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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Anyone else having problems with extremely bad performance ? Everything was great before the update on the 10th, now it seems to be lagging behind big time. This is for demo, not sure exactly what the problem is.

For affliction, it seems to just spam drain soul and doesn't actually apply dots.
Anyone else having problems with extremely bad performance ? Everything was great before the update on the 10th, now it seems to be lagging behind big time. This is for demo, not sure exactly what the problem is.

For affliction, it seems to just spam drain soul and doesn't actually apply dots.

Yes, I too am getting bad DPS. Am seeing as low as 14k. 649ilvl Destro.
Guys, make sure to update your AuraList when an update hits. I haven't seen these DPS issues, it's not perfect, but I am usually sitting around 19k or more with 645 iLvl Destro. Am trying Affi now and it seems to be doing well.
Guys, make sure to update your AuraList when an update hits. I haven't seen these DPS issues, it's not perfect, but I am usually sitting around 19k or more with 645 iLvl Destro. Am trying Affi now and it seems to be doing well.

there was no auralist for me so i loaded it in and it jumped back to 18k. how did you get 19k with 645ilvl?
Can you upload your settings file?

Yes, I too am getting bad DPS. Am seeing as low as 14k. 649ilvl Destro.

Before reporting that routine is doing bad dps use the "Run Test" button in Debug tab in Class Config (Demonic options), then post that here also with a log of a bad fight.
I have tested and raided heroic 6/7 with Demo and Affliction, and according to warcraftlogs on my ilevel I'm in top 90% of damage done in regards to other warlocks with same spec. So it's performing extremely well but you do need to know when to move, how to position, when to maybe disable cooldowns before you have to move and then enable them again when you have time to burn. We cannot teach you that, you have to do it yourself. :D
I'm using the cr with Destro spec.
In the chaos bolt ember setting it says that the min limit that I specify there will be ignored in case of DS:I. But even when I have DS:I up, right after the first CB, it tries to build up embers by casting Inc, Conf. By the way my min ember setting for casting CB is 3.5.
Anyone else having this issue?

Post a log file please.

How To Attach a Log

Why is it when I try to buy this I get the "Your payment has been declined. Please try again with another payment method. "

I have more than enough funds on both my card and paypal...

Try contacting [email protected] - It's not something I have access to deal with, sorry.

CR is a bit fucked up in the last boss (imperor).
Didn't used a single Havoc! Which should be a huge dps increase in this fight

Here is the log.

View attachment 157654

AoE is disabled in that log file.

Anyone else having problems with extremely bad performance ? Everything was great before the update on the 10th, now it seems to be lagging behind big time. This is for demo, not sure exactly what the problem is.

For affliction, it seems to just spam drain soul and doesn't actually apply dots.

Post a log file please.

How To Attach a Log
Attaching a log.

I looked through it and there seem to be some issues, it is possible that some of my settings are wrong, but I used these same settings on Tuesday to get into top 50 rankings ( around 22k dps average ) and then last night / today the same settings, post update, it can't get above 17k

Things I noticed in the log and while playing :

Around 13:19:57.661 I reach the limit to go into metamorphosis ( 850 ) yet stay out and cast several more spells for a major DPS loss. This causes me to go above 1000 fury for several casts, again major DPS loss. I did notice in the logs that over 5 minutes of a fight I am getting significantly less demon bolts out. After reviewing the logs it appears the CR does hit 1000 fury and stay there and continues to cast corruption ( which is really bad since TOC refreshes it ) and shadow bolts. It seems ( according to the logs ) that the CR is continuously waiting for HOG for some reason to go into demo form. As far as the weird corruption applications and wasted GCD's no idea what that is about.

The CR casts Corruption on the target ID [Id:87761] at :

13:20:00.235 ( with 954 fury )
13:20:02.318 ( with 1000 fury )
13:20:07.130 ( with 1000 fury )
13:20:10.046 ( with 1000 fury )
13:20:14.459 ( with 1000 fury )

Not to mention the major DPS loss of casting corruption after the first application period, but this is 4 completely wasted GCD's since the dot was near full duration. Then you add in the fact that you are casting out of demo at 100% fury when you should be casting demon bolts.

Again, it is entirely possible that some of my settings are blown, but these are the same settings I used before the update to reach 22k dps with my gear, now I am sitting at 17k.


Attaching a log.

I looked through it and there seem to be some issues, it is possible that some of my settings are wrong, but I used these same settings on Tuesday to get into top 50 rankings ( around 22k dps average ) and then last night / today the same settings, post update, it can't get above 17k

Things I noticed in the log and while playing :

Around 13:19:57.661 I reach the limit to go into metamorphosis ( 850 ) yet stay out and cast several more spells for a major DPS loss. This causes me to go above 1000 fury for several casts, again major DPS loss. I did notice in the logs that over 5 minutes of a fight I am getting significantly less demon bolts out. After reviewing the logs it appears the CR does hit 1000 fury and stay there and continues to cast corruption ( which is really bad since TOC refreshes it ) and shadow bolts. It seems ( according to the logs ) that the CR is continuously waiting for HOG for some reason to go into demo form. As far as the weird corruption applications and wasted GCD's no idea what that is about.

The CR casts Corruption on the target ID [Id:87761] at :

13:20:00.235 ( with 954 fury )
13:20:02.318 ( with 1000 fury )
13:20:07.130 ( with 1000 fury )
13:20:10.046 ( with 1000 fury )
13:20:14.459 ( with 1000 fury )

Not to mention the major DPS loss of casting corruption after the first application period, but this is 4 completely wasted GCD's since the dot was near full duration. Then you add in the fact that you are casting out of demo at 100% fury when you should be casting demon bolts.

Again, it is entirely possible that some of my settings are blown, but these are the same settings I used before the update to reach 22k dps with my gear, now I am sitting at 17k.

It's bugging out reading some auras by the looks of it. It's been a while since you restarted your PC (7.4 days) which can cause issues. Can you try restarting your PC and see if that resolves it ?
Attaching another log. I switched over to my main PC. The settings are slightly different but still were able to pull 22k + with them before the update.

It looks like it is still NOT going into demo form when it should ( 850 ) even though the CR specifically states in debug that it needs to dump fury.

Corruption casting multiple times is still a problem as well.

CR cast corruption on Mob ID : [Id:87762] at :

14:35:39.569 531 Fury
14:35:42.072 587 Fury
14:35:46.780 701 Fury
14:35:49.117 756 Fury
14:35:51.430 820 Fury
14:35:53.287 875 Fury
14:35:55.139 919 Fury
14:35:59.699 986 Fury

It kept going, but I think you see the point.

It also doesn't seem to be reading demo fury properly or something.

It hit the mark at

14:35:53.287 ( 850 )

and then continued its rotation until

14:36:11.270 when it finally went into demo form. This was 18 seconds after it reached the mark, that is essentially 18 seconds of lost fury and lost DPS. Add that in with the corruption "spam" and I can totally see why the DPS is reduced so much. I can't find any settings that would be causing this.

Another random thing I noticed. It used to wait to cast imp swarm until after your first demon bolt in your "full" demo fury stage. It now seems to just cast it whenever it wants. This seems like a DPS loss since you will want to be popping Dark Soul during that first full demo form and your imps will benefit from the increased damage from the increased mastery.

Anything you can see Millz would be helpful, thanks. This machine was just restarted before running the tests :)


Attaching another log. I switched over to my main PC. The settings are slightly different but still were able to pull 22k + with them before the update.

It looks like it is still NOT going into demo form when it should ( 850 ) even though the CR specifically states in debug that it needs to dump fury.

Corruption casting multiple times is still a problem as well.

CR cast corruption on Mob ID : [Id:87762] at :

14:35:39.569 531 Fury
14:35:42.072 587 Fury
14:35:46.780 701 Fury
14:35:49.117 756 Fury
14:35:51.430 820 Fury
14:35:53.287 875 Fury
14:35:55.139 919 Fury
14:35:59.699 986 Fury

It kept going, but I think you see the point.

It also doesn't seem to be reading demo fury properly or something.

It hit the mark at

14:35:53.287 ( 850 )

and then continued its rotation until

14:36:11.270 when it finally went into demo form. This was 18 seconds after it reached the mark, that is essentially 18 seconds of lost fury and lost DPS. Add that in with the corruption "spam" and I can totally see why the DPS is reduced so much. I can't find any settings that would be causing this.

Another random thing I noticed. It used to wait to cast imp swarm until after your first demon bolt in your "full" demo fury stage. It now seems to just cast it whenever it wants. This seems like a DPS loss since you will want to be popping Dark Soul during that first full demo form and your imps will benefit from the increased damage from the increased mastery.

Anything you can see Millz would be helpful, thanks. This machine was just restarted before running the tests :)

I can see what the issue is when it's capped fury. I'll get this fixed.

The corruption thing I wouldn't read into too much. The logging shows attempts at casts, rather than actual/successful casts. If it's actually casting successful corruption's on the target and it's refreshing each time then that's definitely an issue, but it's unlikely to be happening.
That is awesome thanks. I will check the WOW combat log itself to see if it is actually reapply corruption every time or not.

Will get back as soon as I can. I have been spending the last 5 hours infront of a target dummy trying to figure out what is going on, but it def seems that the wasted fury is the major DPS loss here. Any ETA on when a fix could be pushed to the store so I know how long I have to raid without the CR :P
That is awesome thanks. I will check the WOW combat log itself to see if it is actually reapply corruption every time or not.

Will get back as soon as I can. I have been spending the last 5 hours infront of a target dummy trying to figure out what is going on, but it def seems that the wasted fury is the major DPS loss here. Any ETA on when a fix could be pushed to the store so I know how long I have to raid without the CR :P

Not sure to be honest, been working on affliction stuff so need to ensure that's working fully before I update. It's unlikely to be today.

Once it gets to that 850 fury and starts to get stuck casting the 2x HoG, you can manually cast metamorphosis and it'll start doing the demonbolt dump.
Hey, I don't have much experience with this routine yet, I just started trying out Destruction, is it normal that I get "spammed" with "Another action is in progress" on my screen?
Why is it when I try to buy this I get the "Your payment has been declined. Please try again with another payment method. "

I have more than enough funds on both my card and paypal...
i fixed my issues using the files in op i did not know about those files to use auras and files "pvp / pve" hehe, now its runing amazing just wanted to know about those aura files what they mean i did not know for what im ussing it or that lol just asking im noob :(