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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

What Nilrem said - Need to know what dummies you're trying this on. It (obviously) wouldn't DoT healer dummies.


Aware the demo opener needs a little tuning.

Was about to post but nevermind, Millz is on it! Re: Demo opener.
Ha, recently went to demo and I was impressed with the numbers, it does seem hit or miss really, sometimes I perform VERY well and sometimes I get told to 'Sort my dps.' perhaps its to do with the opener but I'm using the profiles on the front page and the per boss fights posted a while back.
Ha, recently went to demo and I was impressed with the numbers, it does seem hit or miss really, sometimes I perform VERY well and sometimes I get told to 'Sort my dps.' perhaps its to do with the opener but I'm using the profiles on the front page and the per boss fights posted a while back.

yeah opener is one thing, other is luck with procs during dark soul, if you get trinket + ring proc when you cast darksoul and go into meta with all those procs your soulfires are hitting big numbers and you can see your dps skyrocket. :D
This may be a silly thing to ask... but is there a way to turn on a mode that blacklists Aknor Steelbringer in BRF for doing the achievement to gain the follower?
First of great job on this. With the new askmrrobot logs I am usually in the high 90 percentile range.
I currently play Demo..

Anyway I have a request. Maybe other people would like it too not sure.

Is there a way to have the hotkeys saved on a different file? I have used some of Nilrem's settings which are great by the way but I have my own personal way to set up the hotkey's. If it were set in a different file I would be able to change profiles while having the same hotkey setup.
[6.1] Demonology Warlock Guide - Page 148

Discussion about with T17, CW is a dps-upgrade over HoG with DS up on Single-target.

Also, I think the opener can be tuned somewhat? Just feels off atm.

EDIT: After doing some heroic bosses, I definately feel demo needs some sort of tuning :/
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nilrem the settings you posted, I may be missing it. But what is the difference in settings. It seems the aoe is the same between beastlord vs gruul except for the spec change. Also if anyone would be so kind to explain how the hotkeys work or why.
I have to test your configuration on the Boss in HM and to compare with the configuration of Kink and that of Nilrem

Kink Setting

Nilrem Setting

the result is that I lose 15k dps with the settings of Nilrem.

My ilvl is of 682 with the 4 parts.
I gotta say, I'd buy this if it had a green fire final quest setting lol
You do know that you can do that quest with your left hand, correct?

I did nothing but put corruption oin the final boss and went afk and came back 24 seconds later with him dead.
So, Nilrem, any news about the rotations / opener?
Was quite far behind my warlock friend with similar gear (same talents, same glyphs) who played manually on single-target fights last night of heroics.

Say that I was doing 31k, he was doing 35k

Single-target, Gruul, Flamebender and Oregorger.
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So, Nilrem, any news about the rotations / opener?
Was quite far behind my warlock friend with similar gear (same talents, same glyphs) who played manually on single-target fights last night of heroics.

Say that I was doing 31k, he was doing 35k
Yeah I'm spamming him on skype with walls of text of changes I want on daily basis.... think he will remove me from skype contact soon :P

It's my fault that it's not updated - nilrem has written a few huge walls of text for me, but I've got a cold at the moment so struggling to focus. I'll get to it soon though.

First of great job on this. With the new askmrrobot logs I am usually in the high 90 percentile range.
I currently play Demo..

Anyway I have a request. Maybe other people would like it too not sure.

Is there a way to have the hotkeys saved on a different file? I have used some of Nilrem's settings which are great by the way but I have my own personal way to set up the hotkey's. If it were set in a different file I would be able to change profiles while having the same hotkey setup.

That's not a bad idea. I'll stick it on my to-do list.
I am always amazed at the commitment you guys put into your CR's.
Sure, sometimes you get a cold or whatnot, but you still take time out of your day to answer questions that really, you don't NEED to answer.

I applaude you, sir.

On a side note, care to give some hints as to what will be changed with rotation/opener? ;)
What boss, what setting?
Test with your setting on:

And always loose dps.

Then I do not really know what is the problem, perhaps in the form of demon time, that seemed me really strange to lose as much dps.
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Hi Millz, is there a way to prioritize Meta+Cataclysm as soon as 4+ adds clumps up? Example in Thogar, as soon as DK clumps all the adds with the boss, the bot will immediately cancel whatever he's casting and do a Meta+Cata. What is happening is that its just continue spamming soul fire even though the adds are already there.
Since the DB nerf ive seen demo underperforming DPS at 680ilvl-using nilrem revised settings so ive respec aff with better results so it might be that demo is no longer optimal or the routine needs to be retuned
nilrem the settings you posted, I may be missing it. But what is the difference in settings. It seems the aoe is the same between beastlord vs gruul except for the spec change. Also if anyone would be so kind to explain how the hotkeys work or why.

Hotkeys are there so that you can pool HOG / CW charges instead of the CR just using them when they come off CD. It is more efficient to pool your stacks until the adds come out and then blow all 3 ( or 2 if you dont have the 4 piece ) when the adds are up.

Basically disable HOG/CW when no adds are up Enable HOG/CW when adds are up. The settings can be the same for the two fights because they are very different fights. With Gruul, you want to use HOG at one target because well... its a 1 target fight, your CW setting doesn't matter since there will never be more then 1 target here. For Beastlord its the same deal, you wanna use HOG when it is just beastord up but then CW when there are a number of adds in range the setting actually kicks in on this fight so it should be set to whatever is best for this fight.

I have to test your configuration on the Boss in HM and to compare with the configuration of Kink and that of Nilrem

Kink Setting

Nilrem Setting

the result is that I lose 15k dps with the settings of Nilrem.

My ilvl is of 682 with the 4 parts.

15k dps loss seems like a major, major exaggeration. that is around 30-40% of your maximum DPS at that ilevel... seems like something different besides settings is the problem here. Are you moving to much ? Is your positioning horrible? Are you targetting the wrong mobs?