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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

What needs to change with the trinket usage?

It's spam trying to use a trinket that doesn't have a 'use' option.

Hi Millz. Can you change the shadowburn sniping a little bit ? Actually I am progressing Imperator mythic and the sniping is very awful. My wl mates do twice as much shadowburn than I. I need to cast it manually when the Imperator reaches 20% even if I put in the settings cancel cast with low ms and of curse at 20%. I beginns to cast it when the target is ready to die.

Here is the log:

Shadowburn is bad DPS. Chaos Bolt does more DPS than SB. That's why SB is rarely used.

How can I make sure my guy pops all cooldown right before he does cata? i don't like stopping my cast cause that's dps loss

You can toggle cooldowns using the cooldown hotkey.

Hey Millz...it might have been covered already but 913 pages is a little too much to search...i love your routine and have had it for years but started playing lock again in raids and the dps is awesome but the issue i have is, unless i'm missing a setting the Bot is using soulstone at the start of a boss pull on a tank and i cant find any control setting for it. It used to be able to set as a keybind only within the routine but its not there anymore. could you please help as i look like a muppet when asked to CR and have to say i put it on tank at start of a faceroll boss.

Soulstone casts from the mouseover hotkey option on the hotkeys tab.

Alright Mr Millz. I'm having a bitch of a time with this routine in PG.

Yes, I'm aware that it can work in PG but isn't optimized for it outside of manual settings.
Yes, the AOE rotation is set a bit higher and is toggled accordingly.
Yes, burst is used to drop adds quickly on necessity.
Yes, facing, movement and targeting are done manually.

I still am having a hard time getting beyond a certain point (on gold).

I've tried Affliction, I've tried Demonology and I've tried Destruction; same result, same head ache.
Your words of wisdom are always welcomed, and this has been running me up the wall.

I don't really play PG so can't help much, sorry. It's all about practice and controlling hotkeys for cooldowns and AoE etc.
Shadowburn is bad DPS. Chaos Bolt does more DPS than SB. That's why SB is rarely used.

Maybe its bad on short fights but on a 15 minute fight where is many things to execute it is better than cb. Watch over all the logs on imperator mythic. All the top ranked wl uses about 70-90 shadowburns and only 40-50 chaosbolts and they don´t do this because shadowburn is bad. They do this because its a must have. Until the execute point comes I dominated the other wl about 4-5k dps more but at the end of imperator he wins the dps race with 1-2 k dps more than I. I have done about 150 trys on imperator. I am also playing with manually useage of cooldowns and of course actually I need to manually cast shadowburn. And trust me it is really worth using...
In my opinion we need a extra button in the shadowburn section when enabled to force the usage of shadowburn at a certain % and a change in the havoc settings to enable the usage of havoc with only shadowburn at 20%. Actually sometimes it uses cb or shadowburn. Maybe also a fix in the advanced tab to add shadowburn so we can active at certain buffs to force shadowburn to be casted.

I also don´t understand the usage of havoc with cb. Yesterday it uses havoc really good in the first transmisson on imperator mythic on the gorian warmages but in the second transmission we are standing between the 2 gorian warmages so one mage is behind me and one in front me. Until the gorian reaver enters the field havoc is used correctly on the gorian warmages but as the reaver enters the cr uses havoc only on the reaver. Is this because the second warmage is standing behind me or because the reaver stands in a better line of sight position ? A fix would be really appreciated.

And the next thing is the usage of rain of fire. Every one knows that at some stages it is useful but on imperator mythic it is really stupid because when I like to do a aoe immolate on the unstable anomaly adds the cr uses first rain of fire and than pops up a aoe immolate. So then all the people are flaming me why I use rain of fire it is bullshit and so on. And the other thing is I can´t push dmg because every one sees the rain of fire animation and knows that I am aoeing the mobs and ask me to stop dmg on it. Without rain of fire life would be even better so can you please add a button so the people can decide if they like to use rain of fire or not ? So it will be completely moved out of the rotation ?

And of course aoe immolate don´t work every time. Sometimes it is casted first when the condition is there for heavy aoe and sometimes it first spamming aoe incinerate and after 3-4 casts it than uses aoe immolate. Immolate should be used every time first. You can see this on my log from yesterday. This happens only sometimes and I think it is because of backdraft up so the cr forces to push out all backdrafts until 1 is left and than casts immolate. This happens also when DS is active. It firstly dumps all the backdrafts with incinerate and than uses cb. This happens also when you have 1 or 2 embers left. It forces the incinerate/backdraft things and than uses cb when DS is nearly over.

Havoc chooses the unit with the most HP, which is in LoS. It does this to try and ensure the unit will be alive during the full duration of the Havoc buff.

I'll change the priority on RoF and Immolate around, so that it does Immolate -> RoF. If you shouldn't be AoEing then don't AoE.

Immolate in high AoE is throttled to prevent spamming it every time a new unit appears without the debuff.
Maybe its bad on short fights but on a 15 minute fight where is many things to execute it is better than cb. Watch over all the logs on imperator mythic. All the top ranked wl uses about 70-90 shadowburns and only 40-50 chaosbolts and they don´t do this because shadowburn is bad. They do this because its a must have. Until the execute point comes I dominated the other wl about 4-5k dps more but at the end of imperator he wins the dps race with 1-2 k dps more than I. I have done about 150 trys on imperator. I am also playing with manually useage of cooldowns and of course actually I need to manually cast shadowburn. And trust me it is really worth using...

Have you got cancel cast -> shadowburn enabled? That will nuke units and ignore the standard rules.
Have you got cancel cast -> shadowburn enabled? That will nuke units and ignore the standard rules.

Yes I have put cancel cast with the modifier 20% but it prefers the usage of cb until it recognize the add will die and than switch to shadowburn for ember reg. But imperator will last about 2 minutes before he hits 5% and the chogall phase beginns. So in this time you can use about 15 shadowburns but the cr don´t uses it. The same problem is with havoc. It puts havoc on the aborration and than casts cb instead of shadowburn because my target is the low imperator.

What about high aoe ? Does the rotation of high aoe stops when the adds are about to die ? In my opinion it don´t cancels aoe and spams incinerate so it happend many times that i lost whole embers because of server lags because the cr don´t stops using havy aoe.

The problem with incinerate and immolate happens sometimes. The conditions are every time the same. The aborration dies and than 7 adds comes up. The cr than sometimes will do a aoe immolate or starting with inicinerate 3 or 4 times and than uses immolate
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Havoc chooses the unit with the most HP, which is in LoS. It does this to try and ensure the unit will be alive during the full duration of the Havoc buff.

I'll change the priority on RoF and Immolate around, so that it does Immolate -> RoF. If you shouldn't be AoEing then don't AoE.

Immolate in high AoE is throttled to prevent spamming it every time a new unit appears without the debuff.

I don´t know how much work it needs to implement a turn on/off to RoF. Maybe you can do this to just to stop the controversy about RoF :)

On the other hand it is still better to do 1-2 more aoe incinerates more than wasting 1-2 global cds ond RoF for a very low dmg output.
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Yes I have put cancel cast with the modifier 20% but it prefers the usage of cb until it recognize the add will die and than switch to shadowburn for ember reg. But imperator will last about 2 minutes before he hits 5% and the chogall phase beginns. So in this time you can use about 15 shadowburns but the cr don´t uses it. The same problem is with havoc. It puts havoc on the aborration and than casts cb instead of shadowburn because my target is the low imperator.

What about high aoe ? Does the rotation of high aoe stops when the adds are about to die ? In my opinion it don´t cancels aoe and spams incinerate so it happend many times that i lost whole embers because of server lags because the cr don´t stops using havy aoe.

The problem with incinerate and immolate happens sometimes. The conditions are every time the same. The aborration dies and than 7 adds comes up. The cr than sometimes will do a aoe immolate or starting with inicinerate 3 or 4 times and than uses immolate

Oh actually I think it does stop shadowburn snipping when high AoE is active (because the incinerates etc on multiple targets is stronger than 1x SB). It doesn't stop high AoE because units are close to dying, it stops once the number of units drops below the specified value. Checking all of the units we could hit are below a TTD value and cancel AoE based on that could be pretty intensive calculations - lots of lag :(

I don´t know how much work it needs to implement a turn on/off to RoF. Maybe you can do this to just to stop the controversy about RoF :)

On the other hand it is still better to do 1-2 more aoe incinerates more than wasting 1-2 global cds ond RoF for a very low dmg output.

I'll stick it on my to-do list to add a RoF toggle, but if you shouldn't be AoEing and you want to disable it just so you can chase the DPS meters, then I don't agree with that! :)

RoF is higher DPS once you hit 4 units for the full duration of the RoF I believe. So if there's more units than that, it would be a sizable increase.

Can any experienced demonology warlock upload their settings? would appricate it alot xD

There's a link to Kink's updated guide for configuring Demonic in the first post of this thread - it should help you out :)
Hey Millz, I was wondering why the CR isn't corrupting all targets? I'm pretty new to lock, and even though the extra soul shard only procs on most recent corruption, it still seems like huge chunk of missing damage when everything is not corrupted. I've used it mostly in BG's for now, have yet to test in arena.
Will the public version be available again any time soon or a trial period or the paid version ? would love to try this before buying it
Will the public version be available again any time soon or a trial period or the paid version ? would love to try this before buying it

There is a trial version, log into the store and go on the Demonic page, there should be a trial button.
Just bought this routine. Overall not bad, still trying to figure out how to use it optimally though. I ran it in Highmaul and on Imperator in particular I had a lot of trouble as Demo. It wasn't keeping it's dot's up anywhere close to 100%, and at one point the routine got stuck trying to cast a targetable spell on the ground. I'm not sure but I think it was trying to summon my Abyssal. I could barely keep up with the tanks in damage. The rest of the raid went fine considering my ilvl.
View attachment 46568 2015-01-23 20.01.txt
Having an issue where the CR will not haunt targets just corruption, agony, UA then drain soul. The CR will also multi dot rather than soul swap. Is this normal? I have just purchased the premium.

EDIT: I have also noticed that the CR does not support Optical Blast. Is there something i am missing in the CR in regards to the use of the Observer/Felhunters silence?


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Is it just me or is the routine no longer switching to cast Shadowburn when the target gets below 20% instead of Chaos Bolt? Last butcher fight it didnt cast Shadowburn not even once.