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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

I need suport with my Demonic premium routine. After start combat routine with Demonic premium allways show a message: [Demonic] Bot Started - Reloading Talents!... and after that, many skill dont work. I will attach my log and be waiting for a solution. Thank you all!

I haven't read all 900+ pages but I am curious if anyone is using this routine at 2.2k+ arenas this season or High rated RBGs
for me routines never made enough demonbolt when i see how many i have cast on margok or kargath, for me i have unput soulfire in routine config but he continues to cast some, better in this condition to cast demonbolt.


hey millz, im using your demonic trial and only destro seems to be working. affi and demo does not iniatiate or do any spell casting, demo only casted health funnel but that was all
Reload the bot EVERYTIME you change specs.
Hello Millz, ofc nice cr.. but one question.. can you add a hp value for Soulfire? So does he cast soulfire under 25% with less then x stacks ? For the reduce cast time?

Like its ignore the normal settings and use Soulfire on boss hp lower then 25% on 2 stacks
Try Klinks Guide and Profile settings from a few pages before, he does great work

I did, but seems i dont know how to set up properly, is that any chance thtat u or someon else attack printscreen of settings for demo and affliction please?
Hello millz, since the last update my dps decrease, i dont know why. I reinstalled everything and did not fixed. Do you need log?
Hello Millz, ofc nice cr.. but one question.. can you add a hp value for Soulfire? So does he cast soulfire under 25% with less then x stacks ? For the reduce cast time?

Like its ignore the normal settings and use Soulfire on boss hp lower then 25% on 2 stacks

it does use it, you maybe won't actually feel it on mobs with low hp that die fast but on bosses you will.

this is my current settings, note that AoE is set to 10 targets since I do it manually untill we see why it's activating hellfire/immo aura from too far of a distance.
Hello all. I am new to honorbuddy (got it install last night). I understand that An Advanced Warlock Routine will require Bot like Enyo, Etc. Which one should i use for my affliction lock PvP Arena? Thanks.
Demo Questions

Hey guys,

Just tried out out the trial for this last night and I have to admit it did make a bit of improvement and on the most part it seemed to work well.. I'm going to purchase the full thing tonight but I just want to get some clarification on a few things beforehand..

With options like

What does the "If 'Target Low Hp' - Value 40" does that mean it will only cast DS when entering Meta if the Boss is above 40%?? If I wanted to make so that it does it whenever I enter Meta should I change the value to '0'??

Also with the trinket options
if they're selected (which I do for trinket 1 when entering MM as its a Copelands Clarity) the percentage options are for my character or the boss?

I also had a couple of instances where it was pooling DF above the 860 threshold I had the settings at, and would hit 1000 and keep spamming SB/SF until I forced it into Meta and it would then cast Demonbolt.. Any ideas what could cause that?

And finally, I did notice a few times when I enabled the AoE option it would start casting hell fire/immo when it was well out of reach of the pack of adds..

One last thing, when running a Demo/Cata build, say for Imperator... Will the bot cast Cata on the current focus target or will it cast it where the greatest pack of adds are? IE.. in the transition stages when the anomalies are out?

Also, not sure if it makes a difference, but I tried it with LasyRaider and Enyo and it seem to be the same.. Is there a preference??

Thanks in advance

Hey guys,

What does the "If 'Target Low Hp' - Value 40" does that mean it will only cast DS when entering Meta if the Boss is above 40%?? If I wanted to make so that it does it whenever I enter Meta should I change the value to '0'??

It means if an enemy target drops below 40% it pops burst (used for pvp)

Also with the trinket options if they're selected (which I do for trinket 1 when entering MM as its a Copelands Clarity) the percentage options are for my character or the boss?
For Enemytarget (Boss/Player). Used for pvp.

I also had a couple of instances where it was pooling DF above the 860 threshold I had the settings at, and would hit 1000 and keep spamming SB/SF until I forced it into Meta and it would then cast Demonbolt.. Any ideas what could cause that?
Log is needed for this one.

And finally, I did notice a few times when I enabled the AoE option it would start casting hell fire/immo when it was well out of reach of the pack of adds..
Set High AoE targets to 10. If it hellfires on 10 targets get in melee range. The hellfire issue is under review by the developer millz.

One last thing, when running a Demo/Cata build, say for Imperator... Will the bot cast Cata on the current focus target or will it cast it where the greatest pack of adds are? IE.. in the transition stages when the anomalies are out?
I personally stop the routine for a sec and use cataclysm on my own. You want to use it on boss and adds.

Also, not sure if it makes a difference, but I tried it with LasyRaider and Enyo and it seem to be the same.. Is there a preference??
i use enyo, but these differences are insignificant. It is more important to have hard lock enabled.
Thanks fzU for your responses...

If the % settings are more for PVP, should I set the % value to 0 or 100?

And one last thing, for trinket use, I want my Trinket 1 to be used on CD and Trinket 2 only when DS is active..

What should the % be set for to them? or is the % not taken into account on boss fights, only PVP?

Thanks again
Last edited:
Yes you can ignore the % for PVE and choose the right option from the dropdown menu (on CD/DS active).
Your a good man..

last question.. with multiple mobs.. does it auto target to cast corruption and doom?
Under racials there is no lose of control option that is obviously for will of the forsaken, or maybe that should be added to hot keys but i would prefer "if fear/sleep/charm durations is XXXX MS or more" slider to set auto use of wotf

if this is in the settings already let me know i can't seem to find it

WotF when set to on boss/player would only actually use it if you're feared/sleep/charmed etc.

hey millz, im using your demonic trial and only destro seems to be working. affi and demo does not iniatiate or do any spell casting, demo only casted health funnel but that was all

Reload HB every time you change spec.

I need suport with my Demonic premium routine. After start combat routine with Demonic premium allways show a message: [Demonic] Bot Started - Reloading Talents!... and after that, many skill dont work. I will attach my log and be waiting for a solution. Thank you all!

Post a log file please.

How To Attach a Log

Here my log in training dummy

Disable the usage of sandman's pouch trinket. It's not an 'on use' trinket :)

Hello all. I am new to honorbuddy (got it install last night). I understand that An Advanced Warlock Routine will require Bot like Enyo, Etc. Which one should i use for my affliction lock PvP Arena? Thanks.

Use Enyo :)