I buyed this routine some days ago.
Normally (dungeon, lfr) works good, good fps, good dps.
I only play demonology. One time at brackenspore LFR i tested destruction (sometimes more dps because u can finish so many adds with shadowburn).
Problems: bot dont use shadowburn? (?)
Problems: my default settings are dont use Chaosbolt before 3.5 ambers. (Ignore when buffs up). But de bot dont cast chaosbolt... 4 ambers, long time...
And other big problem:
Yesterday we played mythic first 5 bosses... The bot is 90% of the time unusable because my FPS is falling from 200+ to 5.
I have a very good high end PC and run often 5 wow Accounts with Maximum / Ultra Settings at the same time with 100+ fps. When i raid and only one acc is running i have 250-1000 fps infight.
First i thougt maybe bot needs to many ressources, i set all graphics to minimum, when bot is running bit stopped i have 1000+++ fps, when i start the bot, 3-10 fps. I checed in taskmanager my system, no problems, CPU 3-4% power only.
Ok: more information;
This problem is not all the time. This problem is only when some effects are active from encouter.. As example:
Kargarth mythic, demonology spec, with bot impossible 5 fps and cant run out of some shit because lags.
Twin ogron mythic, demo spec, at the start the bot works great (no fps problems), but when the first time the shit with fire inc, i have 2-3 fps and must stopping the bot because i cant move with so hard fps lags.
Tectus mythic, demo, works very good first 2 phases, when 3rd phase starts with all adds, debuffs and whatever, 2-3 fps. The bot casted at begin p3 a cataclysmus and then i was dead because cant move...
Butcher mythic, demo, full fight lags.
More i have not tested.
The problem is that i have this shit only in mythic... When i go lfr, i have no fps problems... Butcher lfr bot does 39k dps, really a very good routine but in mythic unusable for me. Any ideas? Maybe wrong settings?
Have only i this problem or maybe an other one too?
I hope for a answer

thanks if you need more information or a log, please ask me.