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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

I can confirm that Shadowfury talent is causing CR to spam crippling shadows. To the point where I just stand there and die. Disabled it, and CR is working perfectly again.
Hi Millz. I would like to thank you for the great new changelog. The cr now works well for me on the dummy even with cataclysm now. And please do not change the opener of the Demonbolt specc. This is how it is purposed to work. Pop DS and using 2 Demonbolts. How it performs in raid i can answer from next id on.

Also now Soulfire works great and it also works in meta when cataclysm is selected.

It is possible to put a hotkey for cataclysm which recognizes the last settings for example at 3 enemys around ?

I have also expirienced the shadow fury bug but after deactivating it works now
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View attachment 23264 2015-01-15 19.42.txt

Hey Millz, Had the issue with Crippling shadows again and it was litteraly crippling my dps (no pun intended) and i managed to get a log file for you, as you can see at the bottom, it was very instistant on using that spell/talent.

Hope to get a fix soon!

P.s. thanks for the Mythic Garry kill, was top dps for my guild thanks to you. ill let you know when i get Mythic Imp and the logs!

Regards, Lucipurr
Quick fix for anyone else who has this problem, if you disable shadowfurry from your talents page under class config it stops this problem. for now
Ok after reinstal bot everything works well now, problem solved with soulfire not casting in metaform.
demonology seems great, just one issue i think?

hellfire doesn't seem to detect whether adds are within melee range of you, just how many adds there are

makes you look pretty silly on tectus etc if you're at max range and you're casting hellfire at nothing?
'Cause we can't always be in melee. i.e tectus and adds on imperator if you're fixated and have to move away

Might need either a toggle option or changed logic, unless there's something i'm not getting.
demonology seems great, just one issue i think?

hellfire doesn't seem to detect whether adds are within melee range of you, just how many adds there are

makes you look pretty silly on tectus etc if you're at max range and you're casting hellfire at nothing?
'Cause we can't always be in melee. i.e tectus and adds on imperator if you're fixated and have to move away

Might need either a toggle option or changed logic, unless there's something i'm not getting.

Agreeing with this post... Perhaps some sort of better adaptive range-finding logic, like what's used for shadowfury?
Sorry i forgot log in two dungeons i switch talent demonbolt and cataclysm
Ok after reinstal bot everything works well now, problem solved with soulfire not casting in metaform.

Ha dammit. I've just spent the last 30+ minutes reading through your log and my code trying to work out why it wasn't casting Soul Fire. I couldn't find anything wrong. Wish I'd continued reading the thread first :)

demonology seems great, just one issue i think?

hellfire doesn't seem to detect whether adds are within melee range of you, just how many adds there are

makes you look pretty silly on tectus etc if you're at max range and you're casting hellfire at nothing?
'Cause we can't always be in melee. i.e tectus and adds on imperator if you're fixated and have to move away

Might need either a toggle option or changed logic, unless there's something i'm not getting.

Yeah I'm fixing hellfire (and Shadowfury) in next build. Going to push a new one today.
T17 Demonic Guide​

Basic Settings Guideline:
-- For maximum performance from your rotation, it is recommended you disable all and any settings that aren't currently in use. A good example being if the fight has fixate mechanics to disable Soulshatter to free up the unnecessary GCDs being used.

-- I will attach all of my setting files that I use for heroic/mythic raiding. They are labeled appropriately for the spec/talent combo that they are meant for. By default, doom's minimum HP value is set to 100,000 & Chaos bolt's at 75,000. Make sure to adjust hotkeys & defensive abilities to your preference as they are disabled by default for maximum performance and manual defensive usage, which is recommended. If you have an on-use trinket, be sure to set those to be used w/ Dark Soul as well.

-- Start every pull by pre-casting either Incinerate for Destruction (2.0-2.5 seconds on the pull timer), Soul Fire for demonology (roughly ~3 seconds on the pull timer) and Haunt as affliction w/ pre-pot. I will include macros for this at the bottom of the guide.

Talent/Spec Guideline:
Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Synergy
-- Single target spec.

Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/cleave (2+ targets) spec.

Demonology - Cataclysm - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/AoE spec.

Destruction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

Destruction - Cataclysm - Grim of Sacrifice
-- Cleave/Sustained AoE spec.

Affliction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

-- During progression I strongly recommend speccing into Sacrifical Pact for fights with burst damage for huge mitigation. Dark regeneration also works well with glyph of healthstone and on fights where you are lacking the necessary heals, works good in combination with say healer cooldowns or brackenspore's healing mushroom.

Boss Specific Guide:
-- Specs are listed in priority in which I'd play on that specific fight.

Kargath Bladefist​
Spec/Talents: Any if not going up in the stands. If you're going up in the stands, I recommend Destruction/Demonology.
-- Destruction - Stands: Grimoire of Sacrifice/Cataclysm
-- Destruction - Non-Stands: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
-- Demonology - Stands: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm
-- Demonology - Non-Stands: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction - Non-Stands: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

The Butcher​
Spec/Talents: Any spec, for mythic I recommend Demonology/Affliction. If you manage cleave weaving, I recommend Demonology as demonic leap provides some help when getting back into the group.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Fel Imp as pet

Spec/Talents: Demonology(Bad if forced to prioritize adds, good for farm), Affliction (If you prioritize the haste buff), Destruction (Good w/ shadowburn snipes).
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Twin Ogron​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel imp as pet

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction > Affliction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm (If you can blow up the adds), Demonbolt (If you can't prioritize adds).
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm (If you can blow up the adds), Demonic Servitude (If you can't prioritize adds).
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Imperator Mar'gok​
Spec/Talents: Destruction > Demonology
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm (If on add duty), Demonic Servitude (If you're not on add duty, or during progression as Demonic Servitude is great for movement).
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm

-- Incinerate Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Incinerate
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Incinerate

-- Soul Fire Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Soul fire
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Soul Fire

Guide is subject to updates as blackrock foundry comes out and things change.
Can't agree with you about affliction on korag and brackenspore. SB:Haunt more profitable in mythic (around 600 mastery w/o buff, ~1300+ haste).
Sorry Millz for that but i really had this issue yesterday. So after midnight i just do fresh install and put kink settings and everything works i dont know what happened before but now soulfire works in meta. Sorry again cheers.
Sorry Millz for that but i really had this issue yesterday. So after midnight i just do fresh install and put kink settings and everything works i dont know what happened before but now soulfire works in meta. Sorry again cheers.

Not to worry, it was my fault for not reading ahead first :)
Under racials there is no lose of control option that is obviously for will of the forsaken, or maybe that should be added to hot keys but i would prefer "if fear/sleep/charm durations is XXXX MS or more" slider to set auto use of wotf

if this is in the settings already let me know i can't seem to find it
we really need a demonbolt based spec for demono due to up of demono spec !

edit : forget
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T17 Demonic Guide​

Basic Settings Guideline:
-- For maximum performance from your rotation, it is recommended you disable all and any settings that aren't currently in use. A good example being if the fight has fixate mechanics to disable Soulshatter to free up the unnecessary GCDs being used.

-- I will attach all of my setting files that I use for heroic/mythic raiding. They are labeled appropriately for the spec/talent combo that they are meant for. By default, doom's minimum HP value is set to 100,000 & Chaos bolt's at 75,000. Make sure to adjust hotkeys & defensive abilities to your preference as they are disabled by default for maximum performance and manual defensive usage, which is recommended. If you have an on-use trinket, be sure to set those to be used w/ Dark Soul as well.

-- Start every pull by pre-casting either Incinerate for Destruction (2.0-2.5 seconds on the pull timer), Soul Fire for demonology (roughly ~3.5 seconds on the pull timer) and Haunt as affliction (~2-2.5 seconds on the pull timer) w/ pre-pot. I will include macros for this at the bottom of the guide.

Talent/Spec Guideline:
Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Synergy
-- Single target spec.

Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/cleave (2+ targets) spec.

Demonology - Cataclysm - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/AoE spec.

Destruction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

Destruction - Cataclysm - Grim of Sacrifice
-- Cleave/Sustained AoE spec.

Affliction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

-- During progression I strongly recommend speccing into Sacrifical Pact for fights with burst damage for huge mitigation. Dark regeneration also works well with glyph of healthstone and on fights where you are lacking the necessary heals, works good in combination with say healer cooldowns or brackenspore's healing mushroom.

Boss Specific Guide:
-- Specs are listed in priority in which I'd play on that specific fight.

Kargath Bladefist​
Spec/Talents: Any if not going up in the stands. If you're going up in the stands, I recommend Destruction/Demonology.
-- Destruction - Stands: Grimoire of Sacrifice/Cataclysm
-- Destruction - Non-Stands: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
-- Demonology - Stands: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm
-- Demonology - Non-Stands: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction - Non-Stands: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

The Butcher​
Spec/Talents: Any spec, for mythic I recommend Demonology/Affliction. If you manage cleave weaving, I recommend Demonology as demonic leap provides some help when getting back into the group.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Fel Imp as pet

Spec/Talents: Demonology(Bad if forced to prioritize adds, good for farm), Affliction (If you prioritize the haste buff), Destruction (Good w/ shadowburn snipes).
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Twin Ogron​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel imp as pet

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction > Affliction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm (If you can blow up the adds), Demonbolt (If you can't prioritize adds).
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm (If you can blow up the adds), Demonic Servitude (If you can't prioritize adds).
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Imperator Mar'gok​
Spec/Talents: Destruction > Demonology
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm (If on add duty), Demonic Servitude (If you're not on add duty, or during progression as Demonic Servitude is great for movement).
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm

-- Incinerate Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Incinerate
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Incinerate

-- Soul Fire Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Soul fire
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Soul Fire

Guide is subject to updates as blackrock foundry comes out and things change.

Beware, there is an error in Demonology - Demonbolt XML file that is inside that ZIP. it's set to cast Soulfire in normal form only after reaching 7 stacks (<Demonology_MinimumMoltenCoreStacks>7</Demonology_MinimumMoltenCoreStacks>) also putting MinimumHP for Doom on 100k will just waste it on many adds that have low HP especially that it will go into meta cast doom then go out wasting time, dps and precious fury.
I recommend for mythic Minimum DoomHP set on 1,000,000 HP, Soulfire stacks for normal form on 2 (not on 1 because it can happen on rare occasion that it will try to hardcast soulfire in normal form due to lag in buff/debuff detection since buff is removed from you after cast ends and there is another cast already queued up).
Next I recommend enabling Soulfire in meta form which I will explain later if you continue reading :D

I haven't checked rest of the settings inside just demonbolt. :D

Answer to your first question is yes, that is the correct opener as demonology. Pre-pot/cast soul fire > Hand of Gul'dan > corruption > shadowbolt > Hand of gul'dan + Meta/DarkSoul/racials/trinkets then double demonbolt and either soulfire if we have the fury or exit and continue as planned pooling until we have enough fury to dump Demonbolt x4.

The second question, you should always disable SF in meta when using demonbolt, if you're using cataclysm it's recommended you enable it again for proper DPS. The rotation should automatically dump meta SFs if we have excess fury while using demonbolt.

Yes and No. Correct that it will give you nice burst on start but it can be better dependin on your haste which you must try yourself. On pull try this manually prepot + hardcast soulfire and spam DarkSoul if you have enough haste you will have empowered HoG 2x casted AND you will get 2x Demonbolts while having Darksoul on you. Especially if it's a boss where you use Bloodlust/Timewarp on pull.

The second you should enable it because it will cast soulfire in meta only if you have more than 175 fury AFTER casting 4x Demonbolts. That happens often on higher gear levels + you usually have some Darksoul left so you might get that soulfire more empowered.It's a DPS increase anyway. The one thing is that this makes it more obvious on higher haste levels and you can see it in raid, especially if you're under the effects of haste trinket, you finish those DB's very fast and it's good to dish out rest of fury to Soulfire while having Darksoul on.

Dunno what happend, but since this evening, toon dont cast almost anything, he try to cast spell "Crippling Shadows" :confused:, since yesterday routine work very well.
Thank you for support me

Disable Shadowfury in talents, this is already fixed and tested for next build.

same thing for destro, same settings I have been using as always, "Casting: Crippling Shadows] [On: Lvl 100 Horde Rogue @ 37.4% - 104.0k - 18.8yds] [Id:0] [TTD:999]"

Had to turn routine off.

View attachment 163744

edit* switched from shadowfury to coil and it works now, but shadowfury is still preferred for me.

Disable Shadowfury in talents, this is already fixed and tested for next build.

we really need a demonbolt based spec for demono due to up of demono spec !

erm, we have it?
It is possible to change trinket conditions ? For example if i wear 2 on use trinkets (and I know this is bullshit but it is so actually and I am not the only one) always the trinket with "on cooldown" or "on Boss" or ... is higher located than "on dark Soul active".

It would be nice to put "on dark Soul active" higher than the other one or to put an Option in for example "on cooldown of Trinket 1/2" so the cr first activates DS and the trinket 1 on DS and than activates Trinket 2 "on Boss". Is this possible ?
Imo it's not worth the trouble making that since it will be useless as soon as blackrock foundry starts since there are no on use trinkets there. It maybe might be usefull now for some people but I don't see it as a dps gain since 2 on use trinkets are not exactly recommended, you loose burst on start with 2 on use trinkets. But it's up to Millz.
Hello guys i am new to this awesome Routines :) but i have one HUGE problem, i dont know how to setup it properly for Demonology spec. About Destruction, ok everything works fine and dps is really high, but about demonology, i dont know which file should i load, or where from to find it or w/e i have to do. Please help me ? And yes, i am premium user.

while Destro spec i do 32k+ dps, in demo 17k maximum 20k..

Sorry i forgot to attach log, now here is my log


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Anyone else having trouble with Hellfire?

When i face +5 enemies, it doesnt use it. When it actually use it, it only goes off for 1 tick, then starting to do other stuff.
Hello guys i am new to this awesome Routines :) but i have one HUGE problem, i dont know how to setup it properly for Demonology spec. About Destruction, ok everything works fine and dps is really high, but about demonology, i dont know which file should i load, or where from to find it or w/e i have to do. Please help me ? And yes, i am premium user.

while Destro spec i do 32k+ dps, in demo 17k maximum 20k..

Sorry i forgot to attach log, now here is my log

Try Klinks Guide and Profile settings from a few pages before, he does great work
hey millz, im using your demonic trial and only destro seems to be working. affi and demo does not iniatiate or do any spell casting, demo only casted health funnel but that was all