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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Alright im so lost with this. I bought Demonic back in the day before you moved to Buddystore... now im having difficulties getting it back.
What must i do to retrieve it... and i cant get into buddy store... -.-
I am getting alot of personal messages about my settings theese days.

- I have not changed anything in my settings. Except "Enable cancel casting" on some bosses - I have sat that too 5% for the fights needed. Just for sniping the adds and get embers.

As I have stated earlier, you cant expect dps in the 100th percentile without knowing the fight (when to move, how to place yourself and managing your cooldowns according to the fight mechanics) and know your class. This will vary alot since many guilds/pugs uses different tactics etc.

At the moment I am using it for farm bosses and when we are going trough tactics. I am usually on the 95-100th percentile in my 655 gear. It is doing really good

- And btw Millz, is it possible to get a Mouseover Cataclysm hotkey? :D
Guys im calling to solidarity :P to ask for some amazing auras setting for pvp demo and affli if you have one i will apreciate, i dont know how to use the auras setting even dunno for what they serve...my understanding of some things is extremely bad THANKS for be comprensive.
I am getting alot of personal messages about my settings theese days.

- I have not changed anything in my settings. Except "Enable cancel casting" on some bosses - I have sat that too 5% for the fights needed. Just for sniping the adds and get embers.

As I have stated earlier, you cant expect dps in the 100th percentile without knowing the fight (when to move, how to place yourself and managing your cooldowns according to the fight mechanics) and know your class. This will vary alot since many guilds/pugs uses different tactics etc.

At the moment I am using it for farm bosses and when we are going trough tactics. I am usually on the 95-100th percentile in my 655 gear. It is doing really good

- And btw Millz, is it possible to get a Mouseover Cataclysm hotkey? :D

I appreciate this, but you say in your settings post that you are going to tweak your demo settings, I also loaded them ingame and they don't seem very optimal? It could also just be me..
I appreciate this, but you say in your settings post that you are going to tweak your demo settings, I also loaded them ingame and they don't seem very optimal? It could also just be me..
My demo is settings is close to standard. Worked for me atleast 27k on Tectus in 655 Destro gear
I am having a few issues. I dont know if this is just on the last boss in Highmaul but will list some of the problems under:

- Havoc. It will to often cast hvaoc and then either a Immolate/incinerate and follow up with a chaosbolt. This is a waste.
- TTD I dont know if this is because I have cancelcasting activated on this boss. But it ALWAYS cast SB on Warmages too early and it always runs out before it dies. So I cant get my embers back. It also always casts multiple SB's under 20% on the adds.
- Dark soul + Trinket. It seems to not cast DS + Trinket on 2 embers, and if it casts DS it never uses the trinket so the cds never matches up. I usually have to sidestep and press both DS + Trinket when I want to use it.
- The range check seems a bit off. Eventho I have everything in range it sometimes stops casting until I get closer.
- When the CR is dumping Embers @ 3 it seems to cast 2xCB instead of 1. It also seems to react to the weapon enchant eventough Its not in the auralist.

- The range check seems a bit off. Eventho I have everything in range it sometimes stops casting until I get closer.

Does it try to use/spam-try Shadowfury? This would explain why it continues when you get closer.
Hey, I don't have much experience with this routine yet, I just started trying out Destruction, is it normal that I get "spammed" with "Another action is in progress" on my screen?

That's normal, it spam casts a little at towards the end of the current cast to queue up the next spell faster.

Why is it when I try to buy this I get the "Your payment has been declined. Please try again with another payment method. "

I have more than enough funds on both my card and paypal...

Contact [email protected] for help - It's not something I have control over, sorry.

Hey guys,

I'm looking for experienced PvE players that use this routine in the hopes they could help me out with
my 'Destruction' settings as I am rather confused as to how to set this up when it comes to how many
Embers I should have before using certain abilities to get the most out of my dps.

I would greatly appreciate some help with this!

Thank you!

The default PvE.xml file is up to date with good settings, try that first of all.

CR with AoE "ON" is still buggy on the last boss with Havoc.

Sometimes it casts havoc, sometimes it doesn't. I dont know if range is affecting something, I try to target it so it casts Havoc. See the add Gorian Warmage and the Arcane Aberration.

Also if I have "Usen on Dark Soul Active" in my Trinket it will only use the trinket in the 2nd Dark Soul charge instead of the first.

It's a bug, will fix it.

View attachment 157887
Using it with Destro,

The issues that I'm having so far:
1) Havoc is sometimes cast very late. there are 2 or more adds, I have more than 3 embers, all of the adds have immolate, but cr doesn't cast havoc. By the way, I don't know whether the condition that I tell are requirements for Havoc. What is the logic for Havoc?
2) Right after casting Havoc, sometimes cr casts an Incinerate then a Chaosbolt, since there are 2 embers left for CB, Havoc is not used with CB.
3) Right after casting Fire and Brimstone, first thing cr casts is Incinerate, when starting with 1 ember, this results in no ember for Immolate thus dps is lower than it should be.

Will fix all 3 of these.

So I looked it up and you shouldn't cast CB untill you have at least 3.5 embers, so I changed it to that amount in my settings, but now I'm constantly running out of mana because the routine is spamming Incinerate?

Edit 2;

Demonology question:

You can either choose Use Imp Swarm or Use Imp Swarm on burst, by 'Use Imp Swarm' do you mean that it uses it on Cooldown or does it get used along with Dark Soul: Knowledge?
If it means it gets used on Cooldown, would it be possible to change it or add an option to use it alongside Dark Soul: Knowledge? Because it will be more of a DPS loss than increase if
it just gets used on Cooldown all the time.

Thank you.

(Love your work btw, I hope I don't come across as complaining, because it's just some questions/suggestions).

CB is best cast at ~3.2 embers, it helps prevent capping embers. It shouldn't run out of mana from using incinerates.. Post a log please.

Demo - Imp Swarm is used with Dark Soul.

works flawless yesterday, today it spams summon voidlord :O

Post a log file please.

How To Attach a Log

Can you add Axe toss on healer cast and on normal cast or when someone pops cd's to the routine? would be really awesome.

A full overhaul of all the pet ability stuff is still on my to-do list :)

I need some help :( I have 6 months pause in wow and now I dont know how to install CR.
I did fresh install of hb and copied CR from assembla.
How to make it run properly?

View attachment 158039

You need to migrate to the buddy store here: www.millz.biz/claim/

Anyone still having really bad issues with immolate? went on the dungeoneers dummy for a while and the uptime on immolate was shocking. Log attached, tried multiple different settings including the attached pve ones, and multiple different setups in this thread.

Really not sure why it's bad. In the log it's trying to cast, but is battling with Incinerate. I'll add some checks in to prevent it from doing that.
shadow burning adds needs a higher prio

It's already very high.

- And btw Millz, is it possible to get a Mouseover Cataclysm hotkey? :D

Yep. I'm going to add settings to it also for X units, on boss player etc.

Hi, sorry to bother but will you realese free version in WoD?
Best wishes

I will, but my priorities lie with the premium version for now. No ETA on the free one, sorry.

I am having a few issues. I dont know if this is just on the last boss in Highmaul but will list some of the problems under:

- Havoc. It will to often cast hvaoc and then either a Immolate/incinerate and follow up with a chaosbolt. This is a waste.
- TTD I dont know if this is because I have cancelcasting activated on this boss. But it ALWAYS cast SB on Warmages too early and it always runs out before it dies. So I cant get my embers back. It also always casts multiple SB's under 20% on the adds.
- Dark soul + Trinket. It seems to not cast DS + Trinket on 2 embers, and if it casts DS it never uses the trinket so the cds never matches up. I usually have to sidestep and press both DS + Trinket when I want to use it.
- The range check seems a bit off. Eventho I have everything in range it sometimes stops casting until I get closer.
- When the CR is dumping Embers @ 3 it seems to cast 2xCB instead of 1. It also seems to react to the weapon enchant eventough Its not in the auralist.

Havoc -> Will be fixed in next build (hopefully!).

TTD -> Will reduce this value for Shadowburn.

DS + Trinket -> Looks like the times where the trinket and DS line up, it does try to use them together, however there is a delay in re-attempting to use the trinket, as it used to lock the routine, spamming trying to use the trinket.

Range check calculates dynamically based on the target's hit box, our hit box, and the distance from us to the target. It shouldn't be out at all. If it is, then the hit box values for the target are being returned incorrectly, but it's unlikely.

CB x2 -> Enabling anti-lag #1 should help with that.
Someplace i remember reading that enabling anti lag 1 is bad for high latency.......thats correct right? 800ms is my in game latency.
Someplace i remember reading that enabling anti lag 1 is bad for high latency.......thats correct right? 800ms is my in game latency.

It does take latency into account, but disabling #1 makes the routine spam casts a little quicker, which helps under high latency.


#1 basically tells the routine to pause while the GCD is active (minus the latency + routine time)

#2 tells the routine to pause while we're casting or channelling.
I am having a few issues. I dont know if this is just on the last boss in Highmaul but will list some of the problems under:

- Havoc. It will to often cast hvaoc and then either a Immolate/incinerate and follow up with a chaosbolt. This is a waste.
- TTD I dont know if this is because I have cancelcasting activated on this boss. But it ALWAYS cast SB on Warmages too early and it always runs out before it dies. So I cant get my embers back. It also always casts multiple SB's under 20% on the adds.
- Dark soul + Trinket. It seems to not cast DS + Trinket on 2 embers, and if it casts DS it never uses the trinket so the cds never matches up. I usually have to sidestep and press both DS + Trinket when I want to use it.
- The range check seems a bit off. Eventho I have everything in range it sometimes stops casting until I get closer.
- When the CR is dumping Embers @ 3 it seems to cast 2xCB instead of 1. It also seems to react to the weapon enchant eventough Its not in the auralist.

Happens de same with me! Hope Millz fix this soon!
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