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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

I have the following problem since today casts my hexer at start of combat the soul stone.
I can not find any option in the routine to set this.

Before the routine has never done.

I am very impressed by your work and am very satisfied.
Is there any way this item on the options installed
Demo lock keeps spamming no glyph defined Dark Soul: Knowledge in chat, the glyph is called Glyph of Dark Soul?
Quote Originally Posted by lawrence131 View Post
My hotkeys to toggle AE on/off and that whole column in settings stopped working today. Fresh install of HB to let it re-download through the store but still doesn't work (using CTRL-ABCDEFG etc in case that matters), but the hotkey to mortal coil with Shift-X still works. Can't figure it out, last night it was fine and even gave written and verbal notification of AE turning off. Pause on Enyo with ALT only also stopped working. Have a feeling it has something to do with keys being passed through WoW or something, anyone else having these problems? Only way I can toggle AE atm is to keep the window open, uncheck it and hit APPLY real fast, not very optimal.

shutdown Teamwiewer.
was thinking that will work but it didn't do anything. weirdest thing 3 wow/hb instances running right over each other from same install. the 2 toons on tuanha CR's are taking the ALT0stop Enya and any hotkey, but nothing from Demolic. nothing is on the logs since it doesn't even register a key pressed or ability fired.

delete and fresh install yet again, just don't see where i screw it up where the bot commands (stop Enyo) aren't triggering or the hotkeys inside Demonic.... just weird.
I have the following problem since today casts my hexer at start of combat the soul stone.
I can not find any option in the routine to set this.

Before the routine has never done.

I am very impressed by your work and am very satisfied.
Is there any way this item on the options installed

Not completely sure what you mean, but I think you mean from the hotkey. Try restarting your PC.

Demo lock keeps spamming no glyph defined Dark Soul: Knowledge in chat, the glyph is called Glyph of Dark Soul?

There was a hotfix overnight to Glyph of Dark Soul. Could be related to that? Spamming in chat in game ?
was thinking that will work but it didn't do anything. weirdest thing 3 wow/hb instances running right over each other from same install. the 2 toons on tuanha CR's are taking the ALT0stop Enya and any hotkey, but nothing from Demolic. nothing is on the logs since it doesn't even register a key pressed or ability fired.

delete and fresh install yet again, just don't see where i screw it up where the bot commands (stop Enyo) aren't triggering or the hotkeys inside Demonic.... just weird.

If you stop/exit teamviewer, you need to reload Honorbuddy again after. You may need to stop TeamViewer loading with windows and then restart your PC.
Yesterday we had high rock raid. the tank has the pulltimer started and pulled down. My hexer immediately cast the soul stone on the tank or healer. as the lead that told I should resurrect a dead member, I could not do this because my soul stone was on cooldown. Today I was in lfr and the routine has no soul stone cast? I understand now do nothing more. I ask for help
Yesterday we had high rock raid. the tank has the pulltimer started and pulled down. My hexer immediately cast the soul stone on the tank or healer. as the lead that told I should resurrect a dead member, I could not do this because my soul stone was on cooldown. Today I was in lfr and the routine has no soul stone cast? I understand now do nothing more. I ask for help

Tried setting keybinding for it? CR doesn't auto cast soulstone.
Yesterday we had high rock raid. the tank has the pulltimer started and pulled down. My hexer immediately cast the soul stone on the tank or healer. as the lead that told I should resurrect a dead member, I could not do this because my soul stone was on cooldown. Today I was in lfr and the routine has no soul stone cast? I understand now do nothing more. I ask for help

Post a log file please.

How To Attach a Log
Trying my best :)

I've got 1 bug left that I believe I've fixed, but it's hard to replicate. Once I'm happy that's taken care of then I'll push a new build.
Hey Millz --
Since you're the resident warlock professional, could I get your opinion on spec choice? Please don't say, "Play what you like, or what makes you happy." because the bot plays it, so the spec really doesn't matter all that much. I just want the one that's going to be the best DPS. Currently I'm farming regs, to get into PG, then into Heroics, and then hopefully into raids.

I'm leaning mostly towards destruction again this xpac, even with the RoF nerf. I've found that in dungeons I haven't really been ember starved that much, and I'm still topping DPS meters. That could be because I'm level 100 though, and the crowd I'm running with is pre-100. But, I feel I'm still doing more DPS as destruction than as demon. Affliction is not for me as it has practically zero AoE capabilities, and shard regeneration is like watching paint dry. I feel like I'm always shard starved as Affliction, so I avoid that spec.

I just want to get your input. Based on your knowledge of how the routine is coded and how it works, could you suggest spec, talents, and glyphs to milk the most DPS from the routine. I'd appreciate it.
Last edited:
Hey guys new to the HB system here, i'm playing around with the PVP file and is there a way to force PVP gear to be loaded instead of PVE gear ? If i switch gear the program automatically removes the PVP gear. Sorry, this is probaby easily solved but i have been looking through the options and i dont see anything that lets me override the gear. thanks again !
Yo my warlock keeps bugging out sounds like it keeps trying to cast a spell but never does just does the jerk lol. All i been doing is continuing my rotation then it picks up a bit later ill post logs from last two nights raiding and stuff.


Hey guys new to the HB system here, i'm playing around with the PVP file and is there a way to force PVP gear to be loaded instead of PVE gear ? If i switch gear the program automatically removes the PVP gear. Sorry, this is probaby easily solved but i have been looking through the options and i dont see anything that lets me override the gear. thanks again !

It's nothing with this CC and forum thread I think, but you can check Settings & Tools from Honorbuddy and uncheck "Auto Equip" under Character Manager.
Hey Millz --
Since you're the resident warlock professional, could I get your opinion on spec choice? Please don't say, "Play what you like, or what makes you happy." because the bot plays it, so the spec really doesn't matter all that much. I just want the one that's going to be the best DPS. Currently I'm farming regs, to get into PG, then into Heroics, and then hopefully into raids.

I'm leaning mostly towards destruction again this xpac, even with the RoF nerf. I've found that in dungeons I haven't really been ember starved that much, and I'm still topping DPS meters. That could be because I'm level 100 though, and the crowd I'm running with is pre-100. But, I feel I'm still doing more DPS as destruction than as demon. Affliction is not for me as it has practically zero AoE capabilities, and shard regeneration is like watching paint dry. I feel like I'm always shard starved as Affliction, so I avoid that spec.

I just want to get your input. Based on your knowledge of how the routine is coded and how it works, could you suggest spec, talents, and glyphs to milk the most DPS from the routine. I'd appreciate it.
I will break It down for you mate :)

Destruction with GoSup and Cataclysme

Demo with DemoServ or Destruction with DemoServ

Kargath - Affliction with Haunt or DemoServ
Butcher - Affliction with Haunt or DemoServ
Brackenspore - Destro with DemoServ
Tectus - Demo with Demonbolt or Cataclysme
Twin Ogron - Affliction with Haunt
Kor'agh - Destruction with DemoServ
Imperator Mar'gok - Destruction with DemoServ

Anyone have settings for affliction highmaul?

From my understanding the settings will not improve your DPS much, as that is hardcoded/done via the AuraList. Use the settings that best suit you, turn as many abilities on to manual (CDs) as you want to deal with.
Hey Millz --
Since you're the resident warlock professional, could I get your opinion on spec choice? Please don't say, "Play what you like, or what makes you happy." because the bot plays it, so the spec really doesn't matter all that much. I just want the one that's going to be the best DPS. Currently I'm farming regs, to get into PG, then into Heroics, and then hopefully into raids.

I'm leaning mostly towards destruction again this xpac, even with the RoF nerf. I've found that in dungeons I haven't really been ember starved that much, and I'm still topping DPS meters. That could be because I'm level 100 though, and the crowd I'm running with is pre-100. But, I feel I'm still doing more DPS as destruction than as demon. Affliction is not for me as it has practically zero AoE capabilities, and shard regeneration is like watching paint dry. I feel like I'm always shard starved as Affliction, so I avoid that spec.

I just want to get your input. Based on your knowledge of how the routine is coded and how it works, could you suggest spec, talents, and glyphs to milk the most DPS from the routine. I'd appreciate it.

Think Chriasp has summed this up pretty good :)

View attachment 157414 my settings

I got a problem with affliction, if I got my pet out Shivarra and start the bot, it dismiss it and also with the running bot I cast it automaticly it dismiss it immediately. Seems the numbers/ID's are off, logs:
View attachment 157417

Active Pet [102] Does Not Match Setting [104]. Dismissing.

102 = Shivarra
104 = Wrathguard

You need to change the demon selection in the settings :)

Yo my warlock keeps bugging out sounds like it keeps trying to cast a spell but never does just does the jerk lol. All i been doing is continuing my rotation then it picks up a bit later ill post logs from last two nights raiding and stuff.

Looks like you've targeted a friendly unit and it's trying to cast on it. Only thing I can see that's obvious. If it happens again stop the bot right after it happens and post that log file please :)
I will break It down for you mate :)

Destruction with GoSup and Cataclysme

Demo with DemoServ or Destruction with DemoServ

Kargath - Affliction with Haunt or DemoServ
Butcher - Affliction with Haunt or DemoServ
Brackenspore - Destro with DemoServ
Tectus - Demo with Demonbolt or Cataclysme
Twin Ogron - Affliction with Haunt
Kor'agh - Destruction with DemoServ
Imperator Mar'gok - Destruction with DemoServ


Only thing I'd like to warn you is that you can't match gear for Destro/Demo or Destro/Affliction combo since destro has totally different stat priority a.k.a Crit. But you can match Demo/Affliction since they are all about Mastery+Haste or Haste+Mastery so gear is highly compatible and you won't have to change gems/enchants switching between them since you can just gem for Mastery if you will use both :D