Demo Questions
Hey guys,
Just tried out out the trial for this last night and I have to admit it did make a bit of improvement and on the most part it seemed to work well.. I'm going to purchase the full thing tonight but I just want to get some clarification on a few things beforehand..
With options like
What does the "If 'Target Low Hp' - Value 40" does that mean it will only cast DS when entering Meta if the Boss is above 40%?? If I wanted to make so that it does it whenever I enter Meta should I change the value to '0'??
Also with the trinket options
if they're selected (which I do for trinket 1 when entering MM as its a Copelands Clarity) the percentage options are for my character or the boss?
I also had a couple of instances where it was pooling DF above the 860 threshold I had the settings at, and would hit 1000 and keep spamming SB/SF until I forced it into Meta and it would then cast Demonbolt.. Any ideas what could cause that?
And finally, I did notice a few times when I enabled the AoE option it would start casting hell fire/immo when it was well out of reach of the pack of adds..
One last thing, when running a Demo/Cata build, say for Imperator... Will the bot cast Cata on the current focus target or will it cast it where the greatest pack of adds are? IE.. in the transition stages when the anomalies are out?
Also, not sure if it makes a difference, but I tried it with LasyRaider and Enyo and it seem to be the same.. Is there a preference??
Thanks in advance