Hi. Stopped working hotkeys (Routine Controls ). What is the problem?
When playing in Affliction, the CR puts DoTs in CC (sheep, sap, etc.). How I avoid this?
correct me if im wrong but having an issue with the routine playing affliction.
1. Its casting 2 unstable affliction on the same mob one after the other
2. The routine is casting haunt then directly drain soul before the haunt debuff applies to the enemy(im new to wl dont know if this is a loss of dps)
Hey Millz,
Autodrop Banner in in BGFarmer works nice, pls implement to Demonic.
Im sory if im not the first asking for that, but is there a chance, to implement an Option to "auto use Oralius' Whispering Crystal (Free Buff Item from Inn/Taverne) if not on cd" in your cr?
Would someone be so kind as to share their PvP settings for Affliction? Thank you very much.
Edit; How do I turn of the burst enabled/disabled sound?
Hi. Stopped working hotkeys (Routine Controls ). What is the problem?
Hi. Stopped working hotkeys (Routine Controls ). What is the problem?
[09:32:14.659 D] AoE Toggle pressed.
[09:32:14.659 N] [Demonic] AoE Disabled
[09:32:15.739 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 97] [Embers: 0.8] [Casting: Incinerate] [On: Тренировочный манекен покорителя подземелий @ 96.7% - 10.1m - 21.5yds] [Id:88314] [TTD:999]
[09:32:15.959 D] AoE Toggle pressed.
[09:32:15.959 N] [Demonic] AoE Enabled
[09:32:21.059 D] Pause pressed.
[09:32:21.069 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused!
[09:32:37.193 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Combat ended after 43.3680505 seconds
I do not have TeamViewerAdvanced tab
Disable TeamViewer
MILLZ routine lock pvp nedd
- Stop Casting on incoming interrupt
please very very important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Already in the routine. Doesn't really work properly any more though due to the speed of combat log now. It used to have a 400ms 'lag' or delay on it, but there's none now.
But it works? ami because I never cut all fakea.
I always kick
millz when we can get some affi lock love?![]()
When the free version will be aviable? I would love to test it before to buy the premium version!
Yeah, I would love that aswell!Hi millz are u gona push fix for immolate refresh before mythic open ?