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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

I realize the premium takes priority because people have already paid for it. However, I'm not going to drop $23 on a routine sight unseen. There really isn't another option for warlock pve right now - singular is complete shit, and as far as I can tell, none of the other free ones work at all. I would gladly buy your routine if I could try it first and find that it's worth it. I'm sure I am not the only one who feels that way. Until then, I guess I'll be playing without the bot. I'm just saying - if you would get the free version working, I'm sure you would have more sales.
If you log on the store you can trial the paid version for 2 days or something :)
what kind of numbers are you guys getting on imperator??

Specify specialization please with Tier 6 & 7 talents and iLVL

Affliction: 13K
Demo: 16K
iLvl 651
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Demon bolt i pulled 17k@554ilvl

I wasnt on add duty.......destro is king on that fight but dont have the spec.

Aff is plain terrible on that fight.
y do we pay for something and it not be right. i mean shouldnt this COMBAT ROUTINE maxing your dps but there are problems with demo and destro idk i love the routine but people that are paying every spec should be solid.
Nope i have it enabled and it and on hotkey enable.. it does not put corruption and when i manually put corruption my dps go up 6-7k lol. Can you corruption the same logic as unstable affliction and agony? these 2 abilities work with multi mobs but corruption no

It does have the same logic. I'll need a log file to look into this, sorry.

I realize the premium takes priority because people have already paid for it. However, I'm not going to drop $23 on a routine sight unseen. There really isn't another option for warlock pve right now - singular is complete shit, and as far as I can tell, none of the other free ones work at all. I would gladly buy your routine if I could try it first and find that it's worth it. I'm sure I am not the only one who feels that way. Until then, I guess I'll be playing without the bot. I'm just saying - if you would get the free version working, I'm sure you would have more sales.

You can trial it through the buddy store for 2 days. Option to trial is available once you login. I do intend on getting a free version out, but it's just finding the time to do it.

Getting really bad numbers on butcher. Sometimes I catch my warlock healing my pet as well in battle... not sure if I want that to go down.

The log file seems ok. There's no health funnel usage in that log - but you can disable that in the settings.

y do we pay for something and it not be right. i mean shouldnt this COMBAT ROUTINE maxing your dps but there are problems with demo and destro idk i love the routine but people that are paying every spec should be solid.

Every spec is solid. If you have issues then you need to post a log.
Sorry but I don´t think so. I have attached here a link to the no. 1 ranked wl at Imperator mythic. He uses shadowburn 112 times instead of cb 53 times. A instant is always better than a hard casted nuke. As example I am only doing 35 times shadowburn and nearly 50 times cb (cb is ok). This is the situation at all high ranked logs. I don´t know if you guys look into actual logs but this is the same to every destro lock who has a high ranking. The cr should switch at 20% to havoc/shadowburn. Of course shadowburn is used for ember reg but at so long fights where the execution time is really high/long shadowburn is the winner. Put a checkbox in the shadowburn section, where really cb is ignored at a %-Setting and the cr uses only shadowburn with proccs or so. Would be really nice. This should be the same with RoF. The People can decide if they would like to use RoF/Shadowburn or not. Would be really nice.

Here is the Picture:

So first of all you need to understand what you see on that log, that is not normal shadowburn usage below 20% what you were talking about because he surely didn't do 2M damage with shadowburn on gorian warmage just by casting it below 20% or that mage would be up toooo long. He's using Havoc on mage/boss/other targets with big HP and then shadowburns adds. That is the benefit of playing manually - adapting to any situation. So if you wanna have rank 1, start playing manually and know your class better. You cannot expect Demonic to adjust itself differently on each boss fight. Although it is possible, the amount of work needed and micromanaging (predicting your guild tactics) is insane.
So first of all you need to understand what you see on that log, that is not normal shadowburn usage below 20% what you were talking about because he surely didn't do 2M damage with shadowburn on gorian warmage just by casting it below 20% or that mage would be up toooo long. He's using Havoc on mage/boss/other targets with big HP and then shadowburns adds. That is the benefit of playing manually - adapting to any situation. So if you wanna have rank 1, start playing manually and know your class better. You cannot expect Demonic to adjust itself differently on each boss fight. Although it is possible, the amount of work needed and micromanaging (predicting your guild tactics) is insane.

Yes you are right but when he can cast shadowburn ? Exactly at 20% so demonic should switch (if settings are made) at 20% from havoc/cb to havoc/sb. This is nothing by playing manually. Demonic uses havoc and shadowburn if the target drops below 20% and it cancel casts for shadowburn but it was intended to use havoc/cb. This has nothing to to with micromanagement. It is the mechanic of a lock as it is with havoc/chaosbolt. These nice numbers can also be done by demonic but millz need to change the priority.

You can trust me. I have done actually about 200 trys on imperator mythic and every time when I let the routine handle everything it spams chaosbolts like hell. If this occurs my wl mate wins the dps race but if handle shadowburn manually on cd/proccs then I can hold the dps gap between me and him which was pushed out from demonic until the boss hits 20%.
I've been trying to add the auralist that was linked a couple of pages ago, but on the advanced tab nothing happens when i press "import from file". I can't seem to be able to load it in any way and it seems like a lot of stuff to type down manually.

I tried a fresh install, but no luck.
I can confirm the same behaviour as Powershot says. I've been casting SB manually on cd and the difference on DPS is substantial.

btw this is on Imp Mythic (57trys and counting -.-)
It does have the same logic. I'll need a log file to look into this, sorry.

I think i found out why it wont do corruption lol. the setting in affliction tab when the "High AOE box is ticked and set to a unit number higher than 3 and "Max dots at 10 each" it will AUTO prioritize the agony and unstable affliction "10 count each" over Corruption. As you say it will AOE corruption when AOE is enabled BUT if there is alot of mobs over 7-8 it will not have time to corruption because it's busy doing other dots. I played around with it and if i set "Max dots to cast 10 10 10" 10 is default by you, i changed this to "max dots 4 4 4" and "AOE unit count 4" it can just about handle that any higher by either "max dots" or "Aoe count" and it will not be able to apply certain dots, it will not have time.

So if any other customers ask why it does no corruption cast you say to them bring down to 4 4 4 "max dots to cast" and "AOE Count" 1-4 depending on how many adds you want to aoe, any higher and malfunction/not enough time.

I hope this is not dumb moment and everyone knew about this haha but i didn't know and now i do.

I would have liked this information from the developer instead of trying myself


Oh and before you say that the BOT will cast Corruptionon on 3 adds if "AOE count 3" and "max dots 10 10 10" it will not cast corruption on 3 adds untill it has cast agony and unstable affliction on 10 adds first.
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Yes you are right but when he can cast shadowburn ? Exactly at 20% so demonic should switch (if settings are made) at 20% from havoc/cb to havoc/sb. This is nothing by playing manually. Demonic uses havoc and shadowburn if the target drops below 20% and it cancel casts for shadowburn but it was intended to use havoc/cb. This has nothing to to with micromanagement. It is the mechanic of a lock as it is with havoc/chaosbolt. These nice numbers can also be done by demonic but millz need to change the priority.

You can trust me. I have done actually about 200 trys on imperator mythic and every time when I let the routine handle everything it spams chaosbolts like hell. If this occurs my wl mate wins the dps race but if handle shadowburn manually on cd/proccs then I can hold the dps gap between me and him which was pushed out from demonic until the boss hits 20%.

CB is higher effective damage than Shadowburn in nearly all circumstances. The only benefit to SB over CB is that it's less affected when needing to move. I'm changing this in the next build anyway though.

I've been trying to add the auralist that was linked a couple of pages ago, but on the advanced tab nothing happens when i press "import from file". I can't seem to be able to load it in any way and it seems like a lot of stuff to type down manually.

I tried a fresh install, but no luck.

If you click the load from file/save to file buttons in the lower left corner, do windows pop up to allow you to pick where to save the files? If not, you need to reinstall .NET and the C++ re-distributables (there's a link to them on the main HB release thread).
I think i found out why it wont do corruption lol. the setting in affliction tab when the "High AOE box is ticked and set to a unit number higher than 3 and "Max dots at 10 each" it will AUTO prioritize the agony and unstable affliction "10 count each" over Corruption. As you say it will AOE corruption when AOE is enabled BUT if there is alot of mobs over 7-8 it will not have time to corruption because it's busy doing other dots. I played around with it and if i set "Max dots to cast 10 10 10" 10 is default by you, i changed this to "max dots 4 4 4" and "AOE unit count 4" it can just about handle that any higher by either "max dots" or "Aoe count" and it will not be able to apply certain dots, it will not have time.

So if any other customers ask why it does no corruption cast you say to them bring down to 4 4 4 "max dots to cast" and "AOE Count" 1-4 depending on how many adds you want to aoe, any higher and malfunction/not enough time.

I hope this is not dumb moment and everyone knew about this haha but i didn't know and now i do.

I would have liked this information from the developer instead of trying myself


Oh and before you say that the BOT will cast Corruptionon on 3 adds if "AOE count 3" and "max dots 10 10 10" it will not cast corruption on 3 adds untill it has cast agony and unstable affliction on 10 adds first.

Just replied to your PM.

If you've got 10 units and you're busy multi-dotting, it's better to apply 10x Agony instead of 3x Ag, 3x UA, 3x Corr. The routine calculates how long is left until the target will die, so once those 10 units aren't going to see the full benefit of Agony, it moves on to UA/Corruption.
Just replied to your PM.

If you've got 10 units and you're busy multi-dotting, it's better to apply 10x Agony instead of 3x Ag, 3x UA, 3x Corr. The routine calculates how long is left until the target will die, so once those 10 units aren't going to see the full benefit of Agony, it moves on to UA/Corruption.

If you set max dots severly lower it can do the normal rotation on your single add dotting 10 adds and not doing a single target rotation and no corruption is worse and dotting less adds and normal rotation is higher dps.. i would strongly urge you to SHIP the default version of DEMONIC with significantly lower max unit dots
Hello people , since I use this CR felt like it at me like hell what can you do about it . My English is really bad , I ask for an answer with my name in it. I have really tried everything because I thought that it's up to my PC that my FPS goes down to the basement , then I have the CR run on another PC which is still better than mine and it has just gelagt ( 1 fps , 5-8) . I ask yet again for my english to enschuldigung . I just do not know anymore what should I do . PLEASE help me .
If you set max dots severly lower it can do the normal rotation on your single add dotting 10 adds and not doing a single target rotation and no corruption is worse and dotting less adds and normal rotation is higher dps.. i would strongly urge you to SHIP the default version of DEMONIC with significantly lower max unit dots

I can increase the priority of current target corruption, which helps ensure at least 1 is active for shard generation. Other than that, it's much better to apply Agony on all targets than applying Agonyx3, UAx3, Corrx3.

The settings are there to allow you to change it to suit you though, that's why it's configurable.

Hello people , since I use this CR felt like it at me like hell what can you do about it . My English is really bad , I ask for an answer with my name in it. I have really tried everything because I thought that it's up to my PC that my FPS goes down to the basement , then I have the CR run on another PC which is still better than mine and it has just gelagt ( 1 fps , 5-8) . I ask yet again for my english to enschuldigung . I just do not know anymore what should I do . PLEASE help me .

Post a log file please.

How To Attach a Log
Hi Millz and everyone that is working on this project.

I would like to thank you all for the great working CR. Since switching to Demo Im top dps in my guild and 38k dps on butcher mythic at 672ilvl.

What I would suggest is an easier way to share different settings. Some settings that I found in this thread are really great.

Great work!