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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Hello Millz,

Thanks for the very good work.
I Have a small question about DS use when playing demonology, do we have to use it manually?
because the option "on metamorphis and boss" is good except it use the Dark Soul when morphing to cast Doom at the beggining of the fight. Can you think of any way to prevent this from happening.
Even better USE DS only when the routine is about to cast Demonbolt?

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work
i updated it...chaos bolt?

You're hitting the Shadowfury bug too. Will be looking into this issue later today, but disable that for now and it should be resolved.

Hello Millz,

Thanks for the very good work.
I Have a small question about DS use when playing demonology, do we have to use it manually?
because the option "on metamorphis and boss" is good except it use the Dark Soul when morphing to cast Doom at the beggining of the fight. Can you think of any way to prevent this from happening.
Even better USE DS only when the routine is about to cast Demonbolt?

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work


It does use it during the opener, because it tries to do 2x Demonbolt's in the opener. It won't cast DS if you've got less than 250 fury. Those conditions may need altering to only cast for Demonbolt if that's talented, will look into it.

Hello demonbolt talent with cr works fine now but when i change talent to cataclysm cr not using soulfire in demonform just spam touch of chaos. Anyone have good config with cataclysm talent i mean how many demonic fury is best to set.
Ok so for all those asking about demo config let me put it simple. I USE DEFAULT PVE.XML FOR DEMO CONFIG BECAUSE IT'S OPTIMISED FOR SPEC I PLAY (DEMONBOLT).
The key in playing demonbolt is knowing when to move, reacting to disable cooldowns with hotkey if you will move and demonic would cast demonbolts same time so you don't fuck up the rotation. Also knowing on which fights you want to enable/disable meta + ToC on moving in options. You cannot have "a xml file to top dps" you need to adjust it yourself a bit on bosses that aren't friendly to staniding in one place and nuking everything.
If your demonic won't cast 4x demonbolts it's probably because your fury is below 850 (top setting) or you moved when it entered meta so now it used a couple of ToC and has to build it up again also with 10sec meta cooldown. Use your brain, know your spec and how it should it be played, then it will do more dps. Positioning is the key. Also if you switched from destro to demo and you expect results like over there it won't happen, demo is more complicated and requires different gear (mastery/haste). Also don't use imp swarm glyph it sucks unless you are in mythic guild that has very low execution time on bosses.

Yeah this is pretty true, I am getting pretty good DPS with the default settings, just need to pay attention to the routine/fight mechanics and move/position correctly.

One question I do have is how do you have your trinket options? I would like to have it set to use on DB spam or in caster form to build fury faster.
T17 Demonic Guide​

Basic Settings Guideline:
-- For maximum performance from your rotation, it is recommended you disable all and any settings that aren't currently in use. A good example being if the fight has fixate mechanics to disable Soulshatter to free up the unnecessary GCDs being used.

-- I will attach all of my setting files that I use for heroic/mythic raiding. They are labeled appropriately for the spec/talent combo that they are meant for. By default, doom's minimum HP value is set to 100,000 & Chaos bolt's at 75,000. Make sure to adjust hotkeys & defensive abilities to your preference as they are disabled by default for maximum performance and manual defensive usage, which is recommended. If you have an on-use trinket, be sure to set those to be used w/ Dark Soul as well.

-- Start every pull by pre-casting either Incinerate for Destruction (2.0-2.5 seconds on the pull timer), Soul Fire for demonology (roughly ~3.5 seconds on the pull timer) and Haunt as affliction (~2-2.5 seconds on the pull timer) w/ pre-pot. I will include macros for this at the bottom of the guide.

Talent/Spec Guideline:
Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Synergy
-- Single target spec.

Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/cleave (2+ targets) spec.

Demonology - Cataclysm - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/AoE spec.

Destruction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

Destruction - Cataclysm - Grim of Sacrifice
-- Cleave/Sustained AoE spec.

Affliction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

-- During progression I strongly recommend speccing into Sacrifical Pact for fights with burst damage for huge mitigation. Dark regeneration also works well with glyph of healthstone and on fights where you are lacking the necessary heals, works good in combination with say healer cooldowns or brackenspore's healing mushroom.

Boss Specific Guide:
-- Specs are listed in priority in which I'd play on that specific fight. Current specs/talents are selected for Heroic Blackrock Foundry.
-- Remember to un-glyph Dark Soul as demonology when not using Demonbolt.
-- All specs/talent recommendations are for the highest theoretical DPS outcome on that fight. If you feel it would better help with progression to say take Demonbolt over cataclysm, then do so.

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction >= Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Flamebender Ka'graz​
Spec/Talents: Demonology
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt

Hans'gar and Franzok​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet

Beastlord Darmac​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Fel Imp as pet

Operator Thogar​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction > Affliction
-- If you can position yourself to be on a rune in the middle of the grasping earth hands then I recommend Cataclysm for Demonology/Destruction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Observer as pet

The Blast Furnace​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction >= Destruction
-- If adds staying alive are a non issue, I recommend demonbolt for more single target damage during progression.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Sacrifice/Cataclysm

The Iron Maidens​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Observer as pet

-- Incinerate Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Incinerate
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Incinerate

-- Soul Fire Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Soul fire
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Soul Fire

Guide Change Log:
[ 2/9/2015 ]: - Updated guide to support Blackrock Foundry bosses. Updated Rotation profiles with quality of life changes for BRF.


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Yeah this is pretty true, I am getting pretty good DPS with the default settings, just need to pay attention to the routine/fight mechanics and move/position correctly.

One question I do have is how do you have your trinket options? I would like to have it set to use on DB spam or in caster form to build fury faster.

depending what trinkets you have, int/crit/mastery/spellpower on use put it to use on Dark Soul up, haste use on CD.
depending what trinkets you have, int/crit/mastery/spellpower on use put it to use on Dark Soul up, haste use on CD.

Ah ok that makes sense, I have shards of nothing which I will set to use on CD, I am guessing the low hp% and low mana% doesn't affect much is those settings, have just left them as they are for up to now.
View attachment 6784 2015-01-15 20.41.txt
1) Demo, when starting the fight the cr starts to cast DB without enough power for 4xDBs so it ends up with 2 stacks. Is this normal?

2) Default demo pve settings have SF disabled for Meta. So it is spamming ToC. But icy-veins has SF in the Meta rotation. Which one is correct/better?
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View attachment 163715
1) Demo, when starting the fight the cr starts to cast DB without enough power for 4xDBs so it ends up with 2 stacks. Is this normal?

2) Default demo pve settings have SF disabled for Meta. So it is spamming ToC. But icy-veins has SF in the Meta rotation. Which one is correct/better?

Answer to your first question is yes, that is the correct opener as demonology. Pre-pot/cast soul fire > Hand of Gul'dan > corruption > shadowbolt > Hand of gul'dan + Meta/DarkSoul/racials/trinkets then double demonbolt and either soulfire if we have the fury or exit and continue as planned pooling until we have enough fury to dump Demonbolt x4.

The second question, you should always disable SF in meta when using demonbolt, if you're using cataclysm it's recommended you enable it again for proper DPS. The rotation should automatically dump meta SFs if we have excess fury while using demonbolt.
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Dunno what happend, but since this evening, toon dont cast almost anything, he try to cast spell "Crippling Shadows" :confused:, since yesterday routine work very well.
Thank you for support me


Dunno what happend, but since this evening, toon dont cast almost anything, he try to cast spell "Crippling Shadows" :confused:, since yesterday routine work very well.
Thank you for support me

I believe this is a bug when you don't have a level 30 talent selected, it's supposedly automatically learned at level 30. Most likely just a filler spell blizzard added to be transformed into whatever is selected.

Edit, looking at your log it does seem like you have shadowfury talented, I'd look into changing the keybind for shadowfury and possibly disabling the settings to see if that resolves the issue, if not then it's most likely something on Millz' end.
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thank you for reply Kink, I dont have any bind for shadowfury.
It's very strange, like said before, since yesterday all work very fine
same thing for destro, same settings I have been using as always, "Casting: Crippling Shadows] [On: Lvl 100 Horde Rogue @ 37.4% - 104.0k - 18.8yds] [Id:0] [TTD:999]"

Had to turn routine off.

View attachment 2144 2015-01-15 17.05.txt

edit* switched from shadowfury to coil and it works now, but shadowfury is still preferred for me.
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