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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Out of curiosity how is the Affliction-side of the routine? If its half as good as the Destro Im gonna be pleased! ^^

Its probably half as good. dsl1 and I are trying to help Millz here and there with feedback but it just takes some time to get implemented, tested and then adjusted.

Haunt is still an issue that we are working on. Affliction should become a lot better over the next two weeks id say.
Oh went destro for Protectors and ended topping with 305k ^^ Not bad for destro and 554ilvl IMO, we got worse locks in my maingroup.
Okay, so just to be clear, I'll add the following units to blacklist:

// SoO - Spoils of Pandaria
71427, // Ancient Brewmaster Spirit
71428, // Wise Mistweaver Spirit
71430, // Nameless Windwalker Spirit

// SoO - Fallen Protectors
71476, // Embodied Misery
71481, // Embodied Sorrow
71477, // Embodied Gloom
71474, // Embodied Despair
71482, // Embodied Desperation
71712, // Despair Spawn
71993, // Desperation Spawn
71478, // Embodied Anguish

IF you pick the id from the link in my post it's all correct.
Normal/Heroic Thok

Everything is fine

Jailors also do not return embers (this is defo true on heroic havn't done normal for a while so can't say)

Also the CC can't track thok's screech while aoeing bats and is prone to interrupts could tracking be based off focus? it's a minor issue as i usually pop unending resolve or have a pala using Devo

Crawler mines on seige heroic should be exempt from immolate they die so fast u end up immoing and it's dead where incinerate would plow out more dps especially back drafter netting higher dps gains during Crawler mine phases
IF you pick the id from the link in my post it's all correct.

I did - I'll blame you if it all goes wrong :P

- [Destruction] Blacklisted some SoO units from Shadowburn which return no embers.
Hey, is it normal that you have to restart honorbuddy between respeccing? I was at dummies and changed to affli but all it did when I opened with haunt was Rain of Fire. It worked great after I restarted HB though whilst in Affliction.
Hey, is it normal that you have to restart honorbuddy between respeccing? I was at dummies and changed to affli but all it did when I opened with haunt was Rain of Fire. It worked great after I restarted HB though whilst in Affliction.
Yes, you have to completely relog the bot when you change specs. Talents and glyphs you don't have to, but when changing specs you have to completely relog HB. He took out the code for spec switching because it wasn't working right, and it was also slowing down the routine.
Sorry if this has been posted before. So with the latest tyrael updates. Should I use hardlock or softlock for this routine?
What rating have people gotten in 3's with this profile thinking of buying, I know it matters on team mates etc but just wondering
Hey, is it normal that you have to restart honorbuddy between respeccing? I was at dummies and changed to affli but all it did when I opened with haunt was Rain of Fire. It worked great after I restarted HB though whilst in Affliction.

Yeah you do. It kept causing weird issues when reloading the behaviours after changing spec, so to aid reducing the amount of support requests I get (currently >100 PM's a day) from things not casting correctly, I removed the rebuilding behaviour code very early on. It's just 'cleaner' to reload the bot. Talents and Glyphs are fine to change without reloading though.

how's the work going with affliction :P ?

Like smashing my face off a wall repeatedly.

What rating have people gotten in 3's with this profile thinking of buying, I know it matters on team mates etc but just wondering

Me and another warlock friend hit slightly over 1800 in 2v2 both using Demonic without really trying. Better off getting some other peoples rating feedback though who PvP competitively :)
- [Destruction] Will no longer clip the Chaos Bolt dot left behind by Grimoire of Sacrifice.
- [Destruction] In PvP, Havoc will no longer cast on non-player targets.
- [Destruction] Will no longer shadowburn pets.
- [Affliction] Change to fix Haunt to check for OUR Haunt, not any in party.
- [Affliction] Change to fix Haunt to allow clipping, rather than waiting for it to expire.
- [Affliction] Soulburn: Soul Swap will now cast a 3rd time during the opener, as our procs are about to expire.
- Summoning an Infernal will no longer count totems, pets, or dead units as part of the 5 unit criteria.
- Changes to help determine when player pets are friendly/enemy.
- Manual Cast Pause will only be checked when in combat.
- [Destruction] Will no longer clip the Chaos Bolt dot left behind by Grimoire of Sacrifice.
- [Destruction] In PvP, Havoc will no longer cast on non-player targets.
- [Destruction] Will no longer shadowburn pets.
- [Affliction] Change to fix Haunt to check for OUR Haunt, not any in party.
- [Affliction] Change to fix Haunt to allow clipping, rather than waiting for it to expire.
- [Affliction] Soulburn: Soul Swap will now cast a 3rd time during the opener, as our procs are about to expire.
- Summoning an Infernal will no longer count totems, pets, or dead units as part of the 5 unit criteria.
- Changes to help determine when player pets are friendly/enemy.
- Manual Cast Pause will only be checked when in combat.

Happy to report that Affliction is finally on a good way. There are some things we still need to test and fine tune but its def. in a better spot than before.
I love this profile. I am running into 2 issues with it lately. In demo he is using metamorphosis after only 100 fury, and in destro he is not changing to aoe mode in SOO. I can attach logs if you need, I will try clearing everything and upgrading honorbuddy as well. Fury values are set at 950 high and cancel at 100.
I am running destro lock and he just isnt killing the single target boss fights (low dps). My aoe fights seem to compete with the dps boards but i am in the ilvl530 bracket now and i seem low dps. Any way to up it? I tried using tyrael and lazyraider seems a bit better on the dummies. I am framelocking around 35. any suggestions?