example).
Millz - you stated Cata is high priority when it detects the defined X number of mobs, but does not change stance to do it necessarily. It will cast it in the current stance at that moment. I mentioned Maidens just as an example that IF you were specced Cata cuz you're too lazy to swap it should always cast it in Meta since the targets live forever and the dooms will get full ticks. The logs on Cata vs DS on Maidens is very close too FYI.

If you want it more automated optimally, it should always swap to human form on packs lasting under 15 secs before casting Cata. When I'm playing for real on Mythic obviously Cata is manually casted anyways, but just mentioning an improvement for full auto lazy mode. Cata should always be done in human mode on packs living under 15 secs IMO.
The only complain I have at the moment is with Chaos Wave. It just doesn't seem to register the amount of people present, and cast HoG instead. (Especially annoying now that I finally got 4-set tonight)

Also, I have Service set to be cast at Cooldown, together with trinket. It lines up fine if the bot pots DS at start, which it doesn't always do.

Wondering which kind of settings Nilrem is using atm.

I currently have Copelands trinket, with Service and DS.
What settings do you recommend for using Service? On DS, on CD or something else?

Use trinket on Service aswell?
I tried those and in the end, there was quite some downtime of using service+trinket cuz bot delayed DS usage until Dump-phase.

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Millz - you stated Cata is high priority when it detects the defined X number of mobs, but does not change stance to do it necessarily. It will cast it in the current stance at that moment. I mentioned Maidens just as an example that IF you were specced Cata cuz you're too lazy to swap it should always cast it in Meta since the targets live forever and the dooms will get full ticks. The logs on Cata vs DS on Maidens is very close too FYI.

If you want it more automated optimally, it should always swap to human form on packs lasting under 15 secs before casting Cata. When I'm playing for real on Mythic obviously Cata is manually casted anyways, but just mentioning an improvement for full auto lazy mode. Cata should always be done in human mode on packs living under 15 secs IMO.

There is an option in the talents tab which one you want cast. It cannot predict the TTD of all the mobs.
The other thing I noticed is that it is a good practice when you are about to leave Meta, have the fury and >1 sec of DS to cast one CW before you go to caster (this for 4pc only though). This applies especially to the opener.
A third thing I noticed is that bot does not refresh Immolation correctly in destro-spec. It drops of and stays off for a good while before re-applying
There is an option in the talents tab which one you want cast. It cannot predict the TTD of all the mobs.

yes my original post specifically addressed this, requesting the option to add based on user set mob HP similar to Doom minimal HP to dot, etc. It's not a big deal, every progressive mythic raider will always turn it off and use hotkey, but it would perform much better on full auto if there was an HP option that newer users could leave at default or more advanced raiders could use when they're just plain lazy. if you would not Doom a target then you would not meta Cata the target - the same code and logic already exists in the CR for Doom, could just add it to apply to Cata. TTD has always been too clunky and way off, most semi serious raiders know the rough HP of every pack that should be Cata'd in human vs meta so it would be useful just for more automation.
hi there

the default option to cast chaos bolt is set to 3.2.
but when will you adjust this setting on gear and stats weights, some1 have a suggestion on it
at the moment 62% mastery, 12% crit, 8% haste.
so let the chaos bolt stay at 3.2 or go lower

hi, nice routine and dps AFFLI on arenas , but i have one question,
i have fear key binded to F,

is there any option i can micro-pause the routine when pressing F? because i notice that the routine doesnt cast Fear or doesnt cast as i wish,
i can cast fear spamming F but it is is not casted fast