Doing that now. Will post as an edit to this reply. Thanks!
Ran the debug. Log below:
This seems to be the pertinent part
[15:35:21.498 N] [Demonic] Running diagnostic checks...[15:35:21.639 N] [Demonic] [Pass] Windows uptime - 0.4hrs
[15:35:21.640 N] [Demonic] [Warn] GCD appears to be active. If this is not the case, try restarting your PC. If that doesn't help, ensure the 'Anti-Lag #1' setting is disabled on the advanced tab. GCD seconds left: 4251882.57
[15:35:21.640 N] [Demonic] [Pass] Framelock is active.
[15:35:21.640 N] [Demonic] [Pass] Aura list contains entries.
[15:35:21.640 N] [Demonic] [Warn] Trinket 1 is appearing as usable and is enabled in settings. If the trinket isn't 'usable' (manually activated), disable the setting.
[15:35:21.640 N] [Demonic] [Pass] Trinket 2 is disabled or not usable.
[15:35:21.640 N] [Demonic] [Pass] The routine loaded correctly.
[15:35:21.640 N] [Demonic] Diagnostic test finished.
For the GCD warn is also adds: "GCD seconds left: 4251727.669"
Trinket 1 is set up properly (Copeland's Clarity). Not sure what's up with the GCD. As I mentioned, I've restarted many times.